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The children of Veterans are the innocent victims of Agent Orange

Children of those exposed to Agent Orange and the genetic damage we have seen are the future victims from the fallout of using this dastardly chemical

Gulf War Veterans Week For Action

One in four veterans from the gulf war are affected minimally. That number is old and current data shows that number has continued to climb to over 1 in 3 at least have submitted claims from the Gulf War 1990-91.

Gulf War Vets: Continuing the Battle in DC & “Taps” (90-91)

The Representatives in DC offices need to be told to give priority to Gulf War Illnesses Research on the DOD Appropriations Bill now before them on the floor of the House for Congressional Direct Medical Research for Gulf War Illness Research Program and find these veterans help in the form of true diagnostic work and treatment.

Medical Research in the DOD CDMRP: The Details

The specifics hidden in the DOD Appropriations Bill for Medical Research. Military members and veterans need to have part in the conversations of funding on DOD medical Research. We dug deep and look at one area to discuss and to become informed of the details and basis for decisions.

The Crisis Point For Gulf War Illness

It is 20 years since the Gulf War 1990-91, Operation Desert Storm(US), and our British Coalition Forces that are suffering with Gulf War Illness/es stood tall in London and welcomed the other coalition members that served and are also part of the unfolding health crisis of Post Gulf War Service. This crisis involved the largest ever number of veterans that have been affected by their service in the most Hazardous Toxic Soup of Environmental Exposures in any war.

Marines Delta Battery 20 Years Gulf War Reunion

Again the ill Gulf War Veterans are the ones doing the outreach and getting the word out, it is a shame they don't even provide grants for outreach work nor rooms for veterans to use when attending VA RAC GWI meetings. Nor do they encourage interaction and sharing of important health care providers and research being done at annual type meeting for Gulf War Researchers both Civilian and VA. Much less having Civilian and VA Providers also involved fully in caring for Gulf War Veterans. There is a need for these type meetings and meetings should be open to veterans. These meetings also need videoconferencing live and archived and available openly on the internet!

Gulf War Veterans Medical Alert: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Increase Risk...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a rateable condition by the VA that falls under gulf war illness. The gulf war veterans also have a researcher at VA Minneapolis, Dr Ron Bach studying Hypercoagulation in Gulf War Illness. So the following news article on medical research today on Blood clots and Inflammatory Bowel diseases/disorders needs to be circulated to the Gulf War Veterans and to the health care providers and researchers that are concerned about our gulf war veterans 1990-91. The take home highlights of the article are in Bold and underlined to draw your attention to what is the most important items in the research.

Gulf War Veterans Alert to Changes in Blood For Their Health

Gulf War Veterans 1990-91/ Desert Storm Veterans that are suffering from gulf war illness are searching for answers and only through their own continual push to find answers has there been a response at all from their government. Through their efforts a law was passed to get the Veterans Affairs Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Illness which meets February 28- March 1 in Washington DC. Their efforts have led to the push for research into biomarkers, the best diagnostic tools, and possible treatment modalities for their illnesses. Dr Bach at the Minneapolis Va has been busy examining their blood for clues and has found some clues and has found so far they have a low level chronic coagulation activation problem. Dr Martin Pall in Washington State is working on oxidative stress as a problem in chronic fatigue, gulf war illness and other undiagnosed illnesses. Dr Bach's research continues and publication of his findings are eagerly awaited. The VA RAC GWI has also reviewed the chronic inflammatory nature of these illnesses at their last meeting in Boston.

Medical Alerts for Desert Storm Veterans, OIF, OEF

Gut problems for Desert Storm Veterans listed as IBS for VA Claims. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a symptom that can be explored to get more answers. Referrals need to be made to rule out Cancers and other diseases ie Crohn's Disease. The Department of Veterans Affairs need to have a more active, proactive stance for the veterans and needs to have information flow improve and made easier for Health Care Providers and Medical Researchers. There needs to be more SOPs and updates circulated to all the VA facilities nationwide.

Desert Storm Veterans Get in Line and Volunteer for VA Funded...

Desert Storm Veterans with gulf war illness being recruited for a medical study on their irritable bowel problems. Gulf War illness is real and the research is finally directed in the right direction to find answers. Twenty years but the old broken system is finally responding. The old cranky battleship of a broken system has made war repairs and is being set right on course. Now veterans are being asked to help. Medical researchers and medical care providers are being asked to help get the information to gulf war veterans 90-91 that are sufferring!

