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Tag: netanyahu

Isaiah 60:12 and US Middle East Foreign Policy

. . . it looks like the politicians in the US are using the US military and tax payers to carry out the Biblical threat to Gentiles found in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at Isaiah 60:12.

Israel Digging Own Grave, its Death Very Close

"Those who live by the sword, die by the sword and Israel is very close to dying by the sword.”

When Π Equals 3: The Battle for a Zionist Chief Rabbi

I can't imagine the Indian government attempting to change the value of a mathematical constant by law. They are too civilized for that. This type of legislation is restricted to colonizers. Indiana legislated in 1897 what is known as the Indiana Pi Bill

IDF Commando Follies

"I had a female-commander who didn't stop cursing, dirty words that I had never heard before," complained a few days ago Yosef Duvdevany while describing his IDF service as a Haredi soldier.

Larry "pull it" Silverstein builds ANOTHER tower!

Larry Silverstein wants more skyscrapers.

Larry “pull it” Silverstein builds ANOTHER tower!

Larry Silverstein wants more skyscrapers.

Netanyahu Summoned to China

Benjamin Netanyahu has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his involvement in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan.

Israel Cozies Up to China

Good thing I have access to CCTV-English (Chinese state television) for international news or I would have totally missed the scoop that Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu has frozen new settlement activity in the Palestinian West Bank.

Ultra-Orthodox Judaism Declares War on Netanyahu

In the last days of April, Netanyahu's government faced a vote of no confidence due to its proposed budget

Former Army Spymaster Cites “Bifurcated” Government in False Flag

- These things are definitely false flag operations and it’s a hell of a lot more serious than you guys know.

Netanyahu Prolongs Law Banning Mixed Marriages

Most Israelis do not understand the concept of illegitimate laws. A law may pass through all the tedious processes of legislation.

Netanyahu’s Road to Damascus

On Friday, March 22, 2013, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu called Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and apologized for the Israeli attack on Gaza's Freedom Flotilla that caused the deaths of nine Turkish citizens. Afterwards, Netanyahu's bureau released a statement.

“No I can’t” Obama Says

We now know that President Obama believes there is little or no prospect for peace in the Middle East unless enough Israeli Jews, in particular the young to whom he appealed directly, understand that the only way for Israel to survive as a Jewish and democratic state is “through the realization of a viable and independent Palestine” and then insist that their government commits itself in negotiations to ending the occupation of the West Bank (now well into in its 45th year).

Israel, driving America’s ‘Welfare Cadillac’

"To any American, the term “welfare Cadillac” refers to an undeserving “freeloader” living off the hard work of others.

“Obama, B’ona,” says Israel

The day after Israel laughed at Obama, things got awry. Not on the formal level; American flags are larger than ever, Netanyahu's baritone is deeper than ever, and Palestinian despair is sadder than ever.

Israel Laughs at Obama

On March 20, 2013, the Israeli government started Operation "Unbreakable Alliance," the code name given to the visit of President Barack Obama in Israel.

9/11 Interview with Gordon Duff, Sahar University (video)

Never before broadcast interview with Gordon Duff on the subject of 9/11. Interview date, 11/9/2012...

Obama v Netanyahu – The Next Round

The headline over a recent op-ed article in the New York Times by Rashid Khalidi was Is Any Hope Left for Mideast Peace? The answer to that question might or might not be clear beyond dispute when the curtain comes down on President Obama’s performance in Israel-Palestine.

Protocols of Zion

Waiting to the right opportunity to comment on certain things can be painful. If unlinked to what most people define as "news," the comment would be ignored. Waiting for the right moment can take years; yet, it invariably arrives

Settlers Win Israeli Government

On March 14, 2013, Netanyahu announced in the Knesset to his party members that his coalitional negotiations ended.

Worst nightmare looming for Netanyahu

he president’s decision, after consultation with Democratic leaders in congress, including the Jewish caucus and Secretaries Kerry and Hagel, representing Departments of State and Defense, is primary driven by economic issues.

