Wouldn’t you want to know ?


by  Preston James


1. If there was substantial incontestable evidence that Sandy Hook was FEMA/DHS Capstone Drill with no dead kids, no dead teachers, no dead Lanzas and no real Lanzas at all and was a big fraud on the American People, wouldn’t you want to know?

Everyone must check in4

2. If there was substantial incontestable evidence that the Boston Bombing was a DHS Drill that used a harmless black powder “Puffer-Bomb”, fake stage blood and crises actors, one of which has a previous amputation that was all healed up and there were no injuries or deaths, wouldn’t you want to know?

3. If the 9-11-01 attack on America was a Gladio-style False-Flag Inside Job attack done by a large Organized Crime Cabal and assets inside the USG and the US Military and involved the use of stolen nukes, wouldn’t you want to know?

4. If all terrorism was synthetically engineered by a large International Organized Crime Syndicate, wouldn’t you want to know?

5. If our Monetary Production and Distribution System was hijacked by a foreign banking power in 1913 that uses Counterfeit Fiat Money as a means to defraud our wealth and the fruits of our labor, wouldn’t you want to know?


6. If five of our US Supreme Court Justices were completely compromised and were manipulated into recurrent dishonest decisions, wouldn’t you want to know?

7. If our US Supreme Court was a fake Congressional creation, was Unconstitutional and was not the highest Court in the land which is the District of Columbia US Circuit Court of Appeals, wouldn’t you want to know?

8. If over 90% of all Members of Congress were either bought for very large amounts of money or human compromised such that they have been operating like “monkeys on a string for a large Organized Crime Syndicate,” wouldn’t you want to know?

9. If your Major Mass Media was owned and completely controlled by six agents of foreign based espionage for a large International Organized Crime Syndicate and specialized in Mind-Kontrol and the dispensing of Big Government Lies, propaganda and false-narratives, wouldn’t you want to know?

10. If the six men who own and control this Organized crime Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) operate as agents of espionage against America have a secret agenda to Mind-kontrol and socialize the American people to believe Big Government lies, Propaganda and false-narratives that justify their further acquisitions of increased power and asset stripping of the American People as well as providing a false justification for illegal wars, wouldn’t you want to know?

11. If the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) was actually a very large illegal News Cartel functioning on behalf of these six agents of foreign espionage inside America that needed to be broken up by proper enforcement of anti-trust laws, wouldn’t you want to know?

12. If all Terrorism was really synthetic, was actually an Organized Crime problem, and was staged as a means to Mind-kontrol the Public to accept illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, perpetual, unwinnable wars in order to make huge indecent profits for the Banksters and the large International Defense Contractors, wouldn’t you want to know.

13. If the Rule of Law has been destroyed due to endemic corruption of the US Department of Justice and the Judiciary, wouldn’t you want to know?

14. If this large International Organized Crime Syndicate was the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the soulless pirates of old, the notorious infiltrators, hijackers and consolidators of anything and everything including International Banking, the Major Mass Media, whole Governments and their Institutions, wouldn’t you want to know?

15. If the main game of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) was to infiltrate, hijack and then consolidate all industries and institutions into large criminal Cartels they could then easily control in secret and turn them against the interests of the American People, wouldn’t you want to know?

Our Job at VT.

Our Job of VT is to present and dispense unadulterated Truth Nuggets to the American people which will resonate and take on a life of their own, and which will displace the CMMM Big Government lies, propaganda and false-narratives that the American People have been conditioned to believe.

More and more folks want to know why everything they have worked for their whole life is evaporating before their very eyes more and more as each day passes. As the basic American institutions continue to weaken and collapse due to the endemic corruption at every level caused the Khazarian Mafia’s infiltration, hijacking, consolidation, pirating and parasitism against us, more and more folks become motivated to understand what is happening and why. Here at VT we are doing our best to give you the real facts about what is happening in the background which causes this and why.

