Band of Brothers (HWH) #17


Four combat veterans with PTSD face their deepest fears (the fears of their hearts) in Healing The Wounded Heart (Band of Brothers) Workshop # 17 ~ and through the power of  love and gratefulness discover not only their true authentic self but awaken their closed hearts in the process: Allen L Roland, PhD


“What happens when people open their hearts ~ They get better.”  ~ Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood



In my role as a volunteer heart centered workshop consultant, advisor and mentor, I have recently assisted in the heart felt inner healing of four more combat veterans with PTSD at our local Vets Center . All of them found the courage to go within and beneath their pain and anguish ~ and they found, in the process ~ their original innocence, joy and delight as well as a need to be in service from that very same place of love and gratitude ~ and all within seven weeks.

Make no mistake about it, the keys to the magic kingdom of the soul as well as soul retrieval is gratefulness ~ and gratefulness and eventually forgiveness ends with our self.

Initially, each one of these participants with the assistance of their adjustment counselor complete a Life chart ~ a chart which clearly shows their whole life, relationships and war experience as a Quest or journey to where they are now.

From our very first session, they begin the process of thanking the people who have been there in their lives and as they do ~ like flowers, their buried or numbed out hearts begin to open allowing them to see through different eyes.

They all have access to these self-healing steps in my updated Kindle Book RADICAL THERAPY, SURRENDER TO LOVE AND HEAL YOURSELF IN SEVEN  SESSIONS (not seven years). Here is the Kindle link

And here’s a link to the YouTube sessions of the self-healing process I teach ~ Watch, in the first 20 minutes, how Marina conquers her deepest fear and demonstrates that beneath her pain and fear is boundless joy, See video 

In the third tenet of my PhD dissertation, The Unified Field, I describe the process by which psychic pain can over-ride joy and how most people are afraid of or mistrust their deepest joy ~ It would appear that the pain of not feeling loved for oneself and being seemingly separated from our original state of soul consciousness and the Unified Field is of such deep psychic proportions that, early in childhood, processes are triggered in the hypothalamus which result in a left brain imbalance and dominance as well as the denial, mistrust and forgetting of our connection to the Unified Field and the love and joy and a state of soul consciousness deepest within us. It is from this dark tunnel of pain, aloneness, despair and apparent death that the ego and ego consciousness is born – for survival and protection purposes only. As such, death or the idea of death, is an illusion measured by the limits of our consciousness. It is within that cocoon that the innocent and loving child awaits its turn to be seen and released from its own bondage.

Think of the ego as a protective cocoon that is eventually meant to be shed. The Unified Field can be visualized as a grid of great luminosity joining all living beings within its energy field of love. The words of Longfellow would seem appropriate in describing this all-encompassing field or grid: The thread of all sustaining beauty that runs through all and doth all unite.

We see this same thread celebrated  in nature

So after sharing their life charts with the group, with my assistance, and taking accountability for their life and the decisions they alone have made to perhaps run away from love and joy and hide in a cocoon of ego consciousness ~ they are ready to meet their real coach (the trapped child within) through a guided visualization. They then begin the process of listening and responding to their own inner guidance ~ and their dreams become an important guide in this internal spiritual reunion with their original state of love, joy and soul consciousness.

Here’s a breakdown on where each member of Band of Brothers #17 started and what they eventually gained from these seven sessions ~ in their own words

1.Where they were when they started,

  1. What they wanted to accomplish during this transformation workshop and
  2. What they learned about themselves during this process.


Rich ~ 1. I feel inadequate and unworthy

2. I want to be happy and enjoy peace of mind

3. I am now happy and positive about life.

Mike ~  1. I’m supposed to be here

2. I want to be an open book and empower people with my presence.

3. I’m a strong light of authenticity

P.A.      1. I’m lost and need to find myself

2. I want to find my true self and purpose in life.

3. I am the obstacle to my own joy and peace of mind.


Den     1. I want another choice in my life

2. I want to enjoy an inner sense of peace, belonging and love.

3. I feel clarity and peace in my mind and heart.

P.N.      1. I’m confused and disoriented

2. I want a sense of inner direction and purpose

3. I’ve learned to enjoy the moment and get out of my head

All of them have taken major steps not only in finding and healing themselves but in embracing their deepest joy, authenticity and love ~ which they shared with each other in the final session death exercise.

It is really so obvious that many of these active duty Veterans want another choice versus drugs and going through the motions in their rehabilitation. The Healing the Wounded Heart program with its emphasis on healing soul damage through gratefulness and heart centered action is a beacon of light in the seemingly impenetrable darkness of PTSD as well as an obvious antidote for our rising Veteran suicide rate.


As a former Navy all-weather fighter pilot trained to kill with my heat seeking and radar controlled missiles ~ I am now helping to train veterans with PTSD to heal themselves from the mental ravages of war by opening their hearts through gratefulness and eventually forgiveness.

Perhaps now with over 100 graduates of the Band of Brothers HWH program ~ the VA will realize that the time has come to recognize that a heart centered approach to Veterans rehabilitation has an important role to play in returning our veterans to useful, intentioned and fulfilling lives

“One single gift acknowledged in gratefulness has the power to dissolve the ties of our alienation.” ~ David Steindl-Rast



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Allen L Roland, PhD is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist. He is also a heart-centered spiritual consultant, author, and lecturer who also shares a weekly political and social commentary on his website at He also guest hosts Truthtalk, a national radio show that airs monthly. He is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements as well as private consultations via email at Roland is a twin who was born in Boston, Massachusetts, survived a dysfunctional family, pursued and lived his dreams, including becoming a Navy supersonic carrier pilot, finding himself by fully opening his heart, writing three books, siring four children ~ and still living his ultimate dream by making a difference from a place of love, celebration, and service. His Ph.D. dissertation THE UNIFIED FIELD was chosen by Common Boundary and Noetic Science Institute, in their 1998 national dissertation contest, as one of the top three finalists for combining spirituality and psychology. His ongoing heart-centered work as a consultant with veterans with PTSD is the most satisfying work of his life. Allen's online newsletter, columns, and radio broadcasts are committed to the truth ~ as he sees it ~ for only the truth is revolutionary.