Book Review: Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough


Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Western media has been on an islamophobic rampage.

Will Abe Foxman read this book – and call on his Zionist media-mogul friends to stop defaming Islam?
That rampage reached genocidal proportions in the wake of 9/11 – which was in Lynn Margulis’s immortal phrase “the most perverse publicity stunt ever.” The 9/11 PR stunt was designed to smear Islam and launch a 100-years-war against Muslims on behalf of Zionism, which intends to steal the entire Middle East from the Nile to the Euphrates and establish a New World Order global dictatorship with its headquarters in Occupied Jerusalem.
The Zionist-dominated Western media spins, cherry-picks, and distorts its reporting on Islam. Everything it presents is designed to defame.
Quick, somebody call the Anti-Defamation League!
Okay, I just called them – why did Abe Foxman hang up on me? I thought he was supposed to be AGAINST defamation?!
Speaking of defamation…The main source for US mainstream media stories on the Islamic world is a Mossad spin-off called MEMRI. This organization employs a small army of media experts, who scan the media of Islamic countries for any stories that could be used to make Islam and Muslims look bad. Over 90% of the stories in the US media from the Islamic world’s media are transmitted via MEMRI.
No wonder the entire US media’s reporting on Islam and Muslims is “all Islamophobia, all of the time.”  (Yes, I know they give favorable coverage to Zionist-approved “house Muslims” – but that’s just another way of attacking Islam in general and the Islamic Awakening in particular.)
The Zionist media’s smear campaign against Islam uses a non-stop barrage of impressionistic anecdotes (often invented out of whole cloth) to create unfavorable images of Islam in the emotionally-driven subconscious minds of its audience. Ask a non-Muslim American what he or she thinks about Islam, and they’ll respond with words and phrases like: “Terrorism…radical Islam…extremism…female genital mutilation…oppression of women…suicide bombing…fanaticism…Bin Laden…fundamentalism…honor killings…burqa…”  Even positively-connoted Islamic words like jihad (striving to be a better person and, when necessary, defend the community) and shariah (the “broad, straight path to God”) have been ripped out of context, twisted beyond recognition, and turned into negative words by the Zionist mind-control machine.
If we want to compare Muslim populations to non-Muslim populations, obviously this kind of anecdotal approach will not be helpful. For example, if we want to find out who is more violent, Muslims or non-Muslims, we cannot simply list some random cases of Muslims behaving violently, and other cases of non-Muslims behaving violently.  We need to count the number of war killings, murders, assaults, rapes, and other episodes of violence, and compare them to the size of the populations in which they occur.
The same is true of other negative social indicators: Suicide, alcoholism and drug addiction, divorce and family breakdown, crime, domestic violence, STDs, and so on. Any fair comparison of Muslim and non-Muslim populations must rely on statistics, not cherry-picked anecdotes.
Dr. Javed Jamil has undertaken a comprehensive study comparing Muslim and non-Muslim populations on a wide range of social indicators. His new book Muslims Most Civilized – But Not Enough summarizes his findings. The bottom line: Muslim populations compare favorably to non-Muslim populations on most social indicators…especially if we take into consideration the relative levels of economic development of the societies under consideration.
Will the facts assembled by Dr. Jamil stop the Zionist media’s defamation of Islam?
I doubt it. But I’ll try calling Abe Foxman one more time to see if he can help publicize Dr. Jamil’s book.
Abe? Hello? Is that you? Hello?
Jeez. He hung up on me again.
Anyway…below is Syed Adil’s review of Dr. Jamil’s Muslims Most Civilized…But Not Enough.