Fifty Years of Mind-kontrol by Organized Crime’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) creates an inertia which is difficult to overcome.

Often when Truth Nuggets are shared with the masses who are deeply Mind-kontrolled by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) they experience an instant recoiling from the Truth because it goes against everything they have been previously conditioned to believe was true. And then it can get ugly very quickly when the messenger is rejected along with his/her Truth Nuggets, despite the fact they are true and backed  by incontrovertible, incontestable rock solid evidence. Later on some are haunted by these offending truth Nuggets which eventually motivate them to do further study which ends up exposing them to more Truth Nuggets which reinforce the first ones they heard and recoiled from.

The reason that the CMMM has been so successful is that it is a very slick, covert espionage operation set up and financed by this large International Crime Cabal the Khazarian Mafia.

Many folks view these CMMM talking heads/USG spokespersons as parent figures which creates an almost instant trust in what they present as facts but which is always Big Government Lies, USG propaganda and false-narrative supporting USG “wish lists.”

Some even view the USG as their God, especially if they are on the Federal payroll and are members of the “Federal Family.”

The KC has fractured the American Family which has then compensated for that by using the CMMM as substitute Parent Figures psychologically.

It is this same large International Organized Crime Cabal that has been responsible for debasing the American money and forced American women to have to work full time just to make ends meet. This has forced many women who have children into the equivalent of two full time jobs in many cases often because many men just don’t understand how to help with the early “mothering” or have expectations that their wives should do most of the basic childcare. This in a sense as served to break up the traditional family as the main source of socialization of Children and shifted it to the Schools, TV, the USG, and the CMMM.

Yes, in many cases families are thus fractured. this has often been compensated by Television as a baby-sitter and socializer, Movies and learned Hollywood Culture and “morality” which is anything but that, School taught Globalism, the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) and Big Government. In a sense the CMMM and the Big USG it represents have become the new parent figures for the masses, and in some case their personal god or “big tit” provider.

This fracture of the family and substitution for it with the CMMM, the Big USG, TV and Hollywood Culture and situational Morality itself creates a great inertia to remain believing in false beliefs in CMMM dispensed Big Government Lies, propaganda and False-narratives. This inertia results in great difficulty for individuals to ever break the spell of the Mind-kontrol which has been quite successfully deployed against them by the CMMM which works to support the interests of the Khazarian Mafia and not the interests of “We The People.”

Here at VT we specialize in dispensing Open Source Intel to the American People and much of it just plain is not available anywhere else, nor would others dare to even publish it or broadcast it due to fear of serious sanctions by the USG, the Alphabets, Intel or the completely compromised US Department of Justice.

Despite all the sock-puppet and stooge attempts to discredit VT and detract from our stories, the number of VT readers continues to rise each month as do the number of listeners to VT News Reports broadcast, hosted by VT Columnist and well known Federal Whistle-blower Stew Webb.

The last several years the number of Truth Nuggets that VT has dispensed to the American People is actually quite substantial and many of these have taken on a life of their own by broadly diffusing to the masses all around the World via the Internet, the World’s New Gutenberg Press.

Truth Nuggets are a strange thing. They are really like little nuggets of Gold. They resonate with the informed and then take on an independent life of their own as they are diffused throughout the society wreaking havoc on the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

It takes time, but this process of Truth Diffusion is now unstoppable, thanks to the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press. Truth Nuggets are as good as gold because as they take hold and gain acceptance they dissolve Big Government Lies, Propaganda and false-narratives everywhere they go.

Eventually these truth Nuggets will bring the Khazarian Mafia (KM) to its knees because they are becoming fully exposed for all their secret evil and well organized criminal efforts to completely asset strip America, destroy it as a Constitutional Republic, disarm Americans and then haul them off to FEMA Camps where they can be progressively mass-murdered.

And without a doubt, exposing the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and their “beyond imagination” evil that they do in secret is the first step in bringing the KM principals to justice.

