Tag: Benefits
New Members Appointed to VA Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans
The Department of Veterans Affairs has announced the appointment of six new members to the Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 25, 2013
POS-REP, short for “position report,” is a new social networking mobile app that allows Veterans to locate other Veterans, communicate and find resources in their area.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 11, 2013
Exposed to burn pits in Iraq or Afghanistan? A planned burn pits registry will help VA to monitor effects of exposure and keep Veterans informed about studies and treatments.
Obama Signs Runyan Bill Boosting Veterans’ Benefits
The House of Representatives passed H.R. 5948, the Veterans Fiduciary Reform Act of 2012. This legislation was an omnibus bill that included Congressman Jon Runyan’s (R-NJ) bill H.R. 5881, the Access to Veterans Benefits Improvement Act.
SGT. SHAFT: Does a Veteran’s Ex-Wife Qualify for Benefits?
I was married to an Air Force officer for 22 years. During that time, he was either on active duty or in the California National Guard.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – August 31, 2012
The Veterans Retraining Assistance Program has approved nearly 38,000 applications for unemployed Vets 35-60 years old.
For Disabled Veterans Awaiting Benefits Decisions, Location Matters
If you’re a Northern California veteran who has waited a year for a decision on a war-related disability claim, you might consider a move to South Dakota – where the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs typically responds in less than half the time.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – August 29, 2012
On Tuesday, Secretary Shinseki addressed the American Legion at their annual convention in Indianapolis.
Woman Claims Veteran Affairs Owes Her Over $300,000; Never Seen A...
"Woke up, I don't know what time it was, with somebody on top of me, sexually assaulting me," says Kelly Smith.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – August 15, 2012
Veterans Affairs' Inspector General (IG) is "investigating allegations of wasteful spending and improper acceptance of gratuities in connection with two human resources training conferences, held in Orlando, Fla., in July and August 2011
Book’s Profits Benefit Wounded Warriors
Being an Army public affairs officer often means working irregular hours and constantly providing high-quality content for everything from newspapers to social media.
CaptionCall Continues Helping Veterans With Hearing Loss
Thousands of veterans benefit from the use of hearing aids in a variety of listening situations. Hearing aid consumers rate using the telephone as one of the top 3 most critical hearing situations.
Processing of Retroactive Agent Orange Claims Nearly Complete
Milestone Allows VA to Refocus 1,200 Decision Makers on Claims Backlog.
CaptionCall Offers Free Phones To Veterans
There are nearly 23 million veterans, according to the 2010 National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics.
VALERI Servicer Newsflash
To expedite the processing of your appeals, please pay close attention to the appropriate boxes when submitting your request, especially when appealing escrows and credits.
VA Disability Compensation and Divorce – Facts and Fallacies
Many military personnel, spouses, former spouses and retirees are victimized by myths and misstatements about disability payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs and their effect on money issues in a divorce. Some people claim that VA benefits can be divided in a divorce, just like a military pension.
Markey to Lead VA Insurance Program
Vincent E. Markey of Philadelphia has been named director of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Insurance Center, the eighth-largest life insurance program in the world covering more than 4 million Veterans, active-duty Servicemembers, and Reserve Component and National Guard members, plus 3.1 million spouses and children.
VA Launches Personalized Health Benefits Handbook
Veterans enrolled in the health care system of the Department of Veterans Affairs have begun to receive personalized booklets that explain their health care benefits and contain other useful information.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – February 21, 2012
VA Secretary Meets with Business Leaders
VA has partnered with a number of companies in an effort to find meaningful employment for Veterans.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – February 20, 2012
The Department of Veterans Affairs is expanding its efforts to prevent suicide through several new initiatives that increase the availability of services for Veterans, Servicemembers and their families.
Veterans and Beneficiaries Receive 2012 Cost of Living Adjustment
Veterans, their families, and survivors receiving benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs saw a 3.6 percent increase in their compensation and pension benefits beginning January 1.
Military Kids Can Apply for Scholarships
The deadline is swiftly approaching for the Fisher House Foundation’s 2012 Scholarships for Military Children Program, conducted at military commissaries worldwide.
Veterans Find Healing in Ride 2 Recovery
Many Veterans have experienced the power of Recreation Therapy (RT) as a modality for healing. RT is seen as a clinical intervention, treating physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual well-being.
Program Supports Ready Reserve Soldiers, Families
The Army Reserve, the Army Human Resources Command and the Army National Guard have joined to provide Individual Ready Reserve soldiers and their families a way to connect with the military community.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 03, 2012
A joint US-South Korean investigation team announced that it discovered no evidence of Agent Orange during its probe into claims that the toxic defoliant was buried on Camp Carroll.
Get Enrolled for VA Health Care
One of the first steps Veterans should take following retirement or separation from the military is to enroll in the VA for health care.
Veteran’s Disability Benefits Under Attack Again!
New garnishment policy enacted by the US Department of Treasury. Below is the explanation of the new policy enacted by the US Department of the Treasury.
VA Announces Virtual On-Line Career Fair
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) today announced a partnership with Milicruit.com to sponsor a nationwide, virtual online job fair on Nov. 10, from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. EST.
VA Announces Industry Innovation Competition Winners
The Department of Veterans Affairs today announced 13 new awards in the agency’s 2010 Industry Innovation Competition. The new projects will give VA an opportunity to evaluate new ways to enhance care and benefits for Veterans.
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – September 21, 2011
VA recently automated the online Health Benefits Renewal (10-10EZR) process for Veterans in an ongoing effort to streamline access to benefits.
Computers Reading Doctors’ Notes?
With electronic health records, computers have proven their worth in tracking, sorting and displaying data.
Benefits on Chopping Block as Congress Struggles to Cut Debt
Deficit agreement under which Pentagon must find billions in reductions may force cuts once considered unthinkable. Veterans benefits at risk!
Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses
A prominent condition affecting Gulf War Veterans is a cluster of medically unexplained chronic symptoms that can include fatigue, headaches, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, dizziness, respiratory disorders, and memory problems.
Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses
Health problems associated with military service during Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn and related VA benefits
Toxin healthcare issues are an irrevocable government obligation
The never-ending saga of the Vietnam War
Helping the Homeless with Stand Down events
Stand Downs are one part of the Marion VA Medical Center’s efforts to provide services to homeless Veterans or Veterans in need.
Providing Education Benefits to NCOA Members
Membership in the Non-Commissioned Officers Association now comes with a unique new benefit: accredited, nonprofit higher education at a reduced tuition rate.
VetLikeMe, Your National SDVOSB News Source, Edition 2.4
The Small Business Administration (SBA) released today the FY 2009-2010 annual scorecard of federal agency performance on small business contracting.
50th anniversary of using Agent Orange in Southeast Asia
August 10th marked the 50th anniversary of the commencement of using Agent Orange defoliant in Vietnam and other countries of Southeast Asia. This is not a momentous occasion by any stretch of the imagination.
Five Year Plan for Ending Homelessness for Veterans
VISN 10 has developed a Five Year Plan to end homelessness among Veterans that is centered on VHA’s six strategic pillars. Each pillar is important to have in place for the plan to be successful.
More Funds for Homeless Veterans (Families) Prevention Initiative
The Department of Veterans Affairs announced yesterday the additional award of more than $820,000 to two non-profit community agencies in southeast Texas that will serve approximately 270 homeless and at-risk Veteran families as part of the new Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program.
DOD Launches Military Spouse Employment Partnership
In an effort to address military spouses’ employment challenges, the Defense Department today launched a program to expand career opportunities for military spouses worldwide, and to recognize the skills and talents they bring to the employment table.