The Great Earthquake

The Royal Navy
The Royal Navy

 The Great Earthquake

… by  Michael Shrimpton


Earthquake adventure
Earthquake adventure

No, this is nothing to do with Scalar High Energy Weapons!  I am referring of course to the political earthquake which has happened in Britain this week. 

We started the week with a three-party political system.  As predicted on this website, with the emergence of UKIP as a credible political force, we now have a four-party system. 

All three of the old political leaders are now in trouble.  David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband are facing calls to resign.

The leadership crisis is worse for Cameron, since his party (also my own of course) faces certain defeat at the next General Election unless it cuts a deal with UKIP, and UKIP say they don’t trust him.  Nobody is blaming UKIP for that.

Happy Memorial Day by the way, if that is the right expression.  The holiday is not all about happiness of course, but remembering the fallen.  In the UK our special day for doing that is Remembrance Sunday.  It was moved to a Sunday under pressure from German assets in Whitehall, who were still sore about losing World War 1, never mind World War II.  We should hold it each November 11, and have a holiday, like you guys.

I have stayed up past my bedtime to bring you the latest news and analysis from the 2014 European Parliament election.  Thanks to administrative incompetence in Tower Hamlets the count in London has been badly delayed, so final results will be in next week’s column.

Nigel Farage, UKIP
Nigel Farage, UKIP

UKIP have swept the board, winning one-third of the vote to date and trouncing the Labour and Conservative parties.  Amazingly they have won a seat in Scotland, where they came sixth!

That nice man Nigel Farage topped the poll (MEPs are elected under a strange list system, where you vote for party lists, not candidates) in my region, the South East.

Some 40,000 odd votes were drawn away from UKIP in this region alone thanks to the Electoral Commission’s shameful and undemocratic decision to allow a fringe party to imitate them and grab first place on the ballot paper.

The Electoral Commission’s democratic credentials have been destroyed.  Tragically, this could have led to the election of a Liberal Democrat MEP, depriving UKIP of a fifth seat in the South East.

What needs to happen now?  I endorse Dan Hannan MEP’s call this evening, at the South East regional count in Southampton, for the Tories to form a pact with UKIP.  The alternative is a Labour government, or a Lib-Lab coalition, totally committed to keeping Britain in the EU, and willing to blow over $1.5 trillion in the course of a Parliament on EU membership, not to mention foregoing around $750 billion in corporation tax, thanks to EU rules permitting capital flight.

How the Lib Dems could have campaigned, as they did in the South East, on the basis of there being “massive” economic benefits of membership for the EU is beyond me.  Lies on that scale risk undermining democracy, and simply confirm the Lib Dem’s reputation as the sleaziest political party in Britain.

Since Cameron and party chairman Grant Shapps have ruled out a deal they will have to go.  Clearly UKIP should be offered a large chunk of seats (say 50) and at least five Cabinet posts.  For Cameron to say that the Tories do not do deals when we are in a coalition secretly agreed in advance of the last election is a joke.

William Hague falsely claimed on TV last night (make that this morning!), that the Tory Party has never cut electoral deals.  The reality is that we cut a deal with the Lloyd George Liberals and then the National (nice) Liberals, with whom we fought several elections.

There is no need for a referendum.  A manifesto commitment to EU withdrawal would suffice.  The government could not survive a confidence vote once Cameron goes and the Lib Dems withdraw.  There could be a General Election as early as July and the UK could be out of the EU by August 2015.  Roll on the day!


The Elliot Rodgers Shooting

Who was the man behind the Foster Grants?
Who was the man behind the Foster Grants?

This looks like another set-up.  The issue, as always when a whack-job gets hold of a gun, or several guns, is how did he get the gun(s)?  There is no point blaming the NRA.  They don’t hand out firearms permits, nor do they support giving guns to whackos, or BMW drivers generally.

Of course if any of the unfortunate young people who were shot had been in possession of a licensed firearm they could lawfully have shot back.

Sadly, the world is not a safe place in which to live, thanks largely to the DVD, whose policy it is to organise mass shootings.

If Rodgers was put up to it by someone fronting for the DVD’s COREA Group (thanks to a fine piece of research by JS, maybe we should call this the Correa Group – I’ll explain why in a future article) they may have been disappointed by the death toll.  It sounds like he was not shot by the deputies, who as usual in mass shootings were a bit slow responding (at least they didn’t lend him a sheriff’s uniform a la Oslo), but took his own life.

I am wondering if he found murdering innocent young kids less fun than he had hoped, and took his own life partly in disgust at what he’d done.  Either way, it’s a pity that he couldn’t have just swallowed some tablets, or jumped off a bridge somewhere, preferably a high one.

I am not buying his “I’ve never been kissed” line either.  My guess is that he’d been kissed plenty of times, just not by girls.  I have no problem with that.  It’s his going along with the idea of mass-murder that I take exception to.


The Cheeki Rafiki Tragedy

Cheeki Rafiki yachters lost
Cheeki Rafiki yachters lost

This was a tragedy, in which four good people lost their lives this week, probably because some clown grounded the keel of their yacht and didn’t report it.

At any rate the keel of the Cheeki Rafiki snapped off in heavy weather and she turned turtle faster than the Liberal Democrats’ EU election campaign.  What’s the international significance?

The upturned hull was first spotted by the Greek container ship MV Maersk Kure.  They just sailed right on by.  That was outrageous.