Book Review: Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough


by Dr. Javed Jamil

Reviewed by Syed Adil, published August 16, 2013 in Indian Muslim
It is now becoming increasingly clear that the so-called New World Order is an ugly product of the ugly designs of the forces of economics located in the West. These forces have no other aim except attaining global economic supremacy and political hegemony. To achieve these aims they will do anything – from killing people to destroying family and social values to redefining morality to suit their own ends. One man who has been on the forefront in unveiling these designs is Dr Javed Jamil, whose relentless campaign against the New World Order, Westernism and Economic Fundamentalism has continued for well over a decade now. His latest work Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough should be rated as the most remarkable work of recent times, especially in terms of challenging Westernism and its allies.
In this book, Dr Jamil has produced massive statistics showing that in terms of the criteria of civilized existence, Western countries are far behind Muslim countries. He has used the following as the criteria of civilization:
Security: incidence of murders (all types, not any particular category), sexual assaults, killings in other parts of the world (wars), abortions (all categories)
Social peace: alcohol, gambling, prostitution, promiscuity, pornography
Personal: suicides, religiosity
Family: divorces and separations, promiscuity, children born out of wedlock, issues related to single parenthood; abuse of women and children; domestic violence
Human Development: life expectancy (both at birth and at conception), education, economic conditions
Taking one criterion in each chapter as the yardstick, he has produced international statistics to prove how bad the West is in terms of Security, Social Peace, Personal Happiness, Family Peace and Human Development. Muslims in comparison are far better-off on the basis of almost all criteria related to security, social peace and family peace and are catching up fast in the human development criteria including life expectancy, education and economic development.
Dr Jamil enumerates the aims of the study as follows:
“1. To contest the claim of the Western propaganda of its being civilized and Muslims being uncivilised;
2. To highlight the issues that are largely buried under the carpet by the motivated interests despite their playing havoc with the peace and security of human beings as individuals, families and society;
3. To bring Muslims out of inferiority complex in which they are being perpetually pushed by both friends and foes;
4. To make them realise that they need not blindly follow the Western models; and that qualities like education, good health and comfortable life are not the monopoly of any ideology;
5. To make them realise that despite their many qualities and admirable achievements at various levels, there are still many shortcomings, some of them very big, which they have to understand and address, and that they have to find their solutions within the parameters of Islam;
6. To make them realise that though they must try to achieve power in all rightful ways, they must never use that power to threaten, subjugate and control mankind or monopolise human resources; and last but not least
7. To convince them that their duties, assigned by their religion, are not limited to the improvement of their own lot; they must work for the benefit of the whole of mankind; and it is their foremost duty to fight against the evils, injustices, exploitations and disparities at every possible level, and to develop programmes and policies that lead to prosperity without evil effects.”
Some of the interesting findings of Dr Javed Jamil’s work include:
1. The rate of murderous assaults in the USA is more than 10 times that of major Muslim countries. The top fifty countries in terms of murder rates are mostly Western countries. It can also be seen from the list that the rate of murders in Muslim countries is lower than that of the other important civilizational systems like Russia, China, India and African countries.
2. Out of top 50 nations in terms of the incidence of rape, the US, South Africa, France, Germany and Australia rank among the top 10. Out of about three hundred thousand incidences of rapes committed in top 50 countries, which is more than 95% of all the rapes committed all over the world, more than 210 thousand are committed in the “most advanced”, “peace loving” and “women-loving” nations of the world.
3. Out of the total number of around 160 million killed, more than 135 million have been killed in or by countries that are now the five big powers of the world, namely China, the US, the UK, France and Russia. The killings by or in Muslim countries form a very small percentage of the total killings, despite the fact that Muslims form about one fifth of the world population. Community-wise, 90% of violence has involved Christians, Buddhists and Atheists. While China and Russia hold the distinction for murdering their own people in maximum numbers for political ends, the credit of killing most people abroad goes to the US, especially during last 60 years. Contrary to the lie propagated by Western media, Muslims have been subjected to violence by others rather than the vice versa. Russia killed millions of Muslims in Afghanistan, America killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq and Israel killed thousands in its conflict with Arabs. In all of these resistance movements or liberation struggles, Muslims were killed in very large numbers, while they killed much less.
4. A total of 5529 Westerners including 2883 on 9/11 have been killed in all the attacks allegedly performed by al-Qaeda. Whereas at least 919,967 people have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq since the U.S. and coalition attacks, based on the lowest credible estimates.
