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We Don’t Need No More Religion: We Need A Greater Awakening

"I said, you are gods: you are all children of the Most High God."-Psalm 82:6

Thanking 60 MINUTES and Begging for More

"When Hillary Clinton visited Jerusalem and said the wall was not against the Palestinian people, she killed us too! Christians who do not care kill us too!"

A Day in The Life at Strawberry Fields and IMAGINING a...

The good news is that the restrictions that have denied Mordechai Vanunu his inalienable human rights expire before June 1st, but the bad news concerns continuing failures of Corporate Media to report on Israel's Nuclear Whistle Blower.

THE JEFFERSON BIBLE: A Rational Christianity and Earth Day 2012

From 1904 until 1950, facsimile copies of “THE JEFFERSON BIBLE: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Extracted Textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French and English” were distributed to every newly elected member of the Senate on the very day they swore their oath of office.

Money Changers, The Resurrection and Israel’s Dimona: WMD Facility

“What I did was sacrifice my life for the truth. In prison I really began to feel like Jesus and Paul. When Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple, it was like me in Dimona exposing the Israelis dirty secrets. I felt like Paul being thrown in prison for speaking the truth..."-Mordechai Vanunu

Christ Was Never a Christian but He Was Tortured by Occupying...

Palm Sunday is referred to as "Passion Sunday" and it marks the beginning of Holy Week, which concludes on Easter Sunday...2,000 years ago the cross had no religious meaning and was not a piece of jewelry.

Cyber Drones and Vanunu Video

This article was published first at my site, which was founded in July 2005; three weeks after my first of seven trips to Israel Palestine.

The Stages of the Soul and How Religiosity-Fundamentalism is Holding up...

"I said, you are gods: you are all children of the Most High God."-Psalm 82:6...The first mention of Israel in the Bible is in Genesis 32, when Jacob wrestled, struggled and then clung to the Divine being and was then renamed Israel.

Love and Compassion VS Ego and Fear

When the recent cyber attack against Gilad Atzmon began, I could only sigh and a sigh is a silent prayer. Then I said aloud, “Jesus have mercy on us all” as I recalled what Ken O’Keefe said regarding WHY we activists have not been able to end the military occupation of Palestine; because of the failure to “Check the ego at the door.”

Faith Crashes Into Science Exploding Both

War of the Worldviews is a debate book which puts spiritualism against science and explodes on both