What exactly is the Khazarian Mafia (KM)?

What exactly is the Khazarian Mafia (KM)? It is the predominant, the largest most powerful Organized Crime Syndicate (Cabal or Kabbal) in the World, has a long history of infiltrating pirating and parasitizing many nations. It is now actively parasitizing the United States of America and uses it along with the City of London and Israel as its centers of operations.

It is difficult to get accurate information about the history of the Khazarian Mafia because it has essentially been excised from the libraries and history books.

VT Columnist and Financial Editor Mike Harris, who also has his own show, “The Short end of the Stick”, has really put a lot of the puzzle pieces together on this whole topic of the Khazarian Mafia and its hidden history and much of the content of this article was provided by him.

It turns out that this KM is a very secret occult group linked to ancient Babylonian “Black Magick” more commonly known as ancient Babylonian Talmudism or Kabbalism. The KM has endured over the centuries because of its secret by incredibly parasitic anti-human, anti-society activities which most normal folks could never engage in, even imagine or understand either.

The inability of most others to believe anyone can be so inhuman and so evil actually provides good cover for their secretly deployed evil that is so massive and so perverted that it cannot even be human.

The KM Kingpins’ ability to engage in infant sacrifice which they believe give them direct Luciferian or Satanic superhuman powers is notable and a true asset in their acquisition of immense power and wealth from the unsuspecting masses who can not even imagine such behaviors which just will not fit into their heads even when reported in the Alternative Media on the Internet.

Those who are members of the KM’s ability to covertly murder, rob, lie and cheat accompanied by a smile and a handshake as a normal way of doing business is very difficult for average humans to understand or even fathom.

The covert ability of these Khazarian Mobsters to engage in massive financial fraud which is based on an age old occult religion of anti-human, anti-society delusions of racial superiority (also known as Malignant Tribalism) is so unimaginable by the public at large that the KM gets away with incredible crimes un-accosted every day that passes, and has been able to do so for many years.

What is the history of the Khazarian Mafia (KM)?

In about the 600’s the Khazarians (aka Khazars) who were run by this KM behaved so badly to travelers and neighboring countrymen, that the whole World around them ganged up on them and gave their Khazarian King an ultimatum. The ultimatum was this, “your people must develop character and morals or else we will destroy you.”

An ultimatum is delivered by the surrounding nations who have finally had enough of the gross sociopathic, inghuman behavior of the Khazarians.

The Khazarian King is told, “Adopt a religion as your national religion. We don’t care what it is, you can choose Christianity, Islam or Judaism, but you must make a choice.” The Khazarian king chose claimed to choose Torah Judaism based on the Old Testament of the Bible and ordered his people to practice it openly while he and his inner circle continued to secretly practice Babylonian Talmudism (aka Kaballism), also known as Luciferianism or Satanism.

The root evil behind the Khazarians is ancient Babylonian Talmudic Kabballism which is secret Luciferianism or Satanic Black Mass worship, commonly understood as: “the intended ends justifies the means, so do whatever is necessary to attain your goals. If that includes, deceit, lies, secret murder, mass-murder, then so be it.”

Numerous interlinked secret societies like the notorious Russell trust aka the Skull and Bones Fraternity of Yale University (aka the windowless “Tomb”) are based on Babylonian Talmudic Luciferianism (Khazarian Kabballism or luciferianism or Satanism) and are best described as “Death Cults.” The purpose of these Death Cults is to “minister Death” to the masses to thin the herd and purify the human race while sacrificing the unacceptable to Lucifer as a human sacrifice from which “great power of evil” or the “teaming power of Lucifer” is gained by the chosen initiates of these Death Cults.

Kaballism teaches that in order to rule the world for Lucifer and receive all his wealth, status and power, you must assemble a small Ruling Cabal of Secret Luciferians (Satanists), worship Lucifer secretly by engaging in child sacrifice to him, and be willing to fulfill his agenda to rape, pillage, murder and mass murder humans everywhere possible in order to fulfill the Kabballistic, Satanic Agenda and creating a worldwide Luciferian Kingdom with eventually only about 10% of the humans left alive.