Medical Alert for Gulf War Veterans and Agent Orange Veterans

Urgent alert for both Agent Orange and Desert Storm Veterans. Editor's note: The enclosed medical research has a focus on male Testerone and Diabetes(Insulin).  As...

DOD CDMRP Pre Announcement for Researchers for Gulf War Illness

Pre application for gulf war illness research for FY2011.

Gulf War Veterans: Do you have Ringing in the Ears?

This indeed is an important area to consider for Gulf War Veterans 1990-91 since exposures to chemicals can cause nerve damage that might exhibit as tinnitus. As the nerve damage continues, hearing loss may also occur. How many Gulf War Veterans 1990-91 have experienced hearing loss? This is your chance Gulf War Veterans with Gulf War illness to provide and discuss this specific issue.

Government Funding on Gulf War Illness Research- DOD CDMRP

So here is the latest information IT IS STILL TO BE DETERMINED How Much For Sure For Gulf War Illness Research Program at DOD-CDMRP For FY2011. IT never hurts to keep your voice and written words in front of your US Representatives and US Senators and for you to share those to as many elected officials in all the parties from local to State to National! And to get the news of that out in all ways possible!!! In a year with continuing resolutions, partisan battles, and omnibus bill that runs in the thousands of pages that throw everything into the soup when they cannt get the 13 funding bills through in any form of clean method. Well, lets us say it is not a clean recipe at that point, behind the scenes cooks can be known to help or hinder. Even when a number of us advocates and those on the hill ie staffers are doing everything to track and monitor. AS the old song goes Behind closed doors......You never can tell where a secret supporter, Santa, Cook can either spice up the recipe or make it go sour.

Sarcoidosis in Gulf War Veterans 1990-91

Gulf War Veterans another Diagnosed illness that we at VT have seen previously is Sarcoidosis. WE need to again step forward and make contact and tract our diagnosed illnesses, just like we have done in the pass with ALS, MS, Brain Cancer, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Prostrate Cancer, Respiratory illnesses, Cardiac Illness, GI illnesses,Leischmanasis, Thyroid Dysfunctions, ME/CFS, Fibromylagia, Lyme Disease, and Diabetes to name a few. WE need to move forward and network again with national organizations to combine our strength and become more strong in numbers and find civilians that care!

Christmas Wish List For Gulf War Veterans

That is the Christmas Gift of Caring enought to give your time weekly in an effort to educate and make it better. Letters and emails with introductory comments with an article that is educational. We provide the article and you play it forward and help us be heard!

The Omnibus Bill and Gulf War Illness Research Fund Status

The Gulf War Illness Research Funds current information is that in the FY 2011 Omnibus DOD Appropriations currently under consideration there is funding for Gulf War Illness Research. This measures provides $8 million for the Peer Reviewed Gulf War Illness Research Program and $3.8 million for the ALS Therapy Development Institute Gulf War Research Project. This funding is directed to DOD CDMRP(Department of Defense Congressionally Direct Medical Research Program) .

Gulf War Veterans Study Recent Developments re Civilians with CFS/ME and...

Gulf War Veterans Study Recent Developments re Civilians with CFS/ME and XMRV Research:  Why? Unanswered Questions Continue For Ill Gulf War Veterans As They Do...

XMRV and MVL Testing for Gulf War Veterans at VA Hospitals...

News on Treatment Potential For XMRV,  Will It Help Ill Gulf War Veterans? News by means of a new abstract on treatment potentials for XMRV...

Mystery Deepens How Long Has XMRV and SAIC Been Involved?

Movement on New Retrovirus is Rapid! Mystery Deepens on XMRV Now SAIC Shows Involvement From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access ...

The Absolute Best Article on FDA/NIH/Harvard XMRV Study

The search for the real story on the scientific paper published on Monday in the PNAS continues.  I have to, must refer all to...

6 Studies on Hypercoagulation relations to Fatty Liver, Metabolic syndrome,...

  Hypercoagulation's relationship to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, increase risk in Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cadium toxicity, osteomalacia, anemia, increase risk of thrombosis, cellular...

