Russia Carpet-bombing Turkish Protected Terrorists

TEHRAN (FNA) – Russian strikers and bombers staged heavy airstrikes on militants’ positions in the Western and Northern parts of Aleppo province a few kilometers away from the border with Turkey, army sources said Saturday, adding that the air raids inflicted much damage on the terrorists.

The sources said that the militants’ concentration centers in Atarib 25 kilometers west of Aleppo city and just 20 km away from the Syrian–Turkish borderline, came under heavy airstrikes of the Russian bombers, which inflicted heavy losses on them.

“Also, the Russian fighting bombers stormed the militants’ military camps in Deir Jamal region North of Aleppo province and hit them hard,” the sources added.” … columns of dark smoke could be seen from far distance after the Russian army bombed the militant groups’ site in Deir Jamal,” the sources said.

The Russian Air Force launched its massive anti-terrorism combat sorties over the Syrian territories on September 30, since then too many militant targets have been bombed by them.

 On Friday, the Russian fighter jets carried out several combat sorties over the militant groups’ concentration centers in the Western outskirts of Aleppo city, targeting them heavily.

The militant groups suffered a heavy death toll after the Russian warplanes pounded their strongholds in al-Rashedin and al-Mansoura, the sources said.

“Nearly 11 militants were killed in the Russian warplane’s rocket attack in al-Rashedin,” the sources said.

“Harakat Nouriddeen al-Zinki terrorist group’s military equipment was destroyed in the air attack in al-Mansoura,” the sources went on to say.

‘Moderate’ Rebels in Aleppo Join ISIS
TEHRAN (FNA)- Dozens of so-called moderate rebels have ‘repented’ and joined ISIL in the Northern Syrian province of Aleppo.

This is a blow to the American, British and European propaganda that has engaged in a campaign of advertising and promoting a non-existent moderate rebel force.

There have been open examples of moderate forces collaborating with both ISIL and the Al-Nusra Front, although Western commentators try to allude that the only radical Islamist force fighting in Syria is ISIL.

Militants’ Positions in Hama Still Burning after Syrian Warplanes Bombardments
TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian warplanes razed down militant groups’ camps in heavy airstrikes in Hama on Saturday.

The Syrian air force traced movements of the militant groups and found some of their military camps in Morek and Atshan in the Northern part of Hama, and bombed them.



“The Syrian air attacks were very heavy so that the alive militants left behind their injured comrades and even their weapons and fled the camps in a bid not be targeted in the next attacks,” a military source near the bombed camps said.

“The camps have been set ablaze in the airstrikes and every thing is burning there,” he further added.

In addition to eye-catching air attacks by the Russian and Syrian air forces, the Syrian government forces have also been very successful in their ground operations against the militants in the recent weeks.

On Friday, the Northwestern territories of Hama province were the scene of heavy clashes between the militant groups and the Syrian government forces, leaving at least seven terrorists dead and many more wounded.

The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) continued hunting the militants in al-Ghab plains near the border with Idlib and Lattakia province.

The militant groups have been surrounded in parts of al-Ghab plains by the massive waves of the Syrian government forces attacking them from three provinces of Hama, Lattakia and Idlib.

Militants Surrendering in Syria’s Hama, Others Flee to Europe with Forged Passports
TEHRAN (FNA)- Some 20 members of terrorist groups turned themselves in to the Syrian authorities in Hama province on Saturday.

20 wanted Takfiri terrorists in Hama province gave up fight and turned themselves in to the authorities to enjoy the general amnesty issued by President Bashar Al-Assad that has been in place for the last several days.

The same story happened in Damascus province on Friday, when some 200 wanted militants from Zabadani region and Madaya in Damascus province laid down arms and turned themselves in.

“The Syrian government has vowed to pardon all those who lay down arms voluntarily and it has remained loyal to its pledge so far, and this has encouraged us to give up fight, specially considering that the government troops, National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah who also enjoy the air backup of the Syrian and Russian air forces has gained momentum in its battlefield victories,” one of those who surrendered in Damascus on December 5 said.

Until last year, most surrendering cases happened in Homs and Damascus provinces, but now a growing number of militants lay down arms across the country.

Late in November, sources said some 159 wanted militants turned themselves in to the authorities as the army continues to purge almost the entire coastal province of Lattakia of terrorist groups.

The sources said that the recent victories of the Syrian army and National Defense Forces (NDF), with the back up of the Russia fighter jets, have caused too many Takfiri terrorists to lay down their guns and apply for government pardoning in Lattakia province.