It is believed by some insiders that Lucifer and his envoys some call DJinns, Demons or non-corporeal entities and that these are given life by the negative energy released by intense human suffering and painful human death, the more the better. No negative energy and such DJinns, Demons or non-corporeal entities wither up and lose power and leave. And then Lucifer loses his helpers who do his supernatural dirty work providing the “seven deadly sins” to dirty up mankind and make it possible for his KM to infiltrate, hijack, piratize and parasitize the whole World.

If the masses are not dirtied up by Hollywood Culture, pornography, TV violence, poverty, induced disease, starvation, unemployment, USG drug trafficking into the Cities and major illegal, Unconstitutional, undeclared, unprovoked, unwinnable, perpetual wars and synthetic terror, these Cosmic parasites lose their power and their boss Lucifer or Satan loses power too.

They’re back!

In about 1200, it again became obvious that the Khazarians were back to their old tricks, defrauding, robbing and murdering travelers and neighbors. The surrounding nations at this time decided to destroy the nation of Khazaria which they did.

The Khazar inner circle of hard core Babylonian Talmudic Luciferians scattered and regrouped in other locations such as Italy, France, Germany, England and Russia, especially Russia. Russia had played a key part in breaking up Khazaria. Because of this the Khazars and their inner core leaders the Khazarian Mafia (an Organized Crime Cabal) held an intense hatred of the Russian oligarchy and the Russian People and vowed Satanic revenge.

The strange thing about the KM and the Khazars is that for some unknown reason, perhaps cultural or even genetic or both, they hold and maintain inter-generational grudges and long term institutional desires for revenge against those groups or nations they believed harmed them in the past.

The Khazarian Mob was able to use their notably inhuman tricks and secrecy to infiltrate and hijack the City of London private Central Banking System and also the German and French Banking Systems. They essentially took over England for the most part after completely infiltrating its various institutions and taking control over its Royalty, later to replacing it with phonies.

The Khazarian Mafia’s Georgia Guidestones containing Lucifer’s New Ten Commandments for the NWO. This large granite stone monument to the NWO also mandates a 90% population reduction under the NWO.  This genocide was to begin in 2014 and was recorded on an archway engraving in stone, but some vandal eradicated it suggesting their plan has been thwarted or delayed.

When the Colonies won the revolutionary War the Khazars were furious and blamed Russia which helped the Colonialists win. The KM has never forgotten this and to this very day holds a hateful grudge against America the Republic and wants desperately to completely asset strip it and then destroy it and mass-murder 90% of its citizens.

During this time the Khazarian Mob merged with the Teutonic Zionists, assumed the cause of World Zionism. World Zionism (WZ) was also referred to as the New Crusaders who were obsessed with occupying Jerusalem and setting up a NWO Luciferian Kingdom there.

At this time the Khazarian Mob now who had adopted World Zionism also began to deeply infiltrate and hijack Freemasonry and inculcate its very top leadership with their secret Luciferian Agenda of World Zionism and World Zionist occupation and domination of the whole World.

The following depictions illustrate how the crafty KM created various cover groups like the World Zionists and fronts groups to be used as Cutouts and action agents which would be under their hierarchical control but would appear independent.


Later on in the 1920’s the KM took on this new identity of World Zionists (WZs), pretending to be of ancient Hebrew Blood which they are not according to the latest peer reviewed genetic study. After WW1, the WZs decided to send Prescott Scherf (name changed to “Prescott Bush”) to American on their behalf to assist in the creation of Naziism and to protect their Federal Reserve System. The Bush Crime Syndicate continued to rise to power under the guidance of the WZs and served as Cutouts for them.

