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Tag: Holocaust Denial

The Curious Case of David Irving (Part I)

Arguably the most notorious and controversial historian of our time is David Irving, who has been called “anti-Semite,” a “neo-Nazi,” a “racist,” and a “Holocaust denier.” Former news anchor and political commentator Keith Olberman nominated Irving as one of the “world’s worst” people in 2010.

Lenin, Stalin, and Mao’s Willing Executioners

"What had taken the German nation over two millennia to build, had taken its enemies a mere six years to destroy"

David Cole/Stein, Michael Shermer, Holocaust Denial, and Mystery Religions

Christopher Hitchens: “The Holocaust has become a secular religion, with state support in the form of a national museum.”

Puppet "Conspiracy Theory Detector," Michael Shermer

TV Professor Michael Shermer "Disgraces the Academy" with His Ridiculous Self-Promotion as a "Conspiracy Theory Detector."

Puppet “Conspiracy Theory Detector,” Michael Shermer

TV Professor Michael Shermer "Disgraces the Academy" with His Ridiculous Self-Promotion as a "Conspiracy Theory Detector."

Denying Holocaust Forgeries, Hoaxes, and Fabrications

"The Holocaust has become a secular religion, with state support in the form of a national museum."

The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry

When Norman Finkelstein wrote The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering in 2000, he argues that Holocaust “hoaxers” and “hucksters”—namely Jewish organizations—have exploited what happened in Nazi Germany in order to get millions of dollars from Swiss banks.

Why deny? A Christian Jew explains "Holocaust denial"

Can a sane, unprejudiced person "deny the Holocaust"?

Why deny? A Christian Jew explains “Holocaust denial”

Can a sane, unprejudiced person "deny the Holocaust"?

"Holocaust expert" David Cole Stein: Quintessentially Jewish – with a shred...

They ain't makin' Jews like Jesus any more. So I guess we'll have to settle for David Cole, a.k.a. Republican Party Animal "David Stein."

“Holocaust expert” David Cole Stein: Quintessentially Jewish – with a shred...

They ain't makin' Jews like Jesus any more. So I guess we'll have to settle for David Cole, a.k.a. Republican Party Animal "David Stein."

Holocaust History Denial: A Clear and Present Danger

A modest proposal for ending the scourge of HDD, Holocaust History Denial.

Mind-controllers chant “anti-Semite!”

"Are you really a…a holocaust denier?" he asked, his voice trembling...

Why Would Jews Vandalize Holocaust Memorial?

The news that Israel's memorial to Holocaust victims had been grafittied in early June with bitterly anti-Semitic and anti-Israel statements was shocking. More shocking still was the news that the three men arrested for the crime are Jewish. How could Jews desecrate the memories of millions of fellow Jews who perished at the hands of the Nazis?

Psychologists: Nation Handling 9/11 Abuse Trauma Surprisingly Well

Collective Abuse Committee members celebrate unanimous findings that Americans are handling 9/11 well.

Pakistan The Evil Doer and the Times Square Fizzler

Does the appearance in Times Square of a Muslim Evil Doer credibly reinforce the need for the U.S. to lead a Global War on Terrorism? Or was the Fizzler a “patsy”—a pawn—deployed to freshen up a stale storyline and revive a flagging geopolitical narrative?