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Time To Target The Worst Villains of All

Last week David Cameron, addressing Israel's Knesset, pledged to defeat any boycotting of Israel.

Anger as Cameron Tries to Superglue Britain to Israel

The other day I signed a 'Get Well' petition for Palestinian youngsters Adam and Johar who were viciously maimed and crippled by the British Government's 'friends' in Israel.

So Iran is Britain's Enemy…

Whenever a Western leader expresses adoration and undying support for the Zionist state the Jewish Chronicle can be relied on to make the most of it.

So Iran is Britain’s Enemy…

Whenever a Western leader expresses adoration and undying support for the Zionist state the Jewish Chronicle can be relied on to make the most of it.

Syria: Parliament and the British People Tell Cameron and Hague to...

Gung-ho prime minister Cameron and his sabre-rattling lieutenant, William Hague, were so eager to crank up their war machine that they'd lost all caution and reason. They’ve paid the price with a quite brutal Commons defeat.

The Unbearable Shame of Cameron’s ‘Torah’ Government

Ten years ago Tam Dalyell, the 'Father of the House' (i.e. the most senior member of the House of Commons in the British Parliament), sparked a huge row by accusing the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, of "being unduly influenced by a cabal of Jewish advisers"

Sharp Shift in Israel’s Strategy

Few foreign leaders participated in Margaret Thatcher's funeral. Most allies of the UK sent mid-range delegations; after all, few would like to be defined as Thatcherists.

Sharp Shift in Israel's Strategy

Few foreign leaders participated in Margaret Thatcher's funeral. Most allies of the UK sent mid-range delegations; after all, few would like to be defined as Thatcherists.

The Eastleigh Upheaval

As I predicted last week my badly-led party WAS in a competition for second place with the much better-led United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). We lost, and we deserved to lose.

Naked, Bloody Imperialism or “We Came, We Saw, He Died”

Among the many comments we have read and received on the alleged death of Gaddafi, the one most often repeated goes something like this: 'Gaddafi was a brutal dictator who deserved what he got'. The widely-held belief (at least in Western nations) that Gaddafi was a 'brutal dictator' is the result of over 30 years of (primarily) US, British and French propaganda against the former Libyan leader. The reasons for this long-running propaganda campaign are many, but chief among them is the fact that Gaddafi was not only fiercely independent as regards his native land, but he persistently sought to bring financial independence to other African nations.

Rebels Without a Cause in London’s Tahrir Square

Will the aftermath reveal the true reason behind these copycat lootings and arsons?

Odd Connections: Murdoch, Wikileaks and Everything

Of Murdoch's "assets," his most lethal "stinger" has been Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Their secret love affair is subject to continual obfuscations and denials though they are the political sweetheart team of all time, a veritable "Dr. Evil and MiniMe" of journalism.

Murdoch’s Hackers National Security Threat

VT EXCLUSIVE: Massive espionage operation uncovered using the world's largest news organization as cover. News Corp operates against every free government in the world.


MADE IN AMERICA - SOLD IN ISRAEL Each year, the United States ships "military supplies" to Israel.  This isn't military aid but rather billions...