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Tag: false flag

Will US military be “al-Qaeda's air force” in Syria on September...

"Bomb Syria for al-Qaeda": the dumbest war ever?

New World Order Conspiracy Novel Succeeds

"Popsicle Man" summarizes the New World Order material clearly and accurately, and presents it in the context of a gripping thriller.

"We Didn't Know There Were Chemical Weapons"

Everyone, even Obama, knows Assad would have to be psychotic to launch a chemicals weapons attack with UN inspectors only miles a way.

“We Didn’t Know There Were Chemical Weapons”

Everyone, even Obama, knows Assad would have to be psychotic to launch a chemicals weapons attack with UN inspectors only miles a way.

Obama's Kennedy moment

Is Obama trying to prevent the planned "big Mideast war" - while avoiding JFK's fate?

Obama’s Kennedy moment

Is Obama trying to prevent the planned "big Mideast war" - while avoiding JFK's fate?

Israel main beneficiary of US attack on Syria

Kerry's "evidence" on the chemical weapons attack is classified - and its source is Israel.

Urgent! Stop World War III – here's how

Make phone calls, save the planet.

Urgent! Stop World War III – here’s how

Make phone calls, save the planet.

Henry Kissinger Implicated in 9/11 Attacks!

Henry Kissinger - the cover-up expert and war criminal originally selected to head the phony 9/11 Commission "investigation" - implicated himself in the attacks before the World Trade Center dust had settled.

Zionist loses it on-air: “Shut it Mr. Barrett!”

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

Zionist loses it on-air: "Shut it Mr. Barrett!"

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

US military intervention in Syria can lead to WWIII: Analyst

“This is a dangerous move because we’re really on the edge of a potential World War III in Syria."

All out for Washington, DC this September 11th!

Simply by showing up in Washington, you will be making a powerful statement: I am not afraid.

Syria Chemical Mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag?

After big Israeli false-flags, Israeli leaders incriminate themselves by knowing too much too soon.

Book review: Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11 by Elias Davidsson

"Before I came across the book 'Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11' by Elias Davidsson, I believed in the official narrative on 9/11."

Book review: Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11 by Elias Davidsson

"Before I came across the book 'Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11' by Elias Davidsson, I believed in the official narrative on 9/11."

9/11/13 Million American March Ignites Media Firestorm!

Americans will gather in Washington, DC on 9/11/2013 to reject the post-9/11 politics of fear - and say to the government and media "you can't scare us any more."

US "Death Squad Envoy" Arrives in Egypt – And the Slaughter...

False-flag al-Sisi death squads in black masks are firing at soldiers to trigger a massacre of democracy supporters.

US “Death Squad Envoy” Arrives in Egypt – And the Slaughter...

False-flag al-Sisi death squads in black masks are firing at soldiers to trigger a massacre of democracy supporters.

Tsarnaevs 9/11 truthers, not terrorists

Why would a Muslim who knew that 9/11 was an anti-Islam PR stunt - and a disaster for Muslims - want to stage another 9/11-style attack on US civilians?

Veterans for Peace demands new investigation of 9/11 – quietly (so...

Veterans for Peace has officially supported a new investigation of 9/11 for four years - but the national leadership won't take the next step.

VFP convention shocker! Overflow crowd seeks 9/11 truth

Massive turnout for 9/11 truth at the Veterans for Peace convention proves that this issue isn't going away.

Absurd US ‘terror alert’ hints at coming false-flag

Hundreds of millions of people remain under post-hypnotic suggestion: “Fear the terrorists! Obey the government! Believe the nonsense!”

Happy Quds Day! My interview with Tasnim News Agency

"Over the past thirteen years, Israeli soldiers have murdered more than 1,500 Palestinian children – about one murder every three days."

WTC insurance fraud? Silverstein "trial" runs Monday through Wednesday

Why is Silverstein claiming that airliners destroyed his buildings, when he has already confessed to demolishing at least one of them himself?

WTC insurance fraud? Silverstein “trial” runs Monday through Wednesday

Why is Silverstein claiming that airliners destroyed his buildings, when he has already confessed to demolishing at least one of them himself?

The 6/22/13 U.S. Coup Plot Revealed

TV shows hint at 6/22/13 nuclear false flag attacks.

McCain Sneaks Across Syria Border, Joins Al-Qaeda

Jihadis are flocking to al-Qaeda's war on Syria - even from the halls of Congress!

Dzhokhar's boat 'confession' the most unbelievable part yet of Boston psyop

If you liked "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is great" on the anthrax letters, you'll LOVE "Dzokhar's boat confession."

Dzhokhar’s boat ‘confession’ the most unbelievable part yet of Boston psyop

If you liked "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is great" on the anthrax letters, you'll LOVE "Dzokhar's boat confession."

Larry “pull it” Silverstein builds ANOTHER tower!

Larry Silverstein wants more skyscrapers.

Larry "pull it" Silverstein builds ANOTHER tower!

Larry Silverstein wants more skyscrapers.

Bishop Richard Williamson: Boston Bombing Was Another False Flag

Bishop Richard Williamson says the American people need to wake up to false-flag terrorism - before it's too late.

Israel, Al-Qaeda Ties Out in The Open

Al-Qaeda and Israel have joined forces in Syria. Is that just a coincidence? Or have they always been on the same side?

Al-CIA-duh exposed!

"Al-Qaeda" kills large numbers of Muslims, but hardly any Americans - and no Israelis, ever.

Tsarnaev Brothers: 9/11 Truthers – and Obviously Innocent

The Tsarnaev brothers were patsies in a false-flag event, and their whole family knows it.

New Documents Reveal Homeland Security Deeply Involved in Boston Bombing

Citizen investigators are doing a fine job at exposing the inconsistencies in the story the Feds and corpse media would like us to believe.

CIA’s Graham Fuller, connected to Tsarnaevs -9/11 cover-up

The Tsarnaev brothers' intel-connected uncle married the daughter of CIA spook Graham Fuller - who led the 9/11 cover-up in Turkey. Small world!

CIA's Graham Fuller, connected to Tsarnaevs -9/11 cover-up

The Tsarnaev brothers' intel-connected uncle married the daughter of CIA spook Graham Fuller - who led the 9/11 cover-up in Turkey. Small world!

WTC “Boeing landing gear”: Lamest planted evidence ever?

The story of the "Boeing landing gear" lowered into place with ropes to be "discovered" behind the "Ground Zero Mosque" is hilariously bogus.

WTC "Boeing landing gear": Lamest planted evidence ever?

The story of the "Boeing landing gear" lowered into place with ropes to be "discovered" behind the "Ground Zero Mosque" is hilariously bogus.