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 A Jewish American’s Evolving View of Israel By Steven R. Feldman with introduction by Jim W. Dean STAFF WRITER/Editor (Republished from Issues, The American Council for Judaism)   “...there...

An American “Terrorist” in London

Welcome to Orwell’s ‘1984’ ladies and gentlemen, where black is white, white is black, and the truth is nothing but a word. My 1984 reality...

War Crimes in Gaza and the Zionist Fifth Column in America

Published by the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, and better known by the name of its head, as the “Goldstone Report” was a major breakthrough in three senses. In the first place the Report was the most systematic, detailed study of Israeli violations of international law in its wars against the Palestinian people. Secondly it caught the attention of the broadest sections of world opinion and ignited a firestorm of disapproval of Israel from almost all of the worlds’ leaders.


The end of Sicarii Zionism* by DovYirmiya  I am one of the remaining veterans of the Haganah, who had served in the British Army and thereafter...


ISRAELI HOAX VIDEOS DEBUNKED, USS LIBERTY REMEMBRANCE SUPPRESSED By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor The second the faked videos were available, cheap edits and voice overs...

Israel’s Gaza Blockade

In a gesture that has received more than a little attention in the Western media, Israeli officials announced with some fanfare that they were easing the embargo of goods they allow into Palestine.

Marijuana Bombs Dropped on Tel-Aviv and Gaza

In a final desperate humanitarian attempt to resolve the modern long term hate and violence that infects the holy land peoples, it has been reported that, 2 days ago, a flotilla of C-130s were sent from a secret air base in Oaksterdam California loaded up "Marijuana Bombs" These baggies of "weed" bunched up into missle sized lots were dropped over the holy land peoples in a clandestine night time mission by an organization calling itself "The Peoples Peacemaker Project"

Iran’s Green Movement: One Year Later

Iran’s Green Movement is one year old this Sunday, the anniversary of its first massive demonstrations in the streets of Tehran. Greeted with great hope in much of the world, a year later it’s weaker, the country is more repressive, and its hardliners are in a far stronger position -- and some of their success can be credited to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and sanctions hawks in the Obama administration.

Standing Up for Helen Thomas

Long-time White House correspondent Helen Thomas was right to apologize for a stupid remark she made about Israeli Jews leaving Palestine, but another ugly part of this incident was how her “mainstream” colleagues quickly turned on this 89-year-old icon.

7 Questions for Defenders of Israel’s Inhumane Siege of Gaza

The Gaza blockade has nothing to do with Israel "defending itself." Apologists for the brutal siege of Gaza base their defense largely on a single, spectacularly dishonest argument: that Israel is only trying to keep arms out of Gaza -- arms that Hamas might use against Israeli civilians.

Foreign Policy Briefing 6/7/10

Israel has become a "strategic liability" for the U.S., suggests Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Cordesman adds the attack on the Turkish ship to a series of "major strategic blunders," by Israel. [Cordesman and CSIS are impeccably "hyper-centrist," so this is a good sign - JFP.

Fundraiser For Gilad Atzmon, Geneva New York

Israeli Activist and Musician, Gilad Atzmon June 30, 7pm Geneva, New York To conduct a dialogue against war and speak about the Israeli treatment of...

Time For The World To Get Serious on Israel

So the predictable dynamics are unfolding. Anywhere the US does not have a veto, Israel is being condemned for its latest atrocities and for its illegal blockade on Gaza. Israel as usual has its puppets in the US Congress and the US mainstream media coming to its defense.

Turkey honors slain activists, including U.S. teen

By Selcan Hacaoglu and David Rising ISTANBUL – Mourners in Istanbul hoisted coffins Thursday to cheers of "God is great!" as they honored activists slain...

The urgency of this moment

An American college student gets her eye shot out by the Israeli Army in the West Bank. Israel kills nine, including one American in the...

U.S. Citizen Is Among Those Murdered at Sea in Israeli Massacre

By SABRINA TAVERNISE and MICHAEL SLACKMAN in the NYT ISTANBUL — One of the nine people killed in an Israeli commando raid on a flotilla...

