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Tag: Hebrew Bible

Hebrew Bible Roots of Violence in the Middle East

Gentiles being treated the same as Jews according to the laws of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament would not be very good for Gentiles.

Kosher Slavery

Gentile slaves of Jews were to be slaves to the Jews "for ever."

Defending Israel is Elemental to Being an American

De Blasio said, "There is a philosophical grounding to my belief in Israel and it is my belief, it is our obligation, to defend Israel."

World Jewry Pushing World Towards War Against Iran

Israel's Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett last night, November 8, 2013, sent a letter to the powerful Israel lobby group in the US, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, as well as to other branches of world Jewry around the globe, telling them to put pressure on the Gentile nations in which they reside to stop them from signing an agreement with Iran regarding its nuclear program.

Yellen to be Nominated As Third Consecutive Jewish Federal Reserve Head

Yellen will be the third consecutive Jew to run the Federal Reserve and the American economy.

Pat Robertson Warns US Not to Pressure Israel Or Else!

Millionaire televangelist son-of-a-senator Pat Robertson has given warning to America and Americans not to pressure the Jewish state of Israel in peace talks to end its illegal occupation of Palestinian East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu Upset That the Goyim Aren’t Getting It!

Netanyahu's temper tantrum must have been caused by the Europeans not rolling over for him like the American politicians regularly do.

Netanyahu Upset That the Goyim Aren't Getting It!

Netanyahu's temper tantrum must have been caused by the Europeans not rolling over for him like the American politicians regularly do.

Isaiah 60:12 and US Middle East Foreign Policy

. . . it looks like the politicians in the US are using the US military and tax payers to carry out the Biblical threat to Gentiles found in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at Isaiah 60:12.

Sharon Feared Exposure of Israeli Genocide

The Israeli State Archives has just released the protocol of a cabinet meeting from 1983 in which bloated Israeli war pig Ariel Sharon shows his fear of the exposure of Israel's coordination with a Christian Lebanese militia to commit genocide against the Palestinian people in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.

Old Testament: A Window Into the Soul of Israel

To better understand Israel and its arrogant aggression against Gentiles and to better defend ourselves from that aggression we need to learn how Israel's leaders think.

Israel’s PM Netanyahu Pushes For War With Iran

Judaism, which Israel is founded upon as a Jewish state, is a very warlike aggressive religion. Just objectively look at the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament for an abundant amount of evidence to prove this.

Billy Graham: Vote to Support Israel

World famous Christian evangelist Billy Graham is encouraging voters to vote for a candidate who supports Israel. In a public statement Graham said.

Taliban Attack on Malala Proves “Belief in a Cruel God Makes...

The cowardly and brutal attack last week on the 14-year-old girl Malala Yousafzai by the Islamic terrorist group the Taliban shows the truth to this statement by the American founder and Deist Thomas Paine, "Belief in a cruel god makes a cruel man."

Should the US Destroy Israel’s Submarines?

It's a well known fact that Israel currently has a growing stockpile of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and that it has several submarines capable of launching thermonuclear weapons from virtually anywhere on the globe.

Israel’s Netanyahu Pushes For War With Iran

Yesterday, September 27, 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an impassioned speech that was full of half-truths and lies to the United Nations.

Barack Obama Lied About Religions

n Barack Obama's weekly address he spread lies about religions. He said, “But there is never any justification for violence. There is no religion that condones the targeting of innocent men and women.” This is a lie.

Why Does Israel Hate Gentiles?

Gentiles in general and Gentile children in particular are targets of Judaism. For example Psalm 137:9 reads, Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Hebrew Bible: Plagiarized Mythology and Defaced Monotheism

"Many are the stories that were told in the Hebrew Bible, but the greatest story that is yet to be told is the story of the Hebrew Bible itself"

In Ancient Egypt, Canaan Revisited Without Israel

“Take Egypt out and the whole structure of the Israelites' tale would instantly fall.”

U.S. Politicians’ Resolution For Israel May Actually Upset Israel!

One of the ways for a U.S. politician to kill their political career is to upset Israel and the very powerful Israel lobby.

Debunking the Israelite Myth: Ancient Egypt Knew No Pharaohs

If you think that history is all about the past … you’d better think again. If you think the stories the Hebrew Bible had told about ancient Egypt was the whole truth … you’d better think once again

PASSOVER: Denying The Holocaust of Ancient Israelites

In a way, the exodus after years of unbearable suffering and humiliation on the hands of the Egyptian empire seemed as if it was the Holocaust of the ancient Israelites but with sparing the ovens’ part. But while we have historical evidence of the holocaust, which the Zionist media managed to augment dramatically, the suffering of the Israelites in ancient Egypt and the exodus stand refuted and totally unsubstantiated as far as history is concerned.