On Nov 11, some 69 wanted militants turned themselves in to the Syrian authorities in the Northern Province of Aleppo as the army defeated the ISIL terrorists who had laid siege on Kuweires Airbase for 2.5 years and still continues to gain more territories in the province.

Some 119 wanted terrorists from Homs province surrendered to the government as the terrorist groups are retreating from several areas across the country.

60 others from the provinces of Damascus, Quneitra and Homs also laid down arms and turned themselves in to the Syrian authorities on Nov 7.

On Oct 28, 49 wanted persons from Damascus, Damascus Countryside, Quneitra, and Hama also surrendered.

On Nov 1, at least 184 terrorists have laid down arms and surrendered to the Syrian authorities in Damascus, Aleppo and Deir Ezzur provinces, local sources said.

Following the Syrian-Russian joint operations, thousands of Takfiri terrorists have also fled Syria to Jordan, Turkey and Europe.

Syrian Army Captures Hundreds of Militants Fleeing from Aleppo Battlefronts
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and the country’s National Defense Forces’ (NDF) operating in the Southern part of Aleppo province have captured hundreds of militants who intended to use darkness of the night to flee form the battlefield, sources said Saturday.

Scores of hopeless militants, mainly from al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham were arrested by the Syrian government forces after their command centers came under massive attack of the Syrian army and its allies.

Earlier reports said that the Syrian Army and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters have staged a fresh phase of joint operations in the Southern territories of Aleppo, and have already inflicted heavy casualties on the militants in the battlefield.

The army said that the pro-government forces conducted large-scale operations in Khan Touman and al-Zerbeh regions.

“The Syrian government forces confronted Jeish al-Fatah in al-Zerbeh region and are advancing against them,” the sources said.

“The militants have no good situation in Khan Touman and the army and its allies have gained upper hand there,” the sources added.

The militant groups have suffered heavy causalities as a result of the Syrian forces and the Russian air forces’ continued offensive against the terrorists’ defense lines across the Northern province of Aleppo.

At Least 70 Terrorists Killed in Anti-ISIL Operations in Samara
TEHRAN (FNA)- At least 70 ISIL terrorists were killed during the cleansing operations in the Western parts of Samara, a spokesman of Saraya al-Salam group affiliated to the Sadr movement said on Saturday.

“During the attacks against the ISIL positions in Western Samara nearly 100 terrorists, including the infamous terrorist, Ali Abdullah al-Asafi, one of the ISIL ringleaders and 6 of his senior assistants were killed,” Safa al-Tamimi told FNA on Saturday.

He said that the operations also set fire to the terrorists’ buildings and destroyed their positions.

“Initial reports said that over 70 ISIL terrorists have been killed in the attack,” Tamimi added.

Militants Suffer Heavy Casualties in Syria’s Aleppo in Army-Hezbollah Operations
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army announced on Saturday that its forces and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters have staged a fresh phase of joint operations in the Southern territories of Aleppo, and have already inflicted heavy casualties on the militants in the battlefield.

The army said that the pro-government forces conducted large-scale operations in Khan Touman and al-Zerbeh regions.

“The Syrian government forces confronted Jeish al-Fatah in al-Zerbeh region and are advancing against them,” the sources said.



“The militants have no good situation in Khan Touman and the army and its allies have gained upper hand there,” the sources added.

The militant groups have suffered heavy causalities as a result of the Syrian forces and the Russian air forces’ continued offensive against the terrorists’ defense lines across the Northern province of Aleppo.

On Friday, several terrorists from Jeish al-Fatah group, including a senior field commander, were killed in clashes with the Syrian Army and popular forces in the Southern part of Aleppo province.

Walid Karim al-Orfi, a senior commander in the Jeish al-Fatah ranks, was killed in fierce clashes with the Syrian soldiers and the National Defense Forces (NDF), the sources said.

“Al-Orfi was originally from the Central Homs province,” they further added.

“The terrorist group’s military hardware was also destroyed in the Syrian government forces’ attack,” the sources went on to say.

Lattakia- Kassab Highway under Full Control of Syrian Army
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and its allies are now in a good supplying position in the coastal province of Lattakia after they brought the strategic Lattakia-Kassab highway under their control, military sources said Saturday.

The sources said that after 3 years of closure the Syrian government forces reopened Lattakia-Kassab highway.



“The recapture of Turkmen mountain (Jabal al-Turkmen) by the Syrian forces played a significant role in reopening the highway,” the military source further added.

Earlier reports said that the militant groups withdrew from one of the tops of al-Koz mountain and Height 713 in the Northern side of al-Khdra village after the Russian fighter jets bombed their positions and the government forces broke through their defense lines.

