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Snowden, Syria, and the Soviets

Hiding among the spiky rocks, I waited for the slowly approaching alien government force to make an error. Operation Assange 2.0 was bound to fail, as miserably as its first part. It looked as an almost perfect copycat; but this time the design was flawed.

IDF’s Syrian Blitzkrieg

In 1988, Israel conducted what until then was its largest military exercise. "Ba'al HaHalomot" (Dreams' Owner) was the first and only attempt of the IDF to see if its Vertical Bypass Division could deliver its promise to open a second front for the IDF.*

IDF's Syrian Blitzkrieg

In 1988, Israel conducted what until then was its largest military exercise. "Ba'al HaHalomot" (Dreams' Owner) was the first and only attempt of the IDF to see if its Vertical Bypass Division could deliver its promise to open a second front for the IDF.*

"Racism or Assimilation"

On June 18, 2013, the Israeli Police published its report on Price Tag* terror attacks. This happened after on June 2, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and State Prosecutor's Office failed to reach an agreement on the definition of the organization as a terrorist one.

“Racism or Assimilation”

On June 18, 2013, the Israeli Police published its report on Price Tag* terror attacks. This happened after on June 2, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and State Prosecutor's Office failed to reach an agreement on the definition of the organization as a terrorist one.

What if Netanyahu Won the Elections in Iran?

Iran's elections results awarded an easy victory to Hassan Rouhani, who got over 50% of the vote in the first round. He defined the event as a "victory of moderation over extremism." Even Israel acknowledged that he was the most moderate among the candidates. Moreover, he had been the Chief Negotiator in the unending nuclear talks between Iran and the international community. That's not a post awarded to an extremist.

$100 Million and 4 Guns

Hebrew "mita'am"* literally means "from-flavor." It denotes a messenger, someone who is "flavored" with content given by somebody else. A recurrent problem with Hebrew media is that it is flavored; it is conscripted journalism conveying the messages sent by the State.

After Syria, Begging Assassin Attacks Turkey

On May 26, 2013, the Hebrew headlines on ynet, the website of the Hebrew newspaper Yediot Ahronot, was the dream of George Orwell.

The Last Jew Dies

Few people have been awarded the questionable honor of being featured by the exclusive Obituaries Section of this website.

Waze of Israel: Google Beats Facebook

Looking from outside, most Israeli companies mentioned in this article seem to be unrelated. Yet, it is not a secret that most key people in them are former Unit 8200 soldiers.

The Cost of a Mossad Assassination

Knowing the budget of an organization allows one to evaluate its capabilities. $1000 Per year? No chance that they are developing weapons of mass destruction. $1000 Billion per year? They are dangerous.

Judaizing Jaffa

For many years, rich Jewish Israelis living in Tel Aviv, favored northern neighborhoods, especially Ramat Aviv and Afeka.** At a certain moment, rich suburbs like Savion, and neighborhoods in Ramat HaSharon and Hertzeliya robbed the thunder from the big city.

Hitchhiking War

In the first foggy days of what may become WWIII, when former hidden-friends are apparently nuking each other above and below the water, a much more significant, though overlooked, war is going on in Israel; the Hitchhiking War threatens to ruin what is left of IDF trempiadot.

Go ahead, Iran!

For many years, I wondered what happens with school bullies. After all, they are the only nature constant evident in Western schools. One cannot trust that proper topics would be taught, one cannot trust that a proper level would be achieved, but always, always, one can trust that the bullies are out there attacking the righteous sheep.

Ultra-Orthodox Conscription Enforced

Jewish Legalism is not my cup of tea; I favor coffee. Yet, from time to time, it is useful to remember the unjust fastidiousness of legalism.

Comoros Sues Israel

Certain errors are difficult to fix, as the adjacent picture shows. On May 28, 2013, a Merkava 3 tank found itself upside down in Tzeelim, a training base near Gaza. Loaded, the vehicle surpasses the 90 metric tones of weight (in violation to international agreements).

Lebanonizing Syria

"Lebanon" is mentioned in the Bible; it is one of the few existing countries with a proper Hebrew name. Moreover, the name has been properly derived from a Semitic root—L.B.N.—which refers to the color white.

Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem sells the City

In the early spring of 2070, Mr. Israel Israeli could barely remember the now defunct Israeli Administration. Two thousand years after the destruction of the Second Temple, it was clear that the Zionists had failed to construct the Third one to the extent that young people needed to be explained what a "Zionist" had been. One of the publicists* had ruined them.

Israel Attacks Church of Scotland

In May 2013, one can't help but watch astonished a media attack conducted by the State of Israel on the Church of Scotland. On May 22, Israeli newspaper Haaretz—the unofficial Voice of the Shin Beth secret police—published an opinion article by Ben Cohen, titled "The Church of Scotland's parody of Judaism."

Saving Private Alfi

I grew up next to the Jordan River. Its western bank had a minefield blocking access to the river, denying even stolen glimpses at its historic waters. Nearby, our kibbutz was surrounded by several concentric circles of barbed wire; landmines had been laid in between them.