Gordon Duff: Israel Says Gaza Attack “A Silly Misunderstanding”

Gaza Flotilla and USS Liberty Survivors Apologize to Israel Israel Claims Attack Authorized Personally by Lord Balfour By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor This week  "religious commandos"...

Foreign Policy Briefing 6/2/10

Nine high-profile experts, including former weapons inspector David Kay and former Under Secretary of State Tom Pickering, said world powers should seriously consider the Iran nuclear fuel swap, Reuters reports. "We urge the so-called Vienna Group (Russia, France, the United States, and the IAEA) to seriously pursue this proposal as an opening for further diplomatic engagement with Iran on outstanding issues of concern," the experts said.

Israel Deliberately Murdered Civilians Aboard Freedom Flotilla

The assault on the Freedom Flotilla was not a mistake or a "completely mishandled" situation (NYT). Nor was it "folly" or "bad mistakes." (Ameircan...

Video: Israelis Cheer the Massacre at Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv

Update: Israel deports human rights activists, Batch of Freedom Flotilla passengers reach Jordan as Israel drops plan to prosecute activists. This comes via Steve Clemons...

Updated-Israel Sails Into Insanity

Update: Coverage of Israeli state terrorism: - Gaza Inquiry Pushed - Gaza Flotilla Attack: Guns and Blood - Gaza aid flotilla: Israeli sabotage suspected - Irish aid boat,...

Financial Times Says Massacre Damages Israel’s Legitimacy; White House: U.N. Position...

Update: Israel deports human rights activists, Batch of Freedom Flotilla passengers reach Jordan as Israel drops plan to prosecute activists. --- A political meme—a set of...

The American People are Under Occupation

Are you ready to takeover and throw everyone out of power who sells out to foreign inteests and tell anyone else we put in that if they sell us out again, they will be dragged from the halls of power and hung by their feet in public shamed forever as a traitor to the people of the United States of America?

Bennis and the Progress Report on Israel’s Massacre

Israel may believe she can do whatever she wants, wherever she wants. But this latest outrage will come at a political cost. Phyllis Bennis and...

World Condemns Israel’s Massacre; U.S. Reaction Muted; Activists Send New Ship...

News is activists are sending a new ship to challenge the Gaza blockade by Israel as the U.N. Security Council calls for a probe amid global...

Gaza Freedom flotilla carried world-renowned names and veteran activists

- Gaza Freedom flotilla carried world-renowned names and veteran activists - Inclusion of human beings on relief missions is  not necessarily a deterrent to state murder....

Glenn Greenwald on “Heinous and Repugnant Crime” of Israel

As we remember the fallen today, one thing is clear: Our troops and Marines did not die for the vicious, hateful state of Israel. President...

Updated – Israel Kills Nine Human Rights Activists on Route to...

- Massacre at Sea -  ABC News Report: White House 'Working to Understand' Israeli Attack; scheduled meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancelled. For...

Foreign Policy Briefing 5/24/10

Brazil says the US and other Western powers prodded Brazil to try to revive the U.N. fuel swap deal proposed last October. "We were encouraged directly or indirectly ... to implement the October proposal...and that's what we did," said Foreign Minister Amorim. In a letter to Brazilian President Lula two weeks ago, President Obama said an Iranian uranium shipment abroad would generate confidence. "From our point of view, a decision by Iran to send 1,200 kilograms of low-enriched uranium abroad, would generate confidence and reduce regional tensions by cutting Iran's stockpile," Obama said.

Gordon Duff: Caught In The Act! Is The Murder Of...

  Call for Elections to be Halted, Government Seized Publication Demands "Interim Military Dictatorship" for America, says Scaife publication By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor (UNEDITED TEXT BELOW) Newsmax...

Foreign Policy Briefing 5/6/10

A new GAO report found the Taliban remain a resilient fighting force and suggested many factors remain in place that will allow the Taliban to survive U.S. efforts to eradicate them, McClatchy reports. The GAO, citing an official from U.S Central Command, said the Taliban are proving resilient as a result of several factors, including "the porous nature of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region, the ineffective nature of governance and services in various parts of Afghanistan, assistance from militant groups out of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and continued financial support in the form of narcotics trafficking revenue and funds from outside of the region."

