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Monthly Archives: December 2014

Tips to follow up the different procedures of lending

There are some rules and regulations while you are going to borrow money from the lenders. It keeps you protected from the lending scams and mishaps

What If ?

It's a known fact that the Worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press of the World. Everywhere the Internet has become established which is now most of the World, it has provided instant access to an incredible amount of information from esteemed authors and researchers, facts that are showing the Major Mass Media's narratives and stories to be largely false.

Save Money On Concert Tickets By Shopping Smart

Shopping for tickets to major events often brings with it a case of ticket shock -- it's often amazing what arenas and major venues...

Starting a Business? 5 Things You Should Know Beforehand

Knowledge is power, as any successful business owner will tell you. Although much of this knowledge comes from putting in the hours and time...

Israel disregards world public opinion: Analyst

- Israel conducts air strikes on Syria under US protection...as usual

US war on terror is war on Israel’s enemies

"Israel’s American assets murdered 3,000 Americans, blew up the twin towers, destroyed World Trade Center [Building] 7 and the entire World Trade Center, attacked the Pentagon, America’s military headquarters, and then deceptively blamed 'Muslim terrorists."

ACE Joins HireVeterans.com

Advanced Calibration Enterprises LLC is a team of highly skilled professionals.

Groupon Joins HireVeterans.com

Groupon offers consumers incredible deals on the best stuff to eat, see, do, and buy in 48 countries.

Russia Defends Ruble With Biggest Rate Rise Since 1998

Russia took its biggest step yet to shore up the ruble and defuse the currency crisis threatening its stricken economy.

Truth In Berlin

Once again, ‘scandal in Germany.’ This time the ultra Zionist AJC (American Jewish Committee) is empowered to define the boundaries of an exchange in Germany about Palestine and the hope for peace in the Middle East.

NEO – Has Freedom Become the Preserve of the Far Right?

- Seth Ferris..."Every country, new or old, has to be part of one geopolitical alliance, and only one. That is a practical fact."

How to Invest in Emerging Markets Funds?

Nowadays, investing in the emerging market funds can be a profitable choice. According to experts, “emerging markets” are a good investment bet.

Aurora VA hospital mess irks veterans

Even as the Department of Veterans Affairs scrambles to get its massive Aurora hospital project back on track, the bureaucratic bungling that further delayed work there is increasing frustration among Pikes Peak region veterans.

Changes in the financial Landscape: New concerns, new jobs

Ever since the credit crunch of 2008 the financial landscape has been transformed. Governments have got more involved in legislating the controls which need to be in place for banking institutions to operate.

Creative Marketing Gets Results

One of the more unusual approaches to marketing in recent months is described in this BBC article, where Harris Tweed garments can be permanently...

The Prosecution of Zionist Torturers

If we executed the Japanese who warterboarded American POWs, what is the fate of those who practiced the same thing during the Bush administration?

Look before you Jump into Searching for a Property

Are you all set to purchase a new home? If yes, the very first thing that you need to consider is cost incurred of...

Investing in Real Estate in Mexico, Better Than Ever

The real estate market has been affected by the world-wide crisis, but unlike other sectors of the economy; housing development is vital for the population.

Real Estate Law: Five Tips To Help Any New Property Owner

When you have your first home under contract, it's easy to sit back and enjoy the experience. A multitude of issues might arise between...

Apple Should Win Its E-Book Appeal

On Monday Apple will ask the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York to overturn an antitrust verdict.

Suppose They Gave a War and No One Came?

2014 year marks the 100th anniversary of the Christmas truce during World War I. On December 25, 1914, two-thirds of the Western Front (roughly 100,000 British and German troops) spontaneously exited their trenches to exchange chocolate, cigarettes, brandy rum and souvenirs.

How Can Younger People Save Money

Younger people aren’t exactly known for being thrifty with their money.

Why Your Next Car Should Be a Hatchback

Thinking about upgrading your car soon? You might have already considered a hatchback, but decided it’s not for you.

CACI Leads in Virginia Veterans Hiring Program

CACI, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, hired an impressive 409 veterans in the first full quarter of the company's participation in the Virginia Values Veterans (V3) program, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe announced.

World must Denuclearize Israeli Regime

-"There can never be peace in the Mideast when Israel has chemical, biological and nuclear devices."

B.C. Construction Co. Joins Hireveterans.com

Every job, be it commercial or projects for federal and state municipalities, is given the same attention as if it were a complex building needing seismic requirements.

TSM Joins Hireveterans.com

TSM Corporation is committed to equality of employment opportunity for all individuals.

Custom Weapons By VT (updated)

VT is continually coming up with ways to deal with intruders on your roof, a common problem in the holiday season

Business Opportunity: Jihadi Chocolate Shops!

The black flags with white writing are perfect for dark-chocolate-based confectionary delicacies

Are Store Credit Cards Worth Considering?

Store Credit cards are credit cards that unsecured and associated with any one retailer and issued to people who have good credit scores

Cautions for Buy Now, Pay Later, No Credit Check Offers

Catalogues with credit account are companies that offer opportunities to people with poor credit scores to shop first and pay later. This is simply based on the credit score you hold in the market.

NEO – No pensions, water, electricity: Ukrainian way to the EU

- If we would hold a referendum today in Luhansk, most of the population would favor annexation to Russia

U.S. Stocks Tumble to Cap Dow’s Worst Week Since 2011

U.S. stocks sank, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average capping its biggest weekly drop in three years, as oil continued to slide and Chinese industrial data raised concern over a global economic slowdown.

Canepa Joins Hireveterans.com

Canepa provides exceptional automobiles to collectors worldwide, as well as performing Pebble Beach level restorations on historically important vehicles.

Darth Vader Unmasked – Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney is like a deadly and now dormant vampire who lives in the darkness and can only be truly eliminated by a wooden stake or the light of truth driven into his treasonous dark heart of denial ~ whereas the truth of 9/11 will finally be revealed as well as Cheney’s role in America’s greatest act of treason.

Improving Mental Health care for Our Veterans

When our men and women in uniform come home from overseas, they deserve the best possible medical care. Unfortunately, they haven’t always been getting it.

Torture Porn and Moral Reasoning (Part III)

"Sexual liberation is a system in which behavior dictates reason, and once reason is no longer the light according to which man acts, force takes its places and force…means the sexual exploitation of women."

Who will rendition the renditioners?

Dear Atty. Gen. Eric Holder: Rendition THIS!

Straight Talk on Exercise for Diabetic Vets

Exercise is the answer! For both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics exercise will reduce the need for insulin and oral hypoglycemic medications, improve the ability of the body to improve glycemic (sugar) control, and increase the ability to control body weight.

Arise Joins Hireveterans.com

Arise Virtual Solutions is the leading global provider of the work-at-home business.

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

Last week Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of VT delivered an Historic Keynote Speech at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. This speech is sending shock-waves around the World.

Reasons That Explain Account Management Is Necessary

Managing accounts and maintaining records is one habit that can always bring lots of benefits. It is not just large businesses that need to keep accounts, even a simple household needs to keep accounts just because there are plenty of benefits of this activity.