Tag: Coping with PTSD
Seeing my Life as a Quest Versus a Struggle
But there is one particular memory which became the foundation of my lifelong quest to share a great truth and make a profound difference on the planet .
Unsaid Issue Behind Veteran’s Rising Suicide Rate Is Shame Based Guilt
No one really talks about the psychic damage that combat veterans feel when they take someone's life, regardless of the military situation ~ but the effect is real and usually manifests itself as shame based guilt whereas the innate deep need to love and accept love is quite often permanently disabled.
Unsaid Issue Behind Veteran's Rising Suicide Rate Is Shame Based Guilt
No one really talks about the psychic damage that combat veterans feel when they take someone's life, regardless of the military situation ~ but the effect is real and usually manifests itself as shame based guilt whereas the innate deep need to love and accept love is quite often permanently disabled.
A Radical Remedy for Veterans – Humanity and Truth
I read this article on the drugging of soldiers recently and realized that the men they are writing about represent a few tiny drops in the ocean of suffering that we as a society have created through war and the aftermath, through inhuman designs and inhuman acts.
The Truth That Shall Set Everything Ablaze
Nothing is more powerful than a truth whose time has come. In a world that is increasingly interconnected and viral, the search for the ultimate truth is accelerating.
Band Of Brothers #8 – Conquering Military Racism
The ultimate fire fight is on the battleground of the heart for it is there that we meet our deepest fears and issues of unworthiness.
“PTSD Secrets”
I must confess right upfront that this posting is a little self promotion. Well, kind of. Three months ago, a dear friend of mine that I have known for over 25-years contacted me with an urgent request concerning his son who had recently returned from Afghanistan.
PTSD: From Viet Nam to Iraq and Afghanistan
In my latest issue of The Veteran Magazine (September-October 2011), from Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), is an excellent series of articles focused on PTSD.
Eight more Vietnam and Iraq veterans, all with PTSD, faced their fears and not only opened their hearts but found and began to heal...
Suppressing Dissent: “The VA is not the place to talk politics”
Psychologist Dr. Johanna (Hans) Buwalda is a therapist providing Mental Health advise and assistance as one of Vietnam Veterans Against the War's Military Counselors. This presentation covers several suggestions that could make VA Mental Health accessible to more Veterans of all wars, IF the VA would stop using these these eight words, “this is not a place to talk politics” the hidden intent is to suppress dissenting views on WAR!
Filmmaker David Lynch Introduces Veterans to Meditation
When you tell a Marine they need to do yoga or meditate, they think you're the one with the problem. Yet when they understand...
Where is your church in PTSD fight
Too many times we read about what is not happening. We read about suicides going up, families falling apart afterwards and discovering all too...
Afghanistan & Iraq Vets Call for End to Deployment of Traumatized...
IVAW - Operation Recovery
VT has already published several articles about the likelihood that military commanders in dire need of warriors in combat are sending...
Army Weak: Soldiers Expose Deployment of Unprepared Troops
VT was contacted by the author of this article, Clare Bayard, which was originally Published on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 by CommonDreams.org. Clare asked...
The Iraq War – It’s Not Really Over
Mainstream television news has begun making a big show of the withdrawal of America's "last combat troops" from Iraq, but the painful saga continues...
Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan: How its helping Troops and Vets with PTSD
Back in May 2010, we ran an article Virtual Reality Combat Simulations as a Treatment for PTSD that resulted in a heated debate about...
PTSD: VVAW Jumping in with Both Feet
By Ray Parrish, VVAW Veterans Benefits Counselor
As mentioned in a previous article, Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) intends expanding its capability to offer...
Soldiers & Suicide: A Warrior Poet’s Nightmare
This heart wrenching take on Soldiers, Veterans, and Suicide was sent into us by Brother Willie Hager and our friends at VetSpeak.
Graphics added by...
Virtual Reality Combat Simulations as a Treatment for PTSD
Recently we at VT have been getting a lot of feedback both positive and negative on the Pentagon's experimentation with Virtual Reality War Simulations...
PTSD is Real, PTSD Fraud is Not – Veterans rebuttal to...
VCS Responds to AP: PTSD is Real, PTSD Fraud is Not
Written by VCS - Republished on VT by permission from Veterans for Common Sense....