Billy Graham – Possessed by the Memes


by Yukon Jack

Billy Graham is considered to be a holy man, a man of God, is probably the best known Evangelist in the world today. He was an adviser to ten presidents, he has written 27 books, and is considered to be “world’s most influential Christian leader”. He was “the closest thing to a White House chaplain” and slept at the White House the night George HW Bush bombed Iraq. That ought to tell you something. He uplifted many but there is something very off with him, how can this “holy man” be involved with every President since WW2 who have waged dozen of wars? Maybe he didn’t get it right, maybe he was completely duped by the Zionists and became one of their tools. Billy Graham trusted God and will go down in history as a man who consoled Presidents during the mass murder of millions of innocent human beings.

The Reverend Billy Graham is a man possessed by God which actually means he is a man possessed by the memes of the Holy Bible. The Bible is a tribal war making document, God of Bible is commanding the Israelites to wage total war on their enemies, which is everyone not Jewish. Billy Graham’s Bible, The New King James version Psalm 137 (7-9) says:

7 Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom
The day of Jerusalem,
Who said, “Raze it, raze it,
To its very foundation!”

8 O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed,
Happy the one who repays you as you have served us!
9 Happy the one who takes and dashes
Your little ones against the rock!

There is a reason why Billy Graham supports mass murder and genocide against the Palestinians, he is a man of the Bible and the Bible is genocidal. Billy Graham is not good and not holy and maybe he is a monster. Shocked? Aghast? Have no fear, read on. Billy Graham is a textbook example of memetic possession and where it leads. Billy Graham is a backwoods hillbilly preacher who believes the Bible literally and thus is unable to reason properly, he is a perfect illustration of what is wrong with America. He represents the deep seated racist supremacism of Christian America and how it is used to wage war on brown skinned peoples all around the world.
Two Hambones Converge

How did Billy Graham get converted and become one of the most celebrated preachers of all time? How did the Reverend Graham become so convinced of the Bible as true words of God and become a major vector of Bible memes and spend his life infecting others? Why did all of the Presidents since World War 2 seek his comfort, have him sleep over at the White House dozens of times? What the hell is going on? Hell, hell is what is going on. Hell is the result when we believe in tribal myth and no longer think. I am going to show you in no uncertain terms that Billy Graham is the administer of hell. Read on.
Well the story goes something like this, he washes out of school and is looking for a purpose, he meets up with a traveling flimflam Evangelist Mordecai Ham and Billy is struck down by the faith and fervor of this man. Billy Graham was converted by a traveling salesman at a revival in North Carolina.  Conspiracy theorists note, no Rothschilds involved, this is a classic case of memetic propagation.

What if you’re Wrong Billy?
During his college years, when Billy decides to go all in, his best friend asks “What if it’s wrong (the Bible) Billy, feeble stories written by men like you and me?” Billy Graham’s answer is classic – “How can it be wrong, it’s the word of God”. This is where Billy Graham proves he is possessed by the memes and no longer is a critical thinker. When Billy Graham graduates from being a gentile and becomes fully ‘Judaised’, his neurons are now patterned to the memes of the Bible, his mind ordered to the Bible way of thinking, which is the Jewish supremacist way of thinking. The decision point, where Billy commits his entire being, mentally and emotionally is when he decides that the Bible is written by God and thus is to be taken literal, or word for word, true. Billy Graham believes that “god” wrote the Bible, every word is exactly correct. There is a problem with that conclusion, the Bible can not be taken literal. Myth can not be taken literal because it is myth and in the case of the Holy Bible it is heavily plagiarized myth, a concoction of previous myths. A Bible literalist is committing a severe error of judgment by emotionally and intellectually committing to the words of a book. What if the book is wrong or contains errors?

You better get to beleevin’, Yukon Jack!

