Tag: Finance
Learn how to navigate the choppy waters of personal finance
Lewis and Clark Community College’s Corporate and Community Learning (CCL) division will be offering a series of five individual personal finance workshops.
Students with Personal Finance Education Exhibit Strong Money Knowledge, Habits
A new study by Ramsey Solutions, a leading company in financial education, finds that students who are taught personal finance lessons in the classroom have a better understanding and more confidence when it comes to managing their mone
Teach Your Children These 5 Crucial Personal Finance Lessons
One of the most important roles we play as parents is educating our kids about finances. It's one lesson they likely won't learn in school and that they shouldn't have to learn as adults in the school of hard knocks.
Personal Finance Failures and Money Problems Can Be a Good Thing
Just about everybody experiences money problems. Unless you’re born into the upper crust, odds are you or your family will go through some sort of personal finance catastrophe at some point.
What millennial millionaires are getting wrong about personal finance
It seems that young millionaires these days are being ultra-conservative with their investment portfolios.
Personal finance courses may be latest casualty of Oklahoma’s budget crisis
Education cuts are hitting what some said are the most crucial things we teach our kids in school.
The Reason Personal Finance Is Suffocating
I’ve been a student of the personal financial services industry since I was seven years old. On the weekends, my father dragged me to his office to file statements and company bulletins.
Donald Trump Finally Releases The Personal Finance Details We've Been Waiting...
On Tuesday, Reuters broke news that presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump disclosed long-sought personal financial information.
Personal finance lessons crucial for teenagers
Thousands of Maine teenagers will soon be graduating from high school, and regardless of whether they’re going on to college, the military or the workplace, they’ll need to know how to manage their money.
The new Mycelium wallet is integrating fiat currencies, debit cards, personal...
Mycelium provides one of the oldest, most popular, and feature-rich bitcoin wallets on offer. The company's latest estimate is close to 200,000 active wallet users, with over 157,570 installs from Google Play, and about 150,000 more from alternative platforms in China.
Roseville Students Face New Personal Finance Requirement
A new graduation requirement for students in Roseville public schools will teach them budgeting, saving and investing before they graduate.
Why Personal Finance Classes Should Be Taught in College
I recently returned from a reunion weekend with some of my college buddies. We caught up on wives, kids, work and all the other important parts of our lives.
A Credit Card Co. Is Funding Personal Finance Lessons for Boston...
Your average millennial's eyes will glaze over at the mention of 401(k)s, options trading and equity. Finance is not our forte, but it's not our fault. Unless you pursue a college degree in finance or a CFP, you aren't exposed to concepts that help you navigate the seemingly scary and elusive world of saving and investing.
Simple Rules Of Personal Finance
Last year I found a website, The Simple Dollar, which is all about keeping financial stuff as simple as you can. I liked a column titled “60 Simple Rules of Personal Finance”.
The Federal Reserve Bank gives parents a way to teach kids...
A Sheep in a Shop and the Berenstain Bears collections are popular books that parents to read to children.
Personal Finance Has Everything and Nothing to Do With Money
On the surface, personal finance seems to be primarily about money: getting rich and optimizing your investments and so on. It’s definitely about all of that stuff, but in a larger, more important way, it has nothing to do with money at all. It’s more about using it to optimize your values and priorities.
High school students get grilled on personal finance
We're a month away from Money Smart Week in Michigan but high school math and economics teachers are being encouraged to gear up now when it comes to a new "Personal Finance Challenge."
4 personal finance lessons from former Presidents
Presidents’ Day, while often marked with celebrations, reenactments, and other events, is also a time to reflect on important lessons learned from our former American leaders.
For richer, for poorer and for personal finance
The idea that opposites attract might make for great wedding toasts and tales. But when it comes to money management, newlyweds who share the same approach to money are less likely to see their marriages end in divorce.
Personal finance expert’s latest book a real eye-opener
I don’t review many books, but I felt impelled to report on personal finance expert Jane Bryant Quinn’s latest, “How to Make Your Money Last,” because as I read it, I found myself saying “I wish I had known this back then,” and “Yes, I should have done it that way. I wonder what my mistake cost me?”
