Tag: Finance
Personal Finance: Use extra cash to cover retiree health costs
With as little as $1,000 — or as much as $100,000 — you can help ensure that you won’t run out of money to pay for health care in retirement.
PERSONAL FINANCE: Live smart, save big!
Do you live smart? Think about the way you spend your money, and consider this: Many of our financial issues arise because of our lifestyles. We live, eat and exist a certain way, and therefore spend a certain way.
4 Personal Finance Trends for the Year
The economy is shifting. Interest rates are rising, the stock market is volatile, and some experts have even forecasted that we’re on the verge of another economic crisis, similar to the one in 2008. With that in mind, how are people dealing with their personal finances in the coming year?
Our Grandparents Learned Personal Finance in School. Why Can’t Our Children?
Ted Beck is president and CEO of the National Endowment for Financial Education, a member of the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability for Young Americans and chairman of the Jump$tart Coalition.
Personal Finance: Tariff on Mexico would be a job killer here
It's hard to believe we are even having this discussion, but the threat of a destructive trade war with Mexico is suddenly a possibility.
Take a Personal Finance Day and Potentially Save Yourself $1,000
The winter months are the perfect time to take a day off of work to dedicate to your personal finances.
Looking to open a new firm? Here are some personal finance...
Stepping up to become an entrepreneur requires putting yourself onto a platform where you can take financial risks on your own to earn profits for your firm.
Personal Finance: Rediscovering the magic of dividends
The first American stock trades occurred under a Buttonwood tree on Wall Street in 1792. For most of that time, the principal attraction of owning shares has been the periodic cash flow paid out to the shareholders.
Personal Finance 101: Understanding the Ins and Outs of a 401(k)
There's no doubt about it: The employer-sponsored 401(k) is the most popular retirement tool for working Americans.
The 6 new rules for personal finance
Hard to believe it was 20 years ago when I wrote a column titled “The 7 Laws of Personal Finance.” It summarized what I had learned in the previous 20 years.
How Donald Trump could impact personal finance
We are on the cusp of the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States — Donald Trump — and there has been much discussion about how Americans' lives will be affected by national changes ahead.
Five personal finance tactics to help you succeed
A good business idea or a good job will mean little if you do not get your finances in order.
3 Easy Personal Finance Resolutions to Make Now
It's a new year and a new chance to focus on improving personal finances, but like any resolution, sticking with the goal is the key to success.
How to Invest in Stocks with Little Money
It is a common misconception that you need a lot of capital to make money as an investor. In the financial markets, it is possible to generate an investment income even if you have little money to get started.
A Simple Way To Help Your College-Bound Student Ace Personal Finance
It's normally this time of year that first year undergraduates start to realize that their finances are a mess. At least
What Is Doing Your Personal Finance Home Work?
This article is published in collaboration with Scutify, where you can find real-time markets and stock commentary from Robert Marcin, Cody Willard and others.
20 Rules of Personal Finance
1. Salary is not the same as savings. Your net worth is more important than how much money you make. It’s amazing how many people don’t realize this simply truth.
How to avoid a holiday finance hangover
The amount of money Americans spend during the holidays is pretty incredible.
How to find and finance bank-owned properties
Home prices are still rising — they’re currently averaging just below all-time highs set in 2006, according to the Case-Shiller Home Price Indices.
Personal Finance 101: How to Budget the "SMART" Way
According to data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the U.S. personal savings rate as of Sept. 2016 was just 5.7%. That's down nearly 50% from where we were 50 years ago, and it's a far cry from what the citizens of other developed countries are socking away.
In personal finance, there's a gender divide
I turned 70 this week, and I must tell you a personal story that does relate to personal finances. It involves my number two tip in my CARE presentations, which is that “CASH IS KING.”
We Asked Students If They Know Anything About Personal Finance
A few days ago, after anguishing over my most recent credit card statement, I began to think about the ways I could better handle my money.
The Democrats’ Fight Over Finance
On October 29, 2013, Hillary Clinton joined Lloyd Blankfein, the C.E.O. of Goldman Sachs, for a discussion at its Builders and Innovators Summit, at the Ritz-Carlton Dove Mountain resort, near Tucson.
4 Personal Finance Tips for New Parents
Having a baby can change your life in more ways than you might imagine, and that includes your finances.
Money Saved = Money Earned — Top-5 Tips
In the ever growing materialistic world we live today, money is definitely one of the very important things (if not the most) for living.
Some shocking personal finance statistics
Before we look at some past and current personal finance statistics, which have and continue to convince me that we have a “National Epidemic of Financial Illiteracy," I want to congratulate those retired Americans, who are on Social Security, on your raise for 2017.
Panicking over personal finance? Here are some ideas.
When it comes to personal finance, it’s easy to become paralyzed by the fear of not making the right choice.
4 Personal Finance Tips for New Homeowners
More than 60% of Americans own their homes, and while there are certain benefits to ownership, there's also a downside: the cost.
The 4 Point Personal Finance Checklist for 50-Somethings
Your 50s can be a tricky time financially. On the one hand, you're probably earning more money now than you did earlier in your career, which gives you more flexibility, in general.
Title: 5 Tips For Personal Financial Management
Managing your own finances is something that’s easier said than done.
5 Personal Finance Tips to Teach Your Kids While They're Young
The money habits children develop when they're young can shape their financial future. That's why it's important to set them on the right path early on. Here are a few key financial tips to start with.
5 Personal Finance Tips for Retirees
Going from salaried employee to retiree can result in some major financial upheaval. Once you're limited to a fixed income, and one that's likely lower than what you were making back when you were still working, managing your expenses can get tricky.
Personal Finance 101: 6 Things Everyone Should Know
Whether you're single, married, new to the workforce, or near retirement, it's important to have a good handle on your money. Here are six personal finance tips you should always make sure to follow.
5 Finance Lessons Baby Boomers Could Learn From Millennials
Ask baby boomers whether it's wise to take money advice from 20-somethings, and they may scoff.
4 Personal Finance Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Retiring
If you're getting into the latter part of your career, retirement is probably on your mind quite a bit.
3 Personal Finance Tips for Small-Business Owners
As entrepreneurs, many small-business owners are comfortable taking risks. But their business is often their biggest asset, as well as the largest source of their household’s income, which means it’s especially important for them to follow basic personal finance and investing guidelines.
Destructive Behaviors That Are Harmful to Personal Finance
According to Investopedia, personal finance defines all financial decisions and activities of an individual or household, including budgeting, insurance, mortgage planning, savings and retirement planning.
10 Egregiously Bad Personal Finance Myths
In a perfect world, everyone would have the necessary knowledge needed to make smart financial decisions.
4 Critical Personal Finance Tips for Your First Years After College
Graduation is a joyous occasion, but it also marks the point at which people step out of school and into the real world.
Five personal finance rules to follow
One-size-fits-all financial advice isn’t supposed to work, as the rules that guide us should be molded to our individual situations. But some rules of thumb can be really helpful.
Should Preschoolers Be Taught Personal Finance?
Did you have a toy cash register as a toddler? It just might have set you on the course to being a financially capable adult.
How to teach personal finance to kids
Back when my siblings and I were younger we were often jealous of our friends who got an allowance.