The militant groups left behind scores of dead and wounded members and fled the battlefields.

Militants Withdraw from More Strategic Lands in Syria’s Lattakia
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian government forces have significantly advanced against the militant groups in the mountainous regions North of Lattakia province near the border with Turkey, and have taken back two key heights, the army declared on Saturday.

The army said that Jabal al-Kol (al-Kol Mountain) and the French tower, which is only one kilometer far from Zahia mountain have been captured in the Syrian army and popular forces’ operation.



“Scores of the militants were killed or wounded in the army attacks,” the sources added.

Earlier reports said that the militant groups withdrew from one of the tops of al-Koz mountain and Height 713 in the Northern side of al-Khdra village after the Russian fighter jets bombed their positions and the government forces broke through their defense lines.

The militant groups left behind scores of dead and wounded members and fled the battlefields.

Syrian Army Seizes Strategic Height, Mountain in Lattakia Near Border with Turkey
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army announced on Saturday that the government forces, backed up by the Russian fighter jets, pushed back the militant groups from new strategic heights and mountain in Idlib province near the border with Turkey.

The militant groups withdrew from one of the tops of al-Koz mountain and Height 713 in the Northern side of al-Khdra village after the Russian fighter jets bombed their positions and the government forces broke through their defense lines.

The militant groups left behind scores of dead and wounded members and fled the battlefields.



The Syrian Army announced on Friday that its troops alongside popular forces have not left any safe place for the militants of al-Nusra Front in the mountainous regions in the Northern parts of Lattakia province bordering Turkey after weeks of clashes and mop-up operations.

The army said that the Syrian government forces won all battles against the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front North of Lattakia near the border with Turkey.

“Al-Nusra as one of the strongest terrorist group in Syria has withdrawn from its strongholds near the border with Turkey,” the army source added.

The Syrian government forces’ anti-terrorism operations in Lattakia have always been backed up by the Russian warplanes since September 30.

Senior Militant Commander Killed in Clashes with Syrian Army in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Forces’ anti-terrorism operations in Northern Aleppo province have claimed the lives of many terrorists, including a notorious commander of al-Shamiya Front, the group confirmed on Saturday.

Ahmad Khairallah, called the commander of al-Shamiya central command, was killed in the clashes with the pro-government forces in the Northern battlefronts of Aleppo province, the al-Shamiay Front said.



In the meantime, other sources said that the militant groups’ position in al-Bab East of Aleppo province were pounded by Russian fighter jets heavily, leaving scores of the terrorists dead or wounded.

ISIS Falters in East Aleppo as Syrian Army Kills More than 30 Terrorists at Tal Na’am
TEHRAN (FNA)- On Friday morning in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) launched a surprise offensive to recapture the small hilltop village of Tal Na’am that is situated just east of the Syrian Government stronghold of Al-Safira.

However, ISIL found themselves attacking a well-fortified village that was filled with over 400 soldiers from the Syrian Army and National Defense Forces (NDF); this large concentration of military personnel and their heavy weaponry made Tal Na’am’s defenses impregnable for the encroaching enemy combatants.

The ISIL terrorists conducted their wide-scale assault from the southeastern perimeter of Tal Na’am, where they found themselves marching through a mine field that was coalesced with large, mounted machine gun turrets at the village’s entrance.

ISIL’s overeagerness got the best of them, as they were quickly repelled by the Syrian Armed Forces after a brief one hour battle.

Undeterred by their previous loss, ISIL launched another assault on the village of Tal Na’am, which also ended in complete disaster after their own frontlines were fractured by the Syrian Armed Forces.

According to a military source that is embedded with the National Defense Forces, the Syrian Armed Forces killed over 30 militants from ISIL, including a number of foreign fighters from Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Syrian Army Captures Village of Zenoubia in East Hama
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army’s 66th Brigade from the 11th Tank Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Al-Salamiyah and Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions) – imposed full control over the small village of Zenoubia after a fierce battle with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Yesterday, the Syrian Army’s 66th Brigade and the National Defense Forces launched a small scale offensive to clear the Salamiyah-Ithriyah Road that was obstructed by ISIL during their last offensive in October, when they cutoff the Syrian Armed Forces’ primary supply line along the Khanasser-Ithriyah Highway.



As a result of their surprise offensive yesterday, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to seize the village of Umm Tawaynah, which is situated just west of Zenoubia in the Al-Salamiyah District.

The region is important to the Syrian government because of its proximity to the Khanasser-Ithriyah Highway and the Homs Govenorate’s eastern countryside.

