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Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Guardian Laments Sharon

Is it really The Guardian of the truth or has it become The Guardian of Zion?

Financial And Economical Summary

Finances and money have always played a major role in the modern times. Borrowing money from the banks is sometimes needed to meet some emergency needs like the huge costs of higher education, medical emergencies or buying a house or a car.

Gold And Silver – In East v West Gold War, Both Are Still Winning.

Despite all of this recognized demand from every possible source, how else does one otherwise account for the fact that the price of gold was down 28% for the year?

Get All Your Employees on One Platform

If you are owner of a big corporation then we are sure you would be having many employees on your list. If you want your employees to have a sense of belonging for the company then what you should do is ask them to wear garments that are same for all.

2013 Holiday Shopping Paradigm Shift Sets New Norms

You had to have been prematurely hibernating for the winter to NOT notice the incredible paradigm shift that is occurring where holiday shopping is...

PPI Reclaim: whether to go for a company or do it by yourself

If you think back to a time when you took out a loan or mortgage got a credit card or even for something big on credit like a sofa as a good chance you're often PPI or payment protection insurance and all research shows that millions of people were sold the policy that was not suitable for them.

US completely infiltrated by Israeli spies

- Why does American media refuse to cover this huge, decades old, national security scandal? Might it be they are working with the Zionist Lobby?

Friends of Yours, Mr Cameron?

The Palestinian Embassy, for once, has done something useful and released figures that paint a shocking picture of Israel's mega-crimes against their helpless Palestinian neighbours over the past year.

10 Wise Ways To Start A Business

Do you have an idea that you think can sell millions? Or perhaps you are passionate about something that you feel like it will attract clients? Maybe you are itching to try on the new trend in the food industry?

A Comprehensive Guide to Get Rid Of Your Financial Crisis When You Need Cash...

A payday is a short-term loan and on the internet you are going to find several companies offering these short term loans. Most payday loans are for a month.

Spare a Thought for Millionaires

Who wants to be a millionaire? Actually, not many. Wait. What? No one wants to be a millionaire? What about that show with Chris Tarrant? Those questions the contestants answer? Gone - Tarrant says it's time to move on, and he's right.

Debt Solutions Can Save Good Sum of Money

Debt can leave you completely shattered as losing financial freedom is a big challenge in life. To cope up with the situation is like a big issue in anybody’s life. However, some simple debt solutions can help in saving a good chunk of your money. Sinking under heavy piles of losses and liabilities is something which is unbearable and of course stressful.

5 Ways to Boost Your Personal Credit Score

In today's world, a credit score can mean everything. Having a good score can make the difference between whether or not you get a car

Zionism, false flags, tyranny: The REAL weekly news!

Did Obama make a satirical Zio-Nazi salute just to piss off Netanyahu? You read it here first!

Why Are We Being Lied to?

- Mistrust in everything is engineered into our very being as a method of control, absolute control. Science is not what it seems.

AIPAC's Federal Reserve Vice Chairman

The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Financiers are without patriotism and without decency.

Israel’s National Orgasm (Banned)

I use this method of communicating to appeal more to the skeptic, and those that are jaded by the mainstream mouthpieces, rather than preaching to the choir.

The World According to Monsanto

Corporate monopolies are not new, but ownership of patented grain seeds connotes that the control of the food supply is in the grasp of a private company.

Laws you need to Be Aware of before Starting a Business

Whether you are getting ready to start a business on or offline, there are some things that you must take into consideration. The most important matters of starting a business are the laws that are involved with doing so.

Buy a Notary Seal to License Your Notary

When you deal with any official document, the primary question arises about its authenticity and transparency. Notary seals and stamps are used in almost every office and department to authenticate papers and documents produced by them.

Top 3 Business Mantras You Can Put Into Practice

Business is a complex beast and employees often struggle to grasp the “big picture” when it affects them so little on a daily basis,...

How Was Your News Years Eve and Day?

Going out on a limb and wagering that every reader had a better New Year's Eve and enjoyed New Year's Day more than these homeless Veterans.

11 Examples of Illuminati Numerology

It's 1/1 - the anniversary of the day the Euro was introduced in 11 countries. What's with all these Illuminati 11s?!