After the Bush Crime Syndicate (now called the Bush Crime Cabal BCC) rose to prominence by Assassinating JFK in broad daylight in Dealey plaza on November 22, 1963, the BCC was ordered by the WZ’s to merge with the large worldwide Crime Syndicate the WZs (secretly the Khazarian Mafia) had set up using Judaism as cover.

This worlwide Judaic crime syndicate became referred to as the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) and thus became merged at the hip with the BCC. It is now believed by some insiders that the BCC is secretly trying to make sure the KM and the IZCS are fully exposed so they (the BCC) can pretend to be the good guys and take power from the WZs and the IZCS and quickly rise to become the dominant Organized Crime Syndicate in America and then the World. A house divided cannot stand as the phrase goes. this transition is allegedly scheduled to take place as soon as the aging Bush1 dies of old age.

As the WZs (actually the KM) and its IZCS are getting fully exposed on every front including their fraudulent Federal Reserve System Counterfeiting, the KM/WZ principals (Khazarian Mafia Chieftains) are getting very confused. They have been in control and become so incredibly arrogant for so long they just don’t understand how this could ever happen to them. The world now is that their so-called god Lucifer is done with them and is making new deals to take over the World.

They have believed they were the chosen ones of Lucifer (Satan) and could never be displaced. trusting and entity that requires them to do the most evil imaginary is of course just as evil than they are, and probably even more evil, and that is a lot of evil! Trusting such an Evil Entity such as Lucifer (Satan) to treat them fairly when he no longer needs them is a stupid fantasy and makes them like deer in the headlights.

If true that the newer BCC recruits have decided to make sure the KMs/WZs are fully exposed and brought down all over the World, this means it is only a matter of time and their hegemony in the City of London, Israel, American and every other western nation will be soon ending.

But there is a danger that the BCC will also be dragged out into the open and exposed for their secret crimes too and will also be destroyed by uncontrollable spontaneously emerging intense mass Populism by “We The People.” Could the BCC new team be planning to raise up some new superhero (Jeb perhaps) to appear to be ready to clean house of the dirty rotten Obama and his Democrats (tongue in cheek) and get America back on track?

World Zionism (WZ), Bolshevism and Neo-Bolshevism is the creation and handiwork of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), and is best considered their operational ideology which is based on secret Luciferian Babylonian Talmudic Kabbalism also known as Babylonian Black-Magick and Babylonian Money-Magick.

If you want to understand what this very strange anti-human purely sociopathic group the Khazarian Mob really stands for consider what Bolshevism and Neo-Bolshevism has done since the early 1900’s. Bolshevism and Neo-Bolshevism are the outward presenting ideologies of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and were formulated as an operational ideology designed to extract complete revenge on the Russian Royalty and the Russian people.

This same inhuman “asset stripping and piratizing is good” and “mass-murder is good” philosophy has now morphed into the Neo-Bolshevism of the IZCS who were the main Perps in the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 and who are now doing their best to finish asset stripping America, Globalizing it citizens to weaken their American Spirit, and then to destroy America the Constitutional Republic, followed by mass-murdering 90% of Americans.

The most salient aspect of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is it inter-generational obsessions for revenge. That is why they set up the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 and have worked so hard to infiltrate, hijack and completely asset strip America and all its USG institutions and then destroy them and mass murder all the American people, just like they have been doing in Palestine since 1947.

The following movie clip is from the infamous movie the Checkist which is the only one that realistically portrayed what the Kazarian Mafia’s World Zionism produced using their custom created Bolshevism which they used to extract hundreds of years of revenge on the Russians who had blocked their parasitical invasion of America, Russia and many surrounding nations.

Once Russia was theirs in 1917 they thought they could spread the KM parasite to every other nation of the World. Of course the KM/WZs are a very crafty bunch of parasites and knew they could use the Soviet’s Bolshevist aggression as an excuse to fund and build up counter-forces  for many years, thus providing a means to actualize the People to support big defense budgets and continue grabbing more power.

