Tag: Binyamin Netanyahu
Uri Avnery – Splendid Isolation
- Jim W. Dean..."The EU Jewish lobbies just suffered a tremendous political defeat with the recent landslide EU vote for Palestine statehood."
Uri Avnery — Wine, blood and gasoline
- "But we salute Uri today for his excellent insider’s presentation of the twisted dynamics of Israel’s new Intifada roll of the dice."
Uri Avnery – Is ISIS coming?…the power of an idea
- "The Zionist hard right views the ISIL war as basically a goyim war & wishes them all great success in killing each other."
Uri Avnery – Two Speeches
- "When three Israeli teens were murdered, under very questionable circumstances...we ended up over 12,000 Palestinian casualties, the new Zionist math."
Uri Avnery – Deif- Son of Death
- Uri Avnery - "For security agencies around the world, including the US and Russia, assassination is a sport and an art. Israel claims to hold the gold medal."
Uri Avnery – God Forbid Israel Talk to Gaza
- Uri..."Neither the Israelis nor the Palestiaians have a strategy other than terrorizing the civilian population of the other side."
Uri Avnery – The Watch on the Jordan
- "Bibi is now pitching his “ISIS barbarians at the gate” scam, spinning it as reason to maintain military control over the West bank."
An Armed Ghetto Responds Predictably
- Uri Avnery..."After the kidnapping of the three settler teens, the Netanyahu government immediately saw an auspicious opportunity."
Uri Avnery – In Their Own Juice
- Uri Avnery - What does it mean for “both” to stew in their own juice? For Israel, it can continue to build new settlements in the occupied West Bank
Military Internet Mutiny in Israel – Uri Avnery
- Avnery..."The video clip that turned David Adamov from an anonymous soldier into an Israeli national figure was taken with a Palestinian camera in Hebron."
Hot off the (Israeli) press
There is no Israeli plan to attack Iran. Israel doesn’t posses the military capacity to execute such a strike. And as we learn from Israeli press today, even Israel ministers realise that Iran is not exactly a threat anyway.
Obama and Bibi: YES YOU CAN End the Occupation
Only a viable and sustainable Palestinian state will equate to security for Israel; and as Palestine has always been in the belly of Israel, politicians who want to maintain power had better seize these days and End the Occupation for the times have already changed.
‘Never Again’ is an Empty Slogan
If Obama is sincere, if ‘never again’ isn’t just an ‘empty slogan’ as he says, he better goes out of his way to restrain Israel’s genocidal inclinations and its belligerent pro-war Lobbies around the world.
Israel Spits in America’s Face – Again
Retired American Intel Community is Ready to Spill the Beans on Israeli Espionage
Lies about Iran Persist; Some Truth for a Change Seems Prudent
According to a January 10 posting on Coteret, a news, analysis and opinion website from the Israeli print and electronic media, Israeli Prime Minister...
Israeli launches McCarthyite witch-hunt; Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu, sir, have you no...
Uri Avnery looks at the alliance of racists and fascists behind a bill adopted by the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, to investigate the funding sources of...
Israel’s Choice: Settlements or Peace, Say Palestinians
RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories - Israel must chose between "settlements or peace," Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erakat said on Monday ahead of the September 2...
The Elders of Anti-Zion
The initiatives of small local groups in various countries are not what they appear to be. Far from it! They are part of a world-wide, organized and coordinated conspiracy, which uses every means to achieve their nefarious aim. Unlike the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, the forged document that was produced a hundred years ago, this is a genuine plot, something like the “Protocols of the Elders of Anti-Zion”.
British Prime Minister Cameron Calls Gaza under Israel Blockade a ‘Prison...
- You cannot blockade civilian populations for political purposes in international law. That is a war crime, and contrary to Israeli assertions, it would be...
Tricky Bibi
You heard of Tricky Dick Nixon?
Nixon was progressive reformer committed to peace compared to Binyamin Netanyahu.
- Israel has had many rightist leaders since Menachem...
Israel Steals More Land, Sandbags Biden
Draw us a map, click the map:
From Juan Cole:
Israel Humiliates Biden, Announces Further Colonization on Eve of US-Brokered Talks
The far rightwing government of Binyamin Netanyahu...