Ukraine Charade on Parade and Psyops, too

Most Ukrainians are just reaching for a better life
Most Ukrainians are just reaching for a better life

Ukraine Charade on Parade and Psyops, too


…by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor,    … with  Press TV,  Tehran

 –  First published April 18,  2014  –


Lavrov and Kerry - Not looking too happy
Lavrov and Kerry – Not looking too happy
Expectations were not high for Thursday’s four-party Ukraine talks, and we were not denied. While the illegal, violent coup-meisters were represented by themselves and their two major benefactors, the US and EU, the East Ukrainians were not invited. Imagine that.

They were bootstrapped onto the Russians having to represent them, which gave a paper thin cover to the US’s unproven charges that Moscow has been running the whole regional protest.

This also let Kerry set the Russians up for holding them responsible for the East Ukrainians complying with the deescalation agreement.

But I have not seen a word yet about the West being held responsible for anything the Kiev coup did to take power, or has done since. We all know why.

John Kerry could not even leave town without threatening more sanctions on Russia if significant deescalation progress was not made over the weekend. I smelled rat. No Russian visitors, all men between 16 and 60, are allowed into the country now…Kiev’s defensive plan. The Russians have no troops or agents on the ground, because if they did, Kiev would certainly have caught a few by now and put them on display.

And if they could not catch them, the US State Department’s paramilitary people certainly could have, or the CIA’s “snatch” people. And how about the NSA? Have they been on strike? We have not had one YouTube of Putin giving cell phone orders to his invisible army in the Don Bass protest region.

"Oh John, do you really think we can get a war started with Russia?"
“Oh John, do you really think we can get a war started with Russia?”

With all the beating up that the US has been doing on Putin, with John McCain and even Hillary Clinton whacking him with the Hitler club, I thought surely the NSA would have come to the rescue with a smoking gun.

Are they afraid that their Russian intercept counterparts would release more goodies on them if they did?

We have not heard much about the “foreign contractors” rumored to be missing. Having such people disappear is not unusual, but CIA directors are not known to pay state visits when the vice president is coming a few days later.

And if Brennan had brought “proof” of the Russian stealth army in East Ukraine to give to Kiev’s Intel people to let them have credit for making the find, why then did they not use it?

It would have backed up what little credibility they still had. Jokes are already being made that Saddam’s Baghdad Bob was reincarnated in Kiev.

The best example of that all week was their response to reports that some of the initial troops first sent into the Eastern cities were going over to the protestors with their equipment. Kiev said they had been specially trained to make believe they were surrendering so they would be taken right into the heart of the city.

This had us falling off our chairs with laughter, as all the YouTube videos which were widely available told a different story.

Where the Kiev coup-meisters are now viewed as the new Theater of the Absurd poster boys, with the West we are beginning to see a much darker side… psychological operations on a grand scale. The Israeli Lobby people are on the scene, playing both sides. Israel would not formally vote for the Russian sanctions, but their big time supporters in the US, the mega rich ones, have cranked up major “let’s get a war going with Russia campaign.”

Over the weekend an isolated but strange event happened. “Pro-Russian” protestors showed up at a synagogue handing out fliers that Jews were required to register with the protestor’s Donetsk Regional Administration, and of course those folks knew nothing about them.

This seemed a bit fishy to the locals, as there have not been the nationalist issues with Jews in Eastern Ukraine like in the West. The savvy Easterners figured out it was a psyops creation to spin back on Putin. But what happened next surprised us.

The hoax Putin Pogrom ploy got shot down in flames, with VT in the front lines
The hoax Putin Pogrom ploy got shot down in flames, with VT in the front lines

Within 24 hours the “Jews being forced to register in East Ukraine” story was being passed down the neo-con and Christian Zionist email chains to start conditioning minds back here of a potential “Putin Pogrom.”

This flier incident was of course a completely fabricated event, done by professionals with experience in these kinds of Cold War psyops games.

By Thursday the mainstream press was picking it up as they have turned into dependable conveyor belts for such things. From USA Today:

“World leaders and Jewish groups condemned a leaflet handed out in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk in which Jews were told to “register” with the pro-Russian[s] … who have taken over a government office in an attempt to make Ukraine part of Russia, according to Ukrainian and Israeli media.”

But what really surprised us is what we saw in the four party talks agreement coverage today in the New York Times. “It calls on all sides in Ukraine to refrain from violence or provocative behavior and rejects all forms of intolerance, including anti-Semitism, which Mr. Kerry said had emerged as a worry in eastern Ukraine.”

But it gets even better. Here is more from this USA Today psyop story, which even a rookie Intel analyst would have waived his higher up bosses away from as a trap.

“Jews emerging from a synagogue say they were handed leaflets that ordered the city’s Jews to provide a list of property they own and pay a registration fee, or else have their citizenship revoked, face deportation and see their assets confiscated,” reported Ynet News, Israel’s largest news website, and Ukraine’s Donbass news agency.”

Secretary of State John Kerry said the language of the leaflets “is beyond unacceptable” and condemned whomever is responsible. The US ambassador in Kiev was quick to make a comment also.

Kerry... the winged god - crashed and burned on the Jewish flyer hoax
Kerry… the winged god – crashed and burned on the Jewish flyer hoax

Left out of the predictable sanctimonious State Department comments was any reference to the Donetsk Jewish community describing the incident as a provocation and the chief rabbi, Shmuel Kaminezki, wanting to catch the perpetrators.

As expected in a carefully orchestrated scam like this, the usual suspects in the Jewish Lobby community got their bull horns out to play their assigned role of focusing attention once again on you know who, and away from the East Ukrainian victims of the Kiev coup.

Would anyone want to bet how much coverage was given to the coup-government’s Right Sector thugs beating up opposition presidential candidates last week, including one right in Kiev? Do you think the US ambassador, John Kerry, or Victoria Nuland has denounced these strong arm intimidation tactics?

What has taken place here folks is a classic high-level psyops with coordination on several continents, dozens of media and internet platforms, the top Jewish Lobby groups and even snaring the State Department, by hook or by crook.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch in DC, Obama is putting cold water on this initial de-escalation agreement when the ink is hardly dry. Kerry moves fast with new threats and warnings that if the Russians don’t make the East Ukraine protestors comply with serious progress over the weekend, new sanctions were ready to go. I smell a rat there… that the whole effort was just a charade and the leaflets part of it.

This was a desperate attempt to try to reverse the diplomatic credibility black hole the US has put itself in, and in my opinion, has just dug themselves in deeper. They did not fool us here at VT and the team we put on this for a few days. Catching the spin-meisters with their pants down on a scam like this is a bit of a sport for us, one we enjoy immensely.

But in all seriousness, the effort that went into this makes us wonder how much Obama was in the loop on it, and how much he was being played as a chump in a game to put him and Putin in a head-to-head fight. Good gosh, who can you think of that would benefit from that? We have one suspect in mind. How about you?



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Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022.  He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.