Tag: Love and Soul Consciousness
Finding the Christ in Christmas
Thus, finding the Christ in Christmas means finding the Christ within ourselves and letting that light shine forth to all others throughout the year.
The Key To The Kingdom Is Gratefulness
Only by living my life in GRATEFULNESS have I realized how blessed I am and only then can I truly accept the gift of knowing that I am not only deeply loved but I am part of something far greater than myself.
Seeing my Life as a Quest Versus a Struggle
But there is one particular memory which became the foundation of my lifelong quest to share a great truth and make a profound difference on the planet .
Search for God Eventually Leads to Love
The external search for God is the ego's yearning for spiritual validity but doomed to failure ~ for God is only revealed from within by surrendering to love.
Near and After Death Phenomenon Explained
It has long been my opinion that the phenomenon associated with the near and after death experience indicates that a state of unconditional love and soul consciousness lies not only beyond apparent death ~ but also beneath our deepest fears.
Eulogy For My Beloved Twin
Bobby is now in a state of soul consciousness and gloriously happy for I felt his joyful presence the morning he passed and actually saw his childlike playful presence, at a much younger age, much like I felt and saw our mother's youthful loving presence when she suddenly passed away in 1987 ~ when she lovingly appeared in my bedroom 3000 miles away joyfully exclaiming to me ~ Allen, I know, Allen, I Know
The Unified Field, Asymptotic Freedom and The Urge To Unite
A Unified Field of love and soul consciousness lies not only deepest within ourselves but also beyond time and space. It is also the strong force within the basic atom as revealed in Asymptotic freedom. The basic property of this Unified Field is the universal urge to unite and we resist it at the risk of extinction.
Unsaid Issue Behind Veteran’s Rising Suicide Rate Is Shame Based Guilt
No one really talks about the psychic damage that combat veterans feel when they take someone's life, regardless of the military situation ~ but the effect is real and usually manifests itself as shame based guilt whereas the innate deep need to love and accept love is quite often permanently disabled.
Unsaid Issue Behind Veteran's Rising Suicide Rate Is Shame Based Guilt
No one really talks about the psychic damage that combat veterans feel when they take someone's life, regardless of the military situation ~ but the effect is real and usually manifests itself as shame based guilt whereas the innate deep need to love and accept love is quite often permanently disabled.
Jesus – Rebel with a Cause
Today, Jesus would be considered not only a rebel, if not a terrorist, and most certainly a threat to the establishment and the status quo ~ as he most certainly was 2000 years ago.
Falling Through The Rabbit Hole Of Love And Into The Light
Falling in love is the first step toward experiencing the divine light and a state of love, joy and soul consciousness deepest within ourselves .
Miracle Of Heart Centered Counseling Is Self Healing
Time after time in my heart centered counseling, with both veterans and civilians, I find that once they realize that they have loved people deeply in the past and recognize that these people were and are still gifts in their quest to find themselves ~ the magic of self-healing begins, aided by dreams and all sorts of unforeseen events which happen to accelerate that process.
On Turning 79
What is illuminating to me now is that even at that young age of three ~ I felt an innate need to share my individual joy and delight with the world at large ~ which is precisely what I am still doing as I embark on my 79th year on the planet .
The Seven Stages of Relationship – Very Few Get Beyond Stage...
In relationship, we must reach a place where being honest and being true to yourself is more important than the survival of the relationship.
Mayans Correct: Birth of Sacred and Renewal of Earth Now...
The Mayan's were correct, when they predicted the world would end in 2012.
Be Grateful For What You have – Celebrate Life
The Robin doesn't sing because it's happy ~ it's happy because it sings.
Love Note To My Twin
My heart is most definitely grateful that you were my loving twin and companion for so many years and I will most certainly be with you in your final moments and most definitely when you pass through the event horizon of physical death.
Near and After Death Experience is a State of Soul Consciousness...
Death is an illusion measured by the limits and depth of our consciousness and only love can and will reveal this truth ~ and we resist this truth at our individual and collective peril.
The Miracle Of Gratefulness
Without a doubt, the secret of my extremely successful short term transformational counseling, with both combat veterans with PTSD as well as emotionally wounded civilians, is the miracle of Gratefulness ~ for the only antidote for unworthiness and self-negation is gratefulness.
Band of Brothers #10 – Connection and Self Healing
I have long felt and have now clearly proved that PTSD is quite often Post Traumatic Heart Disorder for a common symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the inability to give or receive love .
We Don’t Need No More Religion: We Need A Greater Awakening
"I said, you are gods: you are all children of the Most High God."-Psalm 82:6
A Shining Light Goes Out – Kaitlyn Rebstock 1990 – 2012
Death is a tall dark stranger ~ who always arrives when you least expect it. Its cold forbidding presence rides on the chariot of the unknown. However, beneath its ominous gray shroud beats an all encompassing heart for death is but a passage within a loving plan in action.Thus those who we love deeply not only live in our hearts but become part of us forever ~ as my late granddaughter Kaitlyn most certainly lives in my heart.
Evidence Of a Cyclical Universe Cemented in Love
With the world economies mired in depression and debt and the American military machine cranking up for Syria and Iran ~ I look to nature as well as deep space for reminders that we are innately part of something far greater than ourselves or as William Blake wrote “We are put on earth a little space to bear the beams of love.”
Thoughts, Video & Quotes On Memorial Day 2012
So on Memorial Day 2012 ~ let us honor those who have died, let us heal the countless wounded and let us take the necessary action to stop these illegal occupations, masqueraded as wars ~ which are actually mockeries of freedom and liberty