Never mind that they were a 1,000 foot long container ship.  They had boats.  You don’t need specialist equipment to check out the upturned hull of a yacht.  The law of the sea is quite clear.

Do come back, King Constantine II of Greece
Do come back, King Constantine II of Greece

If you see a vessel in distress – and being upside down normally indicates distress – you STOP, and you go to her aid.  Our people may still have been alive, sheltering inside the hull.  The Maersk Kure’s actions tell us all we need to know about Greece’s attitude to Britain.

We are a maritime nation.  One thing we will not tolerate is ships sailing by leaving other ships, and sailors, in distress.  We need regime change in Greece.  The pro-German, neo-fascist government in Athens needs to be booted out, and the rotten Hellenic Republic replaced.

Greece’s legitimate ruler, King Constantine II, should be restored to the throne of the Hellenes Throne. Greece as a country has rotted from the top down since His Majesty was ousted in the German-backed coup in 1967.


Regime Change in Thailand

Speaking of regime change, respectful congratulations to the Thai military on a very successful change of government (coup is such a strong word).  Senator Kerry missed the point, as usual.  Effective democracy is not on offer in Thailand, any more than it is anywhere else in East or South-East Asia.  The elephant in the room is China.  She will not permit any country in what she sees as her sphere of influence to govern itself.

The military’s timely intervention, clearly backed by the King, means that Thailand is now being run in the interests of her people, not China’s.  What the Thai army does with the ousted, pro-China politicians is anybody’s guess.  Obviously, you could make a case for shooting a few, nicely of course, but there would be bound to be complaints.

Similarly, effective democracy is not possible in Moslem nations in the Middle East, thanks to Iran, nor is it possible in the EU, thanks to Germany.

I am not calling for a military coup in Britain (the Army most definitely do not wish to intervene in politics, although of course they have contingency plans), but it is a sad commentary on the state of British politics that the national interest would be served by having the majority of our elected representatives in military custody.  There it is.


Vladimir and the Prince

Anna Varenikinoy’s back was not broken by Russia. The US and EU have ignored all pleas to disarm and monitor Right Sector

I am afraid that HRH the Prince of Wales has been badly advised, with respect.  His reported comments to a Canadian Holocaust survivor comparing that nice man President Putin to our community partner Adolf Hitler were very wide of the mark, to say the least.

President Putin is the elected leader of a modern democracy, far less autocratic than say the Cabinet Secretary in Britain.

His recent actions in Crimea and the Ukraine have been provoked by an illegal German-backed coup in Kiev and aggressive expansionism on the part of the EU and NATO.  President Putin’s response to this grievous insult was measured in tone, gracious and statesmanlike.

I am sure that HRH will tender a private apology when they meet at the D-Day commemoration next week, which I am hoping to attend.  We have not, in our country, forgotten Russia’s great sacrifices in World War II.


Classic Movie of the Week: The Overlanders (1946), dir. Harry Watt

The Overlanders - Australia, 1946
The Overlanders – Australia, 1946

This is a fine old movie, dating from 1946, but filmed during the war, Ealing Studios’ first venture in Australia.

The cast, led by Chips Rafferty and Daphne Campbell, whose only major motion picture this was, is strong, the photography superb and the plot entirely credible, so credible in fact that it pretty much happened.

The movie is based in 1942, when there were real fears that the Japs might invade the Northern Territory.  Darwin of course had been bombed in February by Nagumo’s carriers, Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu and Soryu, all of which were sunk by the US Navy at Midway (hooray!).

Chips’s character Dan McAlpine comes up with the idea of overlanding a herd of cattle 1,500 miles from Wyndham, in the north-west, to Brisbane, the capital of Queensland.  They make it.

Chips Rafferty and Daphne Campbell in the Overlanders, 1946
Chips Rafferty and Daphne Campbell in the Overlanders, 1946

What is fascinating from an intelligence perspective is the background to the story.  Who ordered the destruction of Australia’s powerful northern beef industry and why?

As the movie, which was based on real life, hints, the invasion threat had faded by the time freezing plants were being wrecked and cattle put to the slaughter, although thanks to courageous overlanding, across very rough country indeed, over 100,000 were saved.

For the answers one needs to look to Buenos Aires, under the cui bono principle.  Clearly German assets in Canberra were out to wreck Australia’s beef industry and give the business to Germany’s ally Argentina.

There’s plenty of wry humor in the movie.  My favourite moment is when Dan McAlpine is asked by one of the Aboriginal stockmen (in reality a Torres Strait islander – pretty good blokes on the whole, much nicer than the Greeks anyway) how long they were going to be away.

“Oh, about 18 months, I reckon.”  “Right, I’d better tell the wife, give me 5 minutes.”  That’s how to run a marriage.  “I’m just going out dear, I’ll see you next December.”

Royal Navy
Royal Navy


Hot off the press - Spyhunter
Hot off the press – Spyhunter

Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counterterrorism.

Michael was formerly an Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies in what was then the Department of National Security, Intelligence and Space Studies at the American Military University.

Michael’s ground-breaking, 700 page intelligence text “Spyhunter: The Secret History of German Intelligence” was published in England by June Press on April 14, 2014.

Editing:  Erica P. Wissinger



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Michael Shrimpton was a barrister from his call to the Bar in London in 1983 until being disbarred in 2019 over a fraudulently obtained conviction. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. He is a former Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies at the American Military University. Read Articles from Michael Shrimpton; Read Michael Shrimptons' Full Complete Bio >>>