5. In US about 40.6 percent of children were born to an unmarried mother in 2008, an increase from 39.7 percent the previous year. While teenage mothers accounted for 52 percent of extramarital births in 1975, they made up only 22 percent in 2008. More than 6 in 7 births to teenagers were non-marital. In Europe, the average has risen from one out of four in 1997 to one out of three children born outside wedlock. Nowadays, national figures in Europe range from 5% in Greece and 9% in Cyprus to 58% in Estonia and 64% in Iceland. In Britain the rate increased to 44% (2006) and further to 46 % (2009). In Muslim countries, there are few if any unwed mothers.
6. 50-70 million babies are aborted annually, mostly due to the vagrant sexual behaviours of their parents — and yet the baby-killing countries claim to be civilised. The total abortion rate in most of the Muslim countries is less than 20 percent, and an overwhelming percentage of abortions in Muslims are within families with the consent of both parents. Not a single Muslim country features in the list of countries with highest rates of teenage pregnancies, which proves the success of the family system in Muslim societies. The success of the family system can be regarded as the biggest indicator of civilization because its failure leads to such a large number of health and social problems.
7. According to surveys, in the US about one in three children live in one-parent families and nearly 40 per cent live away from at least one biological parent. Out of 23 countries listed in terms of single parent families, all but South Korea are proud members of the Western World. The level of family civilisation in their societies is extremely low compared to most of the Muslim world.
8. An estimated 325,000 US children of age 17 or younger are prostitutes, performers in pornographic videos or have crumbled to commercial sexual exploitation (University of Pennsylvania). Muslim societies are much more civilised in their treatment of children: They do not abort them as often as Westerners; and most of the times when they do it, it is for medical reasons; hardly if ever are their children the products of lust rather than legitimate love; they do not leave them to live in single parent families; if at all they do it on account of the divorce or the death of a parent, while the extended families provide them love and security; they do not sexually abuse children to the extent and degree of the West; they breastfeed them more often for the medically advisable period of two years, which is also what is prescribed in the Qur’an; there are only rare occasions of children in Muslim countries being pushed in sex trade.
9. This latter study put the average life expectancy of male homosexuals nearly 30 years less than the general male population. Another study showed that, on average, ever-married men outlived the ever-homosexually-partnered by 23 years in Denmark (74 yr. v. 51 yr.), and 25 years in Norway (77 yr. v. 52 yr.). Obviously, homosexuality is a threat to the whole of mankind, and it is the biggest threat to the lives of homosexuals themselves. Pure permanent homosexuality is extremely rare among Muslims. There is no possibility of Same Sex Marriages. Owing to severe legal punishments, gay movements cannot prosper in Muslim societies;
10. While modern ideologies accept and promote prostitution and pornography despite their being the greatest threats to human survival, particularly women and children and family peace and social order, Islam has no place for them. Despite prostitution existing in several Muslim countries, it is nowhere, in terms of the number of brothels, revenues involved, number of prostitutes and number of customers, near the level that exists in most of the non-Muslim countries including Western countries.
11. According to another study, more than 95% of Americans are promiscuous. The teenage birth rate list shows that all the 18 countries listed belong to the so-called “Civilized World.” Not a single Muslim country appears on the list. It is clear that Islam as a system does not accept promiscuity, while the so-called Free World not only accepts it and legally protects it but also commercializes it despite huge health and social hazards associated with it. The promiscuity rate in Muslim countries is negligible compared to Western countries; the rate of polygamy in Muslim countries can be described only as extremely low compared to the rate of promiscuity in the Western Countries.
12. About 140 million people throughout the world suffer from alcohol-related disorders. 100,000 die in the US alone. In most of the Islamic countries, the problems related to alcohol are exceedingly low. Out of the 30 countries that have maximum consumption of alcohol, only Turkey appears at the end of the table..
13. Gambling-related problems are much lower in Muslim countries. All of the top ten gambling nations are Western countries.
14. The overall life expectancy of Muslims is high. It can be seen that the True Life Expectancy of the top 25 Muslim countries is more than those of all the big powers. Even from the commonly followed definition of life expectancy at birth it is on the higher side, but with the changed definition (at conception), they beat almost all the “highly-developed” nations of the world including the big powers and countries like Japan, Australia, Canada and Singapore. This is despite the fact that the health infrastructure in Muslim countries is not as excellent as in Western countries. High life expectancy at birth as well as at conception along with a higher growth rate indicates that the system in Islamic countries, with Islamic prohibitions and permissions, which are naturally health-protective, is much more health friendly than in Western countries.  In as many as 19 Muslim countries, the life expectancy at birth is more than 70 and it is more than 75 in 5 countries.
