Burning the 9/11 Trolls



Burning the 9/11 Trolls

… by  Ian  Greenhalgh


People have not seen this in a long time
People have not seen this in a long time

It has been over a decade since 9-11. For many it is long forgotten, for many more it is a living horror.

Today, over a decade later, there is a very real battle over 9/11, a battle over not just conspiracy theories and bruised egos but very real threats – “clear and present danger” threats which loom over America and her European allies.

The threat is nuclear terrorism.

Over the last 72 hours, a blogger suspected by many to be an Israeli intelligence asset named Chris Bollyn, along with Dr. Stephen Jones, a “whistleblower” scientist from America’s prestigious Los Alamos Labs, individuals from very different backgrounds, launched a coordinated attack on anyone who disputes their pet conspiracy theory on 9/11.

They believe that a substance called nanothermite was used to “melt” the World Trade Center. Bollyn even supplied the name of a company he says makes the stuff, supplied shipping documents, all as ‘proof’.

However, when we called his supplier and told them what he said, they broke out laughing. They thought he was insane. There is no such thing as nanothermite, not as Bollyn or Jones describe. They say it was all made up. But we had always known that as well.

What about the presence of tiny iron spheres and thermitic residue in the dust samples? This is the key piece of evidence used by the Thermite supporters; the Sandia guys said the iron was leached out of the steel when it vaporized. They said it would turn into little spheres if a nuke hit it. When we mentioned iron as evidence of a “super thermite,” the Sandia folks laughed their asses off.”

They have NOTHING to back up thermite that we have not refuted with hard science.

Those killed are forgotten now…as are those who killed them

By using the telephone to check a few facts we succeeded in catching Chris Bollyn in a massive lie and fraud. We did explain how he might have been honestly “mistaken” but his actions remove any chance that “honesty” be considered.” In short, Christopher Bollyn chose to lie and invent info to support his lies.

You see, to us, those who push this wild conspiracy theory are hiding another conspiracy, one far more dangerous, far more real, one with real sources, real witnesses, real documentation, one that killed thousands of Americans and, as we are being told, may well kill hundreds of thousands very soon.

Ten years after 9/11, Dick Cheney, former US Vice President under President George W. Bush, said that he believes there will be another major terrorist attack on the homeland before the end of the decade:

“I think there will be another attack. And next time, I think it’s likely to be far deadlier than the last one. You can just imagine what would happen if somebody could smuggle a nuclear device, put it in a shipping container, and drive it down the Beltway outside of Washington, D.C.”

What he isn’t saying and what so many others are trying to cover up is that the other 9/11 – the one with the planes and box cutters, planned by those Arabs in caves, that one is now known and proven to have been a nuclear attack on American soil. Considering that many people place Cheney close to the centre of the conspiracy that committed the 9/11 atrocity, these are chilling words indeed.

Several weeks ago, a group of investigators, intelligence agents and scientists, some from Russia’s FSB, some from the International Atomic Energy Agency, some from America’s FBI and more from the nuclear weapons labs at Los Alamos, leaked a story to the public.

The most frightening detail is the Department of Energy/Sandia 9/11 Report, dated 2003. The teams that worked at ground zero, nuclear investigators, some with the DOE, some with the FBI and some with the IAEA, have sent their personal notes, allowed themselves to be interviewed.

They now tell of the real 9/11 report, nuclear weapons, thermobaric nukes, placed under the WTC buildings in vehicles, some placed in elevator equipment rooms, the real investigation.


Livermore lab
Livermore lab

Backing them up, sources at the highest levels of the Russian government acknowledge having a copy of this highly classified report and have supplied key sections that outline an astounding plot involving Israel and rogue American officials at the highest levels of the Bush administration, a report they may well have gotten from Edward Snowden; a report which many very powerful and very very frightened individuals are trying to suppress.

The report tells of the theft of nuclear weapons from American stockpiles, they named names and gave every detail, their story told of rebuilding those weapons, details of design, hard science, hard facts, proven and supported.The story is now clear – stolen American nuclear weapons, reworked in Israel were used to attack the USA on 9/11.

In a series of articles published by Press TV and New Eastern Outlook in Russia, along with VT, important questions have been answered such as the exacting details of the plot and details of the science.These are some of the biggest intelligence leaks in history, right there in the open for the public to see.

The response in some circles has been tremendous; military, diplomatic and intelligence groups are asking for more and more details and responding to new and more frightening security threats which these leaks have revealed. Other however, particularly the mainstream media, have been boycotting these stories which have been front page in Europe, Russia and the Middle East. Others, let’s call them “bloggers” or “trolls,” have attacked.


The Burning of the Trolls

Mr. Bollyn...in former times
Mr. Bollyn…in former times

The group of supporters for the thermite theory includes Christopher Bollyn, Steven Jones, Niels Harrit and Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth. In light of the refutation of the use of thermite, we can now consider them all to be discredited as disinfo agents

However, we must remember that all disinfo agents have handlers who supply them with their disinfo. In the case of Christopher Bollyn, his handlers gave him such a paper-thin lie about the manufacturers of nanothermite with fantastical properties that we can only conclude that their intention was for this lie to be exposed, thus destroying Bollyn’s credibility.

Sending Bollyn to attack Gordon Duff armed only with this paper-thin pack of lies was a sacrifical act – they knew that Duff possessed the intelligence experience and contacts to be able to crush Bollyn and his lies, to expose and destroy him utterly.

They had these thermite guys blaming Israel but also citing the use of an imaginary non-existent ‘nanothermite’. The Israelis knew that eventually, we would be able to completely expose and refute the thermite fairytale, which, by association, makes the ‘Israel did it’ theory also appear to be nonsense.

This is standard disinfo practice, however it appears they are now abandoning this particular scheme, burning their agents and going silent on the matter. Why would they chose to ‘burn’ their disinfo agents – not only Bollyn, but all the other thermite supporters went up in flames as well?

It is because they have ceased to be an asset and were becoming liabilities, the entire thermite nonsense was becoming a liability. This ‘clearing of the decks’ likely forbodes a new false flag that will be accompanied by a new disinfo campaign that uses new agents and techniques.

Editing:  Jim W. Dean

"Who's next"
“Who’s  next”



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Ian Greenhalgh is a photographer and historian with a particular interest in military history and the real causes of conflicts.

His studies in history and background in the media industry have given him a keen insight into the use of mass media as a creator of conflict in the modern world.

His favored areas of study include state sponsored terrorism, media manufactured reality and the role of intelligence services in manipulation of populations and the perception of events.