‘The Map’ Shows Palestinian Loss of Land

For those who doubt the strategy of a greater Israel.

A spa for Samaria

Only one minor detail has been overlooked: The spring lies in the heart of private land belonging to the inhabitants of the adjacent village, Nabi Saleh. The villagers, prevented from working the fields around the spring by the settlers' threats - which are backed up by the army's might - decided to launch a different, declaredly nonviolent struggle, through which they regularly attempt to return to the spring to reclaim their land. Dozens have already been wounded or arrested.

Controversy in Zion

Israel's colonization of Palestine is relentless. It's become a pivotal issue in countries' relations with Israel, but only to the extent that non-Israelis lip-synch their disapproval at press conferences while surrendering their conscience behind closed doors. This curious ability of a tiny nation to bring tremendous pressure to bear upon the world's leaders exemplifies the psychopath's ability to subvert the will of others to do its bidding, only it's happening on a macro-social scale.

Mossad Hunts Reporter in Hiding, ‘Takes off Gloves’ in Israel’s Pentagon...

Israel is hunting down a journalist who exposed its human rights violations in the 2008 Israeli massacre in Gaza in which over 1,400 innocents were...

Desmond Tutu: Students Fighting Israeli Oppression Lead on the Moral Path

By Desmond Tutu, 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner writing in the Huffington Post: It was with great joy that I learned of the recent 16-4...

Terrorizing 911 Truth

If it has been difficult for American leaders to influence the country's foreign policy since the military-industrial complex wrested control from the state office after the Second World War, it has proven impossible to do so since the US sealed its Faustian bargain with Israel on 9/11. The US Empire is damned if it does cut the flow of money and arms to Israel and damned if it doesn't. The truth about 9/11 is going to emerge one way or another. How the momentum is managed will determine who is left without a chair when the music finally grinds to halt. While it's broadly in both the US and Israeli governments interests to keep a lid on the truth by distracting the US population any which way it can, there appears to be a game of hide and seek taking place through the media to prepare the ground and cast one or the other in the role of villain. This was in evidence these past few weeks as '9/11 Truth' hit the mainstream like never before.

Foreign Policy Briefing 4/7/10

The fight over the war supplemental is tremendously important, because Congressional pressure can move Administration policy, even when critics of Administration policy don't command a majority of votes. This is especially true when, as in this case, critics are in the majority in the President's own party, and when, as in this case, the policy under pressure is an international policy which is also under significant international pressure.

Was Israel Ever Legitimate ?

The history of Israel as a geopolitical fraud will fill entire libraries as those defrauded marvel at how so few deceived so many for so long. Those duped include many naive Jews who—even now—identify their interests with this extremist enclave.

Foreign Policy Briefing 3/31/10

U.S. forces hope to control Kandahar and surrounding areas by late summer, the Washington Post reports. Officials have pressed local leaders to eject the Taliban or their areas will be the focus of expanding military operations. Among those specifically warned by U.S. military commanders is Ahmed Wali Karzai, the elected head of Kandahar's provincial council, the unquestioned power broker in the province and brother of President Hamid Karzai [and also President Karzai's representative in talks with Taliban leader Mullah Baradar weeks before Baradar's arrest, a fact curiously unmentioned by the Post or the very similar New York Times story - JFP.]

Foreign Policy Briefing 3/29/10

US and NATO troops firing from passing convoys and military checkpoints have killed 30 Afghans and wounded 80 others since last summer, but in no instance did the victims prove to be a danger to troops, the New York Times reports. "We have shot an amazing number of people, but to my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a threat," said Gen. McChrystal. Such shootings have not dropped off, despite new rules from McChrystal intended to reduce them. The persistence of the shootings has led to growing resentment among Afghans angry at the impunity with which the troops operate - a friction that has turned villages firmly against the occupation, the Times says.

Foreign Policy Briefing 3/27/10

The Pentagon wants $33 billion in additional funding to pay for the war in Afghanistan this year and train the Afghan military, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Defense Secretary Gates and Secretary of State Clinton appeared before Senate appropriators to defend the war supplemental, which is on top of the $708 billion baseline budget submitted to Congress in February.