Well as every scholar knows the Bible has tons of errors, some whoppers. For instance say you believe in the virgin birth of “god”. This is a very common mythological construct. How did that god come about? Oh, that god was born of a virgin. But that can be a deadly thing to believe because it can be used to denigrate sex or women. Millions of people think sex is dirty because of that meme, it causes all kinds of sexual problems and a huge need for the porn business for all those unable to pursue normal sexual relations because of guilt. By believing in the virgin birth sex is made to be bad, dirty, a thing that animals do.
What does a rational scientific person think about the Holy Spirit making Mary pregnant with god? Didn’t happen because everyone comes into this world the same way, by sex. But not Billy Graham and his troupe of Bible believers, they really believe that story, literal. Do I care? Not until this man becomes the adviser to Presidents and public policy is being set based on the mythological beliefs.
Billy Graham went all the way with his faith. This complete acceptance of belief over reason is a state of possession, when you throw the towel in an believe with all of your heart, a state of unwavering faithfulness. It is a state of consciousness where all doubt is completely erased, this is when you know that person is possessed by the memes. Not “god”, not the “devil”, but the words and phrases of the holy book. Got that? Billy Graham isn’t possessed by god or the devil, he is possessed by a set of memes in a book.
Now this state of possession is considered to be the goal of the Evangelical types. They consider it to be a good thing, lol, they can even recognize it. When they find it in one of their members, they make that person the preacher. A preacher’s charisma might be a measurement in how well they believe. If you really, really believe, with your soul beaming through your physical being then everyone will gather ’round and listen to your every word. When someone has this “gift’, it is recognized, promoted, and sought after. Why it’s just like the ‘ole times found in the Bible, when real prophets roamed the hills of Judea. Billy Graham was one of these men, Billy Graham is considered to be a modern prophet because of his perfect faith.
By reading and studying the Bible, Billy Grahams mind is being ordered to Jewish supremacist thinking, he is being voluntarily brain washed by his own choice, conditioned to think prejudically, he reads that Bible and comes to the conclusion that everyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus is going to hell. Not every Christian concludes that but he does because his mind is tipped toward judgment. Remember that. Thousands of hours of study is an investment, how can anyone who has invested a large part of their life remain skeptical and continue down the road to Evangelism if they don’t go all in? They have so much invested, not to fully believe is a tacit admission that their holy book isn’t true. Ahhh. This is where the dishonesty starts, when you know the Bible isn’t literally true (because you are studying it at the collegiate level) but you decide to believe all the way, anyway. This can make one crazy, because many of the Bible memes are contradictory.
Possessed Billy Graham, a little to much belief can make ‘ya crazy

For instance say you believe in Jehovah, the judgmental Jewish deity of the Old Testament, but you also believe God is love. The two can never meet because judgment is exactly the opposite of love. Love can not judge, this is metaphysically impossible. So these two ideas battle out in one’s mind, if you have Old Testament leanings like most Evangelists then judgmental god will rule; Jesus is pushed to the side, he’s a wimp anyways always turning the other cheek, maybe he’s a fag. Thus when push comes to shove and the bombing starts the Evangelist will side with the power structure. They think this way – we are right because we believe in the right god, god is on our side so whatever we do must be right and if we are bombing them then they must deserve it because we never do wrong. Some might even say, “why are you making me bomb you!” The victim of the aggression is always the guilty party when using Jewish supremacist logic.
As you can infer, the Palestinians are really f-cked. Billy Graham has zero sympathy for them, they are not just opposing the USA, they are going against Israel which is like going against God Almighty. To make sure it works out that way, these Christians believers, lol, send tons of money and weapons to the Jewish state, they really don’t wish to find out that their beliefs are wrong. You must understand they really enjoy Israel bombing defenseless civilians, every time some Palestinian ghetto kids get blasted to kingdom come by USA made F-16’s the hosannas and praises to the Lord God Almighty are sung in the hearts of these heartless bastards. Evangelists worship hell, they worship the military use of state power, not life or love.