When Π Equals 3: The Battle for a Zionist Chief Rabbi

I can't imagine the Indian government attempting to change the value of a mathematical constant by law. They are too civilized for that. This type of legislation is restricted to colonizers. Indiana legislated in 1897 what is known as the Indiana Pi Bill

Israel: "We Are More Anti-Semites!"

I can seldom claim to be delighted during my daily tours within the Hebrew media darkest corners; the offensive image I reproduced in yesterday's article is a good explanation why.

Israel: “We Are More Anti-Semites!”

I can seldom claim to be delighted during my daily tours within the Hebrew media darkest corners; the offensive image I reproduced in yesterday's article is a good explanation why.

Bolivia Mauls American-Media Journalist

One of the emails I stopped answering are those asking "if you are a political prisoner of Bolivia, how can you keep publishing?" The second type I seldom answer claims that Evo Morales is a hero of international green movements and thus my claims against his ruthless regime cannot be true; if Bolivians would hear about this international image of Morales, they would be rolling on the floor, laughing harder than ever before.

The Poorest Rich Country

In order to emphasize certain state-crimes, I said to a Bolivian lawyer once "Bolivia belongs to the Fourth World." He was unable to understand the reference. Empire's Doublethink* conquers even the West's lesser corners.

The Beautiful Banality of Ugly Racism

It is so graphically obvious that this single-sentence introduction is enough to clarify the point. Look at Tel Aviv's centennial logo and the emblem. Despite Tel Aviv-Yafo being formally a mixed Jewish-Palestinian city, the script is Hebrew and English.

Jerusalem Day: Key Annexation Step Completed

Two years ago, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said during Jerusalem Day: "next year in a more built up Jerusalem," improving on an old Jewish prayer.

Israeli Airstrike on Syria

There is no better testimony that the situation in Syria has deteriorated into a full war than the fogginess accompanying reports from there. "Yesterday, May 3, 2013, unclear targets were hit by unknown forces; but maybe it happened the night before."

Ultra-Orthodox Judaism Declares War on Netanyahu

In the last days of April, Netanyahu's government faced a vote of no confidence due to its proposed budget

Israel Intelligence Directorate Sends America to War

A long time ago, Israeli Prime Ministers discovered that their governments are dysfunctional. They are large and plagued with coalitional interests.

Israel to issue "White Money"

At certain moments, it gets embarrassing. Why should I make public my past links with these people? Why should I throw dirt on my own name? Yet, if not doing that, I would be promoting violence and racism.

Israel to issue “White Money”

At certain moments, it gets embarrassing. Why should I make public my past links with these people? Why should I throw dirt on my own name? Yet, if not doing that, I would be promoting violence and racism.

False Flag Attack in Tunisia?

"some groups have raised concerns in recent months over an apparent rise in anti-Semitic language in Tunisia." Yediot Ahronoth, April 27, 2013

Same Same, But Not the Same!

Over the years, a recurring reaction I receive to my articles is: "It is the same here." Following that statement appears a description of how the crimes committed by the State of Israel have a copycat in the country of the sender.

American-Palestinian Jailed by Israel. Does it Matter?

On April 5, 2013, a 14-year-old boy with American and Palestinian citizenship was arrested by Israel; on April 11 he reached the military court at the Ofer Prison. It was an event which this website wouldn't have missed the opportunity to comment on it; yet, that didn't happen. Three days afterwards, Al Jazeera came out with the story, titling it "Israel arrests 14-year-old US citizen."

Israel Renounces Imperial Monument

Against all odds, the last landmark I saw before my exile began was Herodion. It was as unexpected as the map to the right is misleading. Herodion is marked with an "A," and is located just a few kilometers southeast of Jerusalem.

Israeli Anti-Missiles Fail in Eilat Attack

Censorship of a military operation is a thing of the past. Hiding movements of troops in an environment where most people have cellular phones and cameras is impossible, at least in the long term.

Jewish Mayor: I've been called "Fascist, Thug, Racist"

It is truly stunning. I went with them to their schools. I know what they were taught. It even wasn't so far from Nazareth. Yet, I read their words and see them just repeating the manipulations our teachers told us were the bread and butter of the Nazi Regime.

Jewish Mayor: I’ve been called “Fascist, Thug, Racist”

It is truly stunning. I went with them to their schools. I know what they were taught. It even wasn't so far from Nazareth. Yet, I read their words and see them just repeating the manipulations our teachers told us were the bread and butter of the Nazi Regime.

Chinese Cinderella Reaches Israel

Pirating movies is big business. In much of Asia and South America improvised shops and stalls sell movies in cheap plastic sachets.

Tatra Tiger gets Silver Hand from Israel

Tatra Tiger gets Silver Hand from Israel Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses—Matthew 10:9 --- By www.roitov.com --- Twice in the last year, Israel extorted...

U.S. Accomplishes Takeover of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields

We even gave them one hour of 'siesta' after lunch, as their culture demands, but they ran away as soon as the first missiles fell.