The Syrian Armed Forces will now push south towards the Hama Governorate’s border with Homs, where they will attempt to capture the small village of Jubb Al-Mizizi and its neighboring town of Salba – both of these sites are currently under ISIL’ control in southeast Hama.

Gov’t Forces Continue Hunting Militants North of Syria’s Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army announced on Saturday that the militants of al-Nusra Front and the ISIL terrorist groups have suffered heavy losses as a result of the pro-government forces’ operations in the Northern, Eastern and Central parts of Aleppo province.

The Syrian forces targeted al-Nusra Front’s sites and supply routes, destroying a number of their vehicles and gatherings in Hreitan town and a bulldozer in the village of Tal Msaibian in the Northern part of the province.



The terrorist group confirmed the killing of a number of their members, including Abdel-Rahaim al-Mahmoud, Mohammad Ibrahim al-Ali and Abu Akil al-Masri in the recent attack of the Syrian forces.

The neighborhoods of Karm al-Tarab, al-Ramouseh, Suleiman al-Halabi, akyoul, Karem al-Maisar, al-Ma’asaraniyeh and Ba’idin were the scenes of heavy clashes between the army and the militant groups, which ended in destruction of the terrorists’ military grid in large scale.

The ISIL terrorists’ sites in the villages of Rasem al-Kabir , Jarouf and Biajan in the Eastern part of the province also came under massive attacks of the Syrian government forces, inflicting heavy losses on their military hardware.

earlier reports said that the Syrian Army and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters have staged a fresh phase of joint operations in the Southern territories of Aleppo, and have already inflicted heavy casualties on the militants in the battlefield.

The army said that the pro-government forces conducted large-scale operations in Khan Touman and al-Zerbeh regions.

“The Syrian government forces confronted Jeish al-Fatah in al-Zerbeh region and are advancing against them,” the sources said.

“The militants have no good situation in Khan Touman and the army and its allies have gained upper hand there,” the sources added.

The militant groups have suffered heavy causalities as a result of the Syrian forces and the Russian air forces’ continued offensive against the terrorists’ defense lines across Aleppo.

Militants’ Convoy Destroyed in Roadside-Bomb (Friendly fire?) Explosions on Damascus-Aleppo Highway
TEHRAN (FNA)- A convoy of the militants’ vehicles was seriously destroyed as a result of roadside-bomb explosions on the strategic Damascus-Aleppo highway, sources confirmed Friday, adding at least 10 terrorists were killed in the explosions.

Feilaq al-Sham militants’ military vehicles, loaded with weapons and ammunition, were badly exploded on the Damascus-Aleppo highway as a result of the explosion of several bombs planted along the highway, sources said.



“Large casualties were also reported in the explosions,” the sources further added.

Syrian army, popular forces, Hezbollah fighter, Syrian and Russian fighter jets and even militant-planted roadside mines are targeting and killing the militant groups around the country, including Damascus province.

Earlier today, the Syrian fighter jets pounded terrorists’ concentration centers in a key town in Damascus province as the Syrian army engaged in battles with Takfiris in the province.

The Syrian airstrikes hit terrorists’ positions in Darayya town in Damascus countryside.

The Syrian army also engaged in clashes with terrorists in Harasta city in the Eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside.

There were no immediate reports of possible casualties among the terrorists.

ISIS Sustains Heavy Losses in Syrian Air Attacks in Deir Ezzur
TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian fighter jets targeted heavily several ISIL military camps across the Eastern province of Deir Ezzur on Saturday.

The sources said that the ISIL positions in al-Souseh and Hjein villages to the East of Deir Ezzur city were massively bombed by the Syrian warplanes, destroying their machinegun-equipped vehicles.

“The Syrian air force also hit more sites of the ISIL in the villages of al-Tayaneh and al-Mrei’iyeh, inflicting a heavy death toll on them,” the sources said.

Deir Ezzur province, as one of the most important strongholds of the ISIL, has border with Iraq and has been one of the main infiltration borders for the international terrorist to join the ISIL and fight against the government forces.

The Syrian and Russian warplanes have conducted to target the ISIL in this province to prevent the infiltration of more terrorists and arms.

On Wednesday, The Syrian army resumed its fighting against the ISIL terrorists in the province of Deir Ezzur, in which a large group of terrorists were killed in the vicinity of al-Sa’aqa camp in Ayash town in the Western countryside of Deir Ezzur.

The army troops also sporadically clashed with ISIL terrorists in al-Jafreh village in Deir Ezzur.



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