Evangelicals shed no tears for dead or wounded Palestinians. Their hearts are closed because of what they believe. Maybe some day psychologists and scientists can determine how this works, how memes affect our emotions. Non-believers, like me, are horrified. I am angered by these evil people who do this, how about you?
The Great Tragedy
The greatest irony of this entire tragedy is that the Jews killing Palestinians are actually Polish born Khazars killing the “real Jews” who are the Palestinians. Texe Marrs explains (and he is about to release a new book on this subject):
Those living today who profess to be “Jews” are not of the ancient Israelites, and they are not the seed of Abraham. In fact, the new DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the “Jews!”
The “Jews” of America, Europe, and Israel are descendants not of Father Abraham but of King Bulan and the people of ancient Khazaria.
Later, the “Jews” (Khazars) emigrated, settling in Russia, Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Europe. As “Jews,” the Khazars then left the European nations in 1948 and settled the fledgling, new nation of Israel.
Texe Marrs also points out that all of the Prime Ministers of Israel are Polish born, with the exception of Netanyahu, who had Polish parents. Polish Khazars run the modern state of Israel, they believe they are Jews and wage Biblical like war on their enemies, everyone and everything not Jewish.  What right does Israel have to exist?  Genome research has destroyed the genetic argument, archeology has destroyed the historicity argument (see Shlomo Sand’s “The Invention of the Jewish People“), and comparative mythology has destroyed the mythological arguments.  So what right does Israel have to exist?  None.  None whatsoever.
But Billy Graham believes Israel is doing exactly what God wants. Israel is God’s country.  So you can see why pro-Zionist Presidents love Billy Graham, they are getting moral cover for their despicable deeds.  What President wouldn’t want the most faithful man by his side when committing the most foul acts, like doing false flags then bombing and destroying whole nations, cultures, leveling cities, burning people alive with white phosphorous? Lyndon Johnson sought Billy as his constant companion, when you are the devil like LBJ (the prime beneficiary and suspect in the murder of JFK) then do you not seek to have the high priest of comfort by your side? You know you are doing wrong, but you have the power, so you do it anyways and you want approval by god’s ambassador. And dear reader, Billy Graham gave these devils full emotional comfort and blessings.
Bad Billy Goat – Channeling Hell in the Name of Jesus

America has been destroyed by preachers like Billy Graham, but I don’t rank him #1, I assign that to Hal Lindsey who wrote “The Late Great Planet Earth”. Hal Lindsey was more influential in prepping Christian America for its upcoming Neocon future:

Guess Who Killed America? Hal Lindsey! Say it Isn’t So!

“Hal Lindsey single-handedly killed America because he delivered tens of millions of Christians into the pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, pro-Neocon fold. Satan, himself, could not have done a better job.(2) Hal Lindsey is one of the world’s greatest charismatic Evangelical crusaders, his success led to ruination of America, he converted and delivered millions of believers and molded them into a right wing Christian Zionist grass roots political movement. No man did a better job recruiting loyalists for Zionist Israel and prepping conservative Christians for the upcoming Neocon future.”

Damn heathens! Don’t you see, they deserved to be bombed – they don’t even wear clothes like us godly Christians!

The unthinking masses love Billy Graham. Presidents love their billy goat. God-Bible-Presidents-War-Hell. They all go together. I am no believer and no preacher but I have read the New Testament, I do know what it says, the main theme of Jesus is very clear –  love one another, turn the other cheek, forgive thy neighbor, etc. Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus tell you to get the best weapons, plot to kill the other peoples, support Israel, kill, bomb, make hell, mayhem, and genocide. Is Billy Graham following the words of Jesus? Nope. Is Billy Graham a disciple of Jesus if he morally underwrites the Presidents that make war? Not a chance. So why are so many so duped? Why has Evangelical Christian America become the cheerleaders of hell?  Christians love to ask WWJD? What would Jesus tell the president bombing the hell out of the Vietnamese? Exactly the opposite of what Billy Graham advises. Billy Graham is a minister of hell.
Billy Graham, the alpha male Christian preacher is channeling hell with his beliefs. He believes he’s right, he’s a crypto Jewish supremacist and has helped caused the deaths of millions. Houston, Christianity has a problem. Christians can’t be Christians so long as they keep the Old Testament attached to their religion. So long a the racist genocidal memes of the Old Testament are still being installed into Christian minds then Christianity can be turned to the dark side.
Lucky for Billy Graham there’s no hell waiting for him.
Keeping a stiff upper lip and his chin up, maybe Billy Graham should apologize to the world for his beliefs before he passes.


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