“King Bibi” vs. the West

The politicians are so scared of them and indeed so are the police that no one takes action against them, writes against them or convicts them.

Israel Celebrates Successful 9/11 Operation on Purim Holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America.

Redefining Anti-Semitism, Reviewing Mark Glenn’s Startling Video

In December, 2012, John's Hopkins published a genome study on the Jewish people clearly indicating, if we choose to find humor in such things, that the average "knuckle-dragging white supremacist" is more Jewish than any Israeli Jew.

Redefining Anti-Semitism, Reviewing Mark Glenn's Startling Video

In December, 2012, John's Hopkins published a genome study on the Jewish people clearly indicating, if we choose to find humor in such things, that the average "knuckle-dragging white supremacist" is more Jewish than any Israeli Jew.

Netanyhau’s Deep Pockets: The Price of Silence

Arafat Jaradat It was difficult to find out why there were protests, though they took place in an extensive geographical area and seemed related.

Netanyhau's Deep Pockets: The Price of Silence

Arafat Jaradat It was difficult to find out why there were protests, though they took place in an extensive geographical area and seemed related.

I’m not an Israeli journalist. I’m an American journalist.

On Friday, forty allegedly American Senators blocked Chuck Hagel and sent a message: “We are not United States Senators. We are Israeli Senators.”

Uri Avnery Attends the New Knesset

- Uri Avnery - “Compared to the Knesset it could have been, this is a very good Knesset!”

WANTED – A psychiatric diagnosis of Nazi holocaust denial

While I was reading some of the responses on various web sites to my last post (Understanding the real significance TODAY of the Nazi holocaust), the following question occurred to me.

Duped! Hysterical Obama Hoax Shows Zionist Trail

The internet is filled with it, mystery man "Dr. Jim Garrow," said to be a nominee for a Nobel Prize, said to be a "renowned author," spreads a bizarre slander about President Obama. However, when we try to find "Dr. Garrow," we are led to ultra-right wing "WorldNetDaily," a fanatic site run by the Israel lobby and the article below, the only real investigation into Garrow and who and what he really is.

Assad's Best Friend Attacks Syria

Do you know what love is? I'll tell you: it is whatever you can still betray.—John le Carré, The Looking Glass War

Assad’s Best Friend Attacks Syria

Do you know what love is? I'll tell you: it is whatever you can still betray.—John le Carré, The Looking Glass War

Anti-Semitism: What it IS and is NOT

An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews. Now it is a person who Jews dislike.

Iran Launches Monkey Into Space

The Islamic Republic of Iran has sent a monkey into space on a suborbital flight and returned it to Earth safely.

Obama: Netanyahu is a “Liar” and a “Coward”

No American president has ever insulted an Israeli PM like this.

Election Time in Israel – Boring says Uri Avnery

- Boring Elections Only Empower Those Already in Charge...by Design

Netanyahu for Anti-Christ? He’s got my vote!

Why stop at the post of Israeli PM? Netanyahu should run for Anti-Christ!

It is Sanction Time for Israel

- The time has come to deal with the Israeli bullies - using their own methods

No Consequences (Again) for Israel’s Hateful Conduct?

Earlier this week, in a sham show of ‘get tough’ diplomacy, UK foreign minister Alistair Burt announced that the Israeli ambassador had been formally summoned to the Foreign Office following Israel’s decisions to build 3,000 new housing units in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank, unfreeze planning in the area known as E1 and withhold tax revenues from the Palestinian Authority.

Britain and France May Pull Ambassadors From Israel

Britain and France, like most of the Gentile world, are upset that Israel is going ahead with building new illegal Jewish settlements in Palestinian East Jerusalem and in the Palestinian West Bank. Senior diplomats say these actions may take place within the next few days.

Are Israel’s Jews, some of them, on their way to becoming...

Some and perhaps many will regard my headline question as offensive but I make no apology for asking it; and I take comfort from the fact that my decision to pose it is fully supported by one of my very dear Jewish friends - Nazi holocaust survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer.