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Tag: Saddam Hussein

The Inevitable Price of Dictatorship

With the on going killing fields of Bashar Assad’s Syria, by now Washington, Tel-Aviv, Moscow, Berlin, Paris and London should know the “inevitable” price of dictatorship.

Carnage in Baghdad: New Fear, New Game

There is a new fear emerging in Iraq that the country will plunge even more into turmoil and political disequilibrium as the US troops cased in their colors and left behind a country which they helped lay bare to waste and dereliction.

8 Years Gone, Saddam Hussein Still Don’t Surf

Yesterday marked the 8th year anniversary of the capture of Saddam Hussein. To mark the occassion, Lt. Col Steve Russell who allegedly led the team to capture Saddam wrote a book called "We Got Him" and it's fun fiction.

Gaddafi dead: What next?

The report that the evasive Libyan ruler Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has died as a result of the wounds he sustained during a NATO attack has flung the Libyans into a jubilant frenzy while it has provoked mixed reactions from the political observers who may eye the event with reasonable degree of suspicion.

Veterans Weekly Forum

Lt. Col. Steve Russell (U.S. Army Retired), who was instrumental in the capture of the notorious Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, will be the exclusive guest on Friday’s RePatriot Radio show

The Iraq War may be Over But the Grudge Ain`t

The ugly part of war- especially the war against innocent civilians- is the bitterness and the grudge it leaves behind. The war may be over for the Americans but it is far from over for some who lost their faith in a just and fair world. … The war may be over but the grudge ain`t.

Joseph C. Wilson on George Bush’s ‘Deception Points’

- Lame attempt to cleanse history - By Joseph C. Wilson in the Huffington Post Having read that people began lining up in front of bookstores...

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

With respect to the positionI take about the crimes of George Bush, I want to state at the outset that my motivation is not political. Although I've been a longtime Democrat (primarily because, unless there is some very compelling reason to be otherwise, I am always for "the little guy"), my political orientation is not rigid. For instance, I supported John McCain's run for the presidency in 2000.


ISRAEL TO USE IRANIAN AND PAKISTANI DUPES IN DIRTY NUKE PLOY    ... by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor   This week, the last piece fell into place. ...

Bin Laden: Dead and Loving It

The bin Laden narrative aptly illustrates the extent to which our government institutions have used the big media and polluted the information environment. Rumor begets hearsay. Hearsay begets opinion. Opinion begets unconfirmed facts, unconfirmed facts beget disinformation begets propaganda begets intelligence, and intelligence begets nonexistent weapons of mass destruction.