Personal Finance Lessons From Bruce Lee
Martial arts have always been a very important part of my life. Growing up, I wanted to be the Karate Kid. I bugged my mom to sign me up for lessons until she finally did.
Most American’s personal finance goals fell short this year
That’s because many of them fell short of achieving their financial goals this year, according to a new study by Capital One.
Why do women lack personal finance confidence?
Studies show that women are less confident than men in some areas of planning when it comes to managing money.
Arkansans Optimistic About Personal Finance, Buying Conditions
Arkansans remain optimistic, slightly less so than in March, about their personal financial situations, according to the second phase of the Fall 2015 Arvest Consumer Sentiment Survey released Tuesday.
The single most effective step to start getting rich, from a...
Nearly a century ago, journalist Napoleon Hill studied over 500 self-made millionaires and boiled down their success into 13 steps. Their wealth all started with one emotion, he argues: desire.
Personal Finance Tips for Those Couples Who Live Together
Moving in with your partner is as much about creating a home together as it is about working towards shared financial goals.
Banks, at odds with personal finance sites, disrupt service
The uneasy relationship between banks and companies that use their data to provide personal finance services has shown signs of fraying in recent months, causing some frustrating disruptions in service to people trying to track their spending.
Big Banks Are Attacking Personal Finance Apps Like Mint
Personal finance services like Intuit’s Mint provide a convenient heads-up display to track and manage your spending, credit card usage, bank accounts, and budget.
Gold Price to Plunge: My Remarkable Visit to Fort Knox
Pandemonium erupted in the room as everyone realized they were going to richer than King Midas. Even the North Korean delegation seemed to be quite 'stoked' at the thought of vast personal wealth
Greece's finance minister reportedly not planning to present new proposals at...
Worries over Greece hit stock markets across Europe again after a report that the country's finance minister was not planning to present new bailout proposals at a meeting with eurozone counterparts later this week.
4 Ways to Save Money for Construction Businesses
Construction businesses can be lucrative ventures, but obtaining long-term success in an already competitive industry can be difficult, especially with the rise and fall of the economy.
With The Right Program, You Can Become More Than Just A...
You’ve just completed your undergraduate business training, or you’ve spent the last few years carving out a position with an exciting company
Small Business Loan 101-Get the Basics First
Every business owner is tasked with a very tough assignment of finding money to ensure the business is running very well. If you take...
Credit Score and Employment
If someone were to say that a good credit score helps you in getting a loan you would agree with them immediately. However if...
7 ways in which car finance is beneficial
KW - bad credit car finance Brisbane from TransFinance
Car finance can be beneficial in several ways, which are as follows:
Secure a car: Car purchases...
Make Better Money Choices With Our Personal Finance Advice
Personal finance is all about creating options. There are, of program, correct choices and wrong options. Sometimes,
of program, a correct verse wrong is dependent...
Hiring A Bankruptcy Lawyer: Does It Mean An End To...
Are you neck deep into debts? You thought you could manage your finances but due to some unavoidable circumstances everything has gone haywire? You are being tortured by creditors’ calls and letters which is unnerving you even more. You are contemplating on numerous options that are available to come out of the situation?
MAX KEISER REPORT: Russell Brand For Mayor
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the fact that Britain’s days as a haven of political, economic stability are numbered and everyone is saying it.
Why American Needs Tax Professionals
Northeastern University Online
For more information about getting your degree in taxation, visit Northeastern University’s website.
How to Keep Legal Troubles from Leading to Financial Ruin
For many people, the costs incurred from legal issues can often lead to financial ruin. While most legal issues are pricey, there are few resources that can assist you in paying fees and legal expenses.
Coupons and Receipt-What is Hiding Behind Receipts?
Couponing is fun and makes every shopping a wonderful experience of its own kind. However, while we all shop heavily almost on a daily basis, not many really look at the receipt they receive or even pay attention to it.
50+? Is Life Insurance Part of Your Retirement Plan?
Have you ever noticed that as we get older, we start to worry more than we did when we were younger? As new born...