15. The literacy rates in Muslim countries is generally very good with Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan having about 99 pc literacy rate and ranked ahead of the US and UK. Uzbekistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Kuwait, Palestinian Authority, Qatar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates have all a literacy rate of more than 90. Lebanon, Bahrain, Turkey, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran and Oman have the percentage of more than 80. The per population number of secondary school students in Indonesia is better than the United States and almost as good as India. The same is true with Iran, which has a better percentage than almost every country in the list. A 2010 report by the Canadian research firm Science-Metrix has put Iran in the top rank globally in terms of growth in scientific productivity with a 14.4 growth index followed by South Korea with a 9.8 growth index.[126] Iran’s growth rate in science and technology is 11 times more than the average growth of the world’s output in 2009 and in terms of total output per year.
16. In top five ranking countries in terms of per capita income, there are two Muslim countries, both Arab countries, Qatar and UAE, whose per capita income is more than the big economies like the US, Australia, UK, France and Germany. There are eight Muslim countries in the top 50 list. These include Saudi Arabia and Libya. The list shows Qatar at the top of the table with a growth rate of more than 16 and ahead of highly growing economies like China and India. Turkmenistan is at 7th place, Uzbekistan at 14th, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Turkey and Yemen 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th. Other Muslim countries are also showing good rates. Western countries are not doing well. By 2025, Indonesia will be among six major emerging economies to account for more than half of all global growth, says a new World Bank report
17. All 17 countries in terms of highest suicide rates are Western countries. Suicide is almost negligible among Muslims, which speaks highly of their mental calm as well as family peace and social equanimity. Most of the factors leading to suicides like extramarital sex, family disintegration, alcohol, gambling and sex related diseases are minimal if not totally absent in typical Islamic societies. Added to this, an unshakeable faith in God and Hereafter armour them with incredible patience, which helps them in facing even the most depressing situations. Mental peace has direct relation with the level of religiosity and the kind of religion.
The study has shown that Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are among the top contenders for being the most civilised nation of the world. Qatar has in fact emerged as the most civilised country, with the third highest per capita income and the highest growth rate in the world, very high life expectancy and literacy rates, very low crime rate, with no involvement in any war, very low level of social vices and a strong family system. [Editor’s note: The nation of Qatar may be doing well, but its royal family’s promotion of the war on Syria removes it from the “no involvement in any war” category.] The performance of Turkey, Iran, Indonesia and Malaysia is also admirable. The Muslim countries that need attention are Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Sudan.
What is still more remarkable is that the author has taken care not to show disrespect to any religion, community or country and instead focuses on the system that governs the world today. While he has criticised Western forces, he has been candid enough to pay tributes to Western scientists who have provided numerous means of comfort to mankind. His complaint is that the great services of the scientists to humanity have been undone by the economic fundamentalists to use these researches for economic and political hegemony.
Furthermore, he has been realistic enough to also focus on the shortcomings of Muslims, individually as well as collectively, and pays considerable attention to trying to find out solutions to the problems that afflict the Muslim world. He rightly argues that if Muslims have to emerge as a formidable force, they will have to think beyond sectarian and parochial issues. While he has contributed a full chapter on the age-old question of the Shia-Sunni divide, he has argued that the real answer to the problem lies in Muslims realising the true and larger aim of Islam, which is to bring peace to the whole of mankind. He has exhorted them to unite against the forces of chaos and has shown considerable sensitivity in discussing the need of all religions coming together in this struggle.
All said and done, this work has the potential of unveiling an intellectual and social revolution, led by an Islamic philosophy of the Natural World Order. The author deserves not one but repeated rounds of applause for accomplishing a task that will be remembered for a long time to come. The book is a must-read not only for Islamic intellectuals but also thinkers and commentators belonging to other religions and ideologies, as it introduces several new concepts, indices, phrases and terms. It is this holistic, ideologically aggressive, unapologetic approach that makes it an unparalleled work the like of which is hard to find in recent history.

The author of the book can be contacted at: doctorforu123(at)yahoo(dot)com


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Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.