Original Hypercoagulation Study on Gulf War Veterans

Gulf War Veterans Fighting For Their Lives Do you Hear Us Now? As we look to new research, we constantly have to review past research.  Dr...

XMRV Renamed To HGRV?

Info coming from CFS groups: A name change already? Now that is something people with ME/CFS/CFIDS/ME/CFS/EBV Syndrome are familiar with.  Things are moving fast at the...

Important Research Studies That Point to Hope for Chronic Fatigue

  Fourteen studies that give hope to Gulf War Veterans with Chronic Fatigue Fourteen studies over a year that are helping to lead the way to...

Gulf War Veterans Show Illness Is Real in Airway Studies

Ill Gulf War Veterans Show Sleep Disorder Breathing A new study of Gulf War illness has been reported. The study shows sleep disordered breathing for...

Tracking Medical Research for Gulf War Veterans

Hot News Is Expected for Chronic Fatigue Sufferers XMRV Findings More Expected This is exciting news in the civilian world for Chronic Fatigue Sufferers that may...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-Research Vitamin E

Veterans' Affairs Doctors Need to Share Findings on Gulf War Illness Gulf War Veterans being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome need to be educated on...

Gulf War Illness- Fibromyalgia Current News

Gulf War Veterans Health information on news on Fibromyalgia Two news stories on fibromyalgia that gulf war veterans need to read, keep file copy, distribute...

Gulf War Illness Information on Irritable Bowel Syndrome

There are 6 new developments to report on under Irritable Bowel Syndrome that gulf war veterans should be aware. The 6 studies are listed...

20 YEARS – Operation Desert Storm Veterans Deserve the Attention of...

20 years ago this week, the world changed for hundreds of thousands of veterans of Operation Desert Storm. 20 years later the veterans are...

Depleted Uranium continues in the News

The news out of the Hearing on Dissatisfied Gulf War Veterans occurred on July 27th in The House committee on Veterans Affairs Subcommittee Oversight...

Sarin Affects AChE Inhibition In Relation To Different Areas of GI...

Chem Biol Interact. 2010 Mar 12. Gastrointestinal acetylcholinesterase activity following endotracheal microinstillation inhalation exposure to sarin in guinea pigs. Chanda S, Song J, Rezk P,...

Attention All Medical Researchers World Wide: Help Gulf War Veterans...

Calling all medical researchers the DOD CDMRP GWIR(Department of Defense- Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program on Gulf War Illness) has announced a short response...

Depleted Uranium Research-DU affects DNA

Depleted Uranium -More Research Indicated To Assess Health Risk The research on depleted uranium comes out of French researchers that examined the manner DNA is...

Institute of Medicine Update Report on Health of Gulf War Veterans...

Part 1 In case you missed it, here is the IOM report, as reported by the federal registry(below), on the update to their study on...

In Memory: Gulf War Illness Researcher Dr Jerry Buccafussco

This past week the gulf war veterans lost a researcher that had one of the earliest studies that brought attention to gulf war illness...

Science Rules The Day For Gulf War Veterans In Their Battle...

The veterans of the Gulf War 1990-91 have mighty support from scientific breakthroughs that have occurred with the backing of Ross Perot that started in the early years after they returned from the Gulf War in 1991. Mr Perot met with a group of Navy Seebees in the early 90's that had returned sick and faced strong opposition from the government that was suppose to support their veterans.

Gulf War Illness Researcher Georgetown University-Seeking Gulf War Veterans Healthy and...

Dr Barinauck and his staff are exceptional!  Dr Barinauck site is full of the information on his current studies.  He has three gulf war...

DOD CDMRP Announces Gulf War Illness Research 09 Awardees

This AM on the DOD-CDMRP website the list of those awarded funding from FY09 for Gulf War Illness Research are announced and they are: Investigator Inititated Research: Lovelace...

Protected: Gulf War illness Research Again Misdirected-Time for Open Conversations and...

The VA's Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Illness met in Washington, DC on March 1-2 and significant active, heated, lively discussion followed the Update on Research from VA Research. Many of the RAC committee members spoke up concerning Dr Haley's Research at UTSWMed in Dallas Texas. It seems to the majority of veterans that some negotiations and mediations are desperately needed.