The KM loves to torture and execute and like to make victims take off their clothes first to degrade them. When you see any group that murders this way, you know it is being done on direct KM orders for this is their age old trademark.


What exactly is this Khazarian Mafia (KM)?

Some that are well informed have now come to believe Khazarian Mafia (KM) Kingpins are the soulless, genetically psychopathic bloodline of Cain aka the Kenites who probably cannot be proved in a court of law to be even human if all the evidence of their behavior and DNA was closely and scientifically examined.

Certainly we know the best peer reviewed genetic research from John Hopkins shows they are NOT Semites at all because they have no ancient Hebrew Blood like the Palestinians do.

It is the stark in-humanness of the KM, their crafty ability to hijack the Monetary production and Distribution Systems of the World, their abject use of secrecy, secret societies, Luciferian/Satanic cults and the conducting of their evil ways shadows which makes them able to continue to inflict their incredible evil on the World without recognition by the masses.

How then can we destroy the Khazarian Mafia (KM) before it steals everything we ever worked for our whole lives and mass-murders us and our families?

The first step in destroying the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and bringing its Kingpins, Cutouts and assets to justice is to expose their Secret Inhuman Evil.

Without the cover of abject secrecy they cannot survive much longer and they know it. That is why they infiltrated, hijacked and then consolidated the Major Mass Media into their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

Without the cloak of secrecy the KM can not last and will be destroyed with its principles brought to public justice for their capital crimes such as international illegal drug and weapons trafficking, murder for organ-trafficking, sex-slavery, sex-trafficking, staged engineered Terror and Wars, mass-murder, murder of whistle-blowers, money fraud, corruption of Congress, the Judiciary, the Administration, our Banking, and our Major Mass Media, and espionage against America with the intent to completely asset strip it and then destroy it and also tyrannize and then mass murder 90% of all Americans.

Obviously any such group which has a secret Cabal (Kabbal) running it that does such things and mind-kontrols and seduces its members to help with such evil, just plain cannot be human.

VT has been dispensing a substantial number of important truth Nuggets not available anywhere else and has been pulling the curtain back further than anyone else to expose the Wizard of Oz.

DO NOT EXPOSE OUR EVILVT has presented substantial and valid open source Intel best described as Truth Nuggets on each one of the subjects listed above: Sandy Hoax; the Boston Puffer Bombing, the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01; and the hijacking of the Major Mass Media and its consolidation and transformation into the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) which is owned and controlled by the large International Organized Crime Syndicate best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) or alternatively the Neo-Bolshevik Babylonian Talmudic World Zionists (WZs).

In fact all the crimes against the American People listed above were done in secret by the Khazarian Mafia (KM or WZs take your choice) and its Cutouts and Assets. We must all work together to completely expose this large International World Zionist Organized Crime Cabal, the Khazarian Mafia and its secret evil and its current but waning sidekick the Bush Crime Cabal.

This is a difficult but not impossible job because the KM disguises itself as a harmless lamb, a helper of the American People through its War On Poverty, War on Drugs and War on Terror, and so-called foreign wars to protect American Freedom. Each of these is designed to appear beneficial to the American People but is actually a ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing designed to further asset strip America and move it closer to destruction.

And we must get the truth out about how the Khazarian Mafia (aka the World Zionists WZs) is empowered in its crimes against America and humanity by the fraudulent money power provided to it by its illegal, Unconstitutional Federal reserve System which infiltrated and hijacked our Monetary Production and distribution System in 1913.

In a forthcoming article very soon, those interested can learn what some of the World’s top Intel experts recommend for proven methods to eradicate and forever destroy the Khazarian Mafia and bring its Kingpins, Cutouts, Assets and Dupes to justice in order to protect the whole World from this insidious malignant parasite which infects and destroys all aspects of every society it infects and uses mass-murder by the millions to empower itself.

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Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.