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Monthly Archives: August 2013

Blue Star – You just can't make this stuff up

- A VT trip down into the bowels of Israeli mind control and Zionist propaganda. Step number one, make someone else pay!

America’s Neo-Praetorian Guard

- Veterans did not fight and die for a police state...military and Intel professionals are growing more concerned as officer Obie goes commando.

America's Neo-Praetorian Guard

- Veterans did not fight and die for a police state...military and Intel professionals are growing more concerned as officer Obie goes commando.

VA secretary says department waiting on courts or Congress before expanding benefits

Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki says Congress or the courts still has more work to do before the VA can provide federal benefits to married, same-sex couples.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – August 28, 2013

As part of developing this registry, we asked for public comments on the proposed questionnaire by August 20, 2013. We received more than 300 comments.

BullionBuzz eNewsletter | Feature: Ridiculous Nonsense from Ivory Tower Academic Wonderland

Read this week's BullionBuzz for a synopsis on recent, intriguing articles of relevance to investors: BullionBuzz eNewsletter

We’re on the Verge of a Religious Based War in Syria

Obama and gang are talking war against Syria. UN inspectors are trying to determine if chemical weapons were used against civilians last week.

We're on the Verge of a Religious Based War in Syria

Obama and gang are talking war against Syria. UN inspectors are trying to determine if chemical weapons were used against civilians last week.

Henry Kissinger Implicated in 9/11 Attacks!

Henry Kissinger - the cover-up expert and war criminal originally selected to head the phony 9/11 Commission "investigation" - implicated himself in the attacks before the World Trade Center dust had settled.

Zionist loses it on-air: “Shut it Mr. Barrett!”

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

Zionist loses it on-air: "Shut it Mr. Barrett!"

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

The Biggest Race to Print Paper Money in History?

Many central banks within the global economy are involved in printing more of their paper money (often referred to as “fiat” currencies).

Privacy Gone on Offshore Assets

When struggling consumers hear about offshore banking, they naturally think such assets only apply to the rich.

6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Groupon

If you haven’t discovered Groupon yet, you're in for a treat. The discounts are unbelievable, and they're for things you might actually use. Read the rest of the post to know more.....

Pentagon/China Satellite Deals, the Smell of Espionage

These were forwarded to me minutes ago. These date back several months but, combined with new intelligence reports we simply aren't allowed to print, create a mosaic presenting China as a serious threat to world security.

The Perverse Core of Christian Zionism (Part II)

Ronald Reagan was also a product of Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth and other apocalyptic frenzies. Reagan told Christian Life magazine back in 1968, “Apparently never in history have so many of the prophecies come true in such a relatively short time.”

Blanket Immunity For American Taxpayers… A Plan to Dismantle Debt Lawfully

In the United States House of Representatives, the “Jubilee Act for Responsible Lending” (otherwise known as H.R. 2634) was passed on April 24, 2008.

US Indicts Itself in Anti-Syrian Chemical Plot

- We were right again...US is using its prestaged chemical weapons 'red line' to launch a Syrian attack with no evidence

US Contractors Cited for Syrian Chem Attacks (video)

- Differentiating between listed and named terror groups and intelligence agencies has become problematic

Curing Cancer with Cannabis

Although cannabis has been used in medical treatment for thousands of years in China and India, it became illegal in most of the western world in the first half of the twentieth century.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – August 27, 2013

The Department of Defense's Office of Warrior Care Policy (WCP) has just released the summer edition of their quarterly newsletter, The Continuum, available for download here.

Jumping The Gun on Syria

British people woke for a second morning to the chilling realisation that the US and UK were not waiting for the results of the UN's enquiries in Syria before launching military intervention.

GAO Finds Disturbing Gaps in VA Health Provider Performance Pay and Award System

On August 23, 2013, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report on the Department of Veterans Affairs health provider performance pay and award system.

Brand Israel Self-Destructs

"Israel’s brand image does not serve its interests right now,” said Ido Aharoni, head of brand management at the foreign ministry, five years ago.

WND: Corsi Cites Syria False Flag

Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies Contrary evidence arises as U.S. considers punishing Assad regime Jerome R. Corsi//   NEW YORK – As the U.S....

Pravda: USA Disavows All Syrian Rebels

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said that the Syrian rebels could not promote U.S. interests at this stage.

Very Real China Threat

Surprise Chinese Satellite Maneuvers Mystify Western Experts...

“I Am Sorry That It Has Come to This”: A Soldier’s Last Words

Today the US-led coalition is apparently going to another war. The civilizational catastrophe plotted in the Middle East would by far exceed everything experienced by the US Army and their families at homes before.

Why Silver Prices Will Double from Here

The demand for the precious metal is strong, having risen by 50% in the first seven months of this year compared to the same period a year ago.

How to Improve your Credit Score to Avoid Credit Dispute

In order to ensure that your credit score remains high, minimize the number of credit card you are purchasing in a short while.

What Does It Take To Become A Securities Arbitration Lawyer?

As an arbitrator, you will have the ability or “power” to make a difference in your arbitration field of choice. The best you can do is give as much as you can without selling out.

Types of binary option trading bonuses

Regardless of the type of bonus you are entitled to it is important that you read the fine print. Go thoroughly through the terms and conditions of the bonus that are on offer. And most importantly, make sure that the bonus that is being offered is not any kind of means to rip you off.

President Obama Why Have You Become a Warmonger?

President Obama, you're not attacking Syria because of an alleged and unproven Chemical attack, You're doing so because ISRAEL demands it of you, and once you destroy Syria, Israel will want more blood, next it will be Iran.

The Great Global Transition

The battle for the future is right now and its raging. These are the times of mice and men. The great transition is defining us!

Near and After Death Phenomenon Explained

It has long been my opinion that the phenomenon associated with the near and after death experience indicates that a state of unconditional love and soul consciousness lies not only beyond apparent death ~ but also beneath our deepest fears.

Uri Avnery – Cry my Beloved Egypt

- Uri Avnery, "How did this come about...a glorious revolution turn into this disgusting spectacle?"

Veterans Outrage Over VA Benefit Backlog Justified

But the solution isn’t to replace the VA secretary, it is to push through reforms that will make the benefit system more efficient.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – August 26, 2013

In response to President Obama's Executive Order, the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs highlighted today the establishment of two joint research consortia, at a combined investment of $107 million to research the diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) over a five-year period.

Pity the American People for They Live in a Jewish Run Democracy

"A shocking crime was committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of  all". --Tacitus   This...

In Paris – a musical and a comedy are playing this summer

Two kinds of plays a muscial and a comedy are being presented in Paris this summer.