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Monthly Archives: December 2010


We can only hope that Obama is now playing his own intelligence game against the American/Israeli war party. A game in which the President of...

PTSD and a Three-Year-Old Boy

"Why don't you just get over it; that was a long time ago?" "Does that stuff still bother you?" "What's the matter, you act...

Wayne Madsen on Wikileaks and UFO’s

By Gordon Duff Journalist and former intelligence officer Wayne Madsen clearly hit one out of the park with this interview on RT (Russia Today.)  His...

Dissolving the Union

Dissolving the Union By Jeff Gates For those who think the U.S. is broke, think again. It’s far more serious than that. To renew Bush-era tax cuts...

JB Campbell: Psychological Armor

Back in 1981, I was the head of a bulletproof car company in Monterey, California. We’d construct a box made of Lexgard inside a limo or regular car. It was pretty effective but difficult to install. Lexgard is General Electric’s transparent polycarbonate armor, very effective at stopping handgun bullets. If you put a hard surface in front of it, such as glass or sheet metal, it will stop rifle bullets. After the bullet hits the hard surface it is upset slightly on its axis and is then trapped in the dense but crystal-clear polycarbonate material.


Why is one hero still forgotten? By Dave Culmer As we honor this day in tribute to those Sailors, Solders, and Marines lost sixty nine years...

VA Health Care Eligibility Myths Debunked

Myths and rumors persist everywhere, but they are especially dangerous when it comes to VA health care eligibility. At VA’s blog VAntage Point, five common...

Where is Waldo

We can all remember searching for Waldo as he goes from one adventure to another. He is a face in the crowd but in...

Small Business Provider of Health Food to Military Personnel Makes Big Difference Worldwide

As a longtime supporter of our military, I have the highest respect for the individuals - and families - who defend this nation. Concerning the latter, the husbands and wives who shoulder the burden stateside, I know that military service is an exacting sacrifice for everyone -- for a spouse who must suddenly become a single parent, for a child who misses the loving comfort of a mother or father. This holiday season, those families should not be alone or forgotten. But sadly, too many military families suffer a shadowy silence: absent from seasonal revelry and denied even the simplest rewards, our military families struggle to survive.

The IRS Extortion of the American People

The income tax is a Jewish extortion racket. It is the duty of every American to resist Jewish Power by non-compliance with this anti-American stealing of our wealth by the most treacherous and merciless aliens in history, the Jews.

AIPAC Ordered Bush To Attack Iran

A look behind the curtain.

New Primer for Civilian Counselor’s Helping Veterans Now Available

“A Civilian Counselor’s Primer for Counseling Veterans” (2nd edition) by Herbert A. Exum, Jose E. Coll & Eugenia L. Weiss is a practical and valuable resource for clinicians working with veterans and their families. Concisely written, the primer covers the essentials of what professional counselors and mental health practitioners need to know in order to work effectively with veterans.

Movie Breaks All Rules Exposing Cancer Origins

(SALEM / PARIS) - I think the new film Idiot Cycle that delivers the good on the world's top cancer causing culprits, could easily...

RICHARD FALK : Ahmet Davutoğlu — Turkey’s Foreign Minister

Over a year ago I published a short profile of the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, in the Turkish daily newspaper, The New Zaman. After the May 31, 2010 flotilla incident involving an Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla led by the Turkish passenger ship, Mavi Marmara, Mr. Davutoglu demanded an apology from Israel as the basis for the restoration of normal relations.

PAUL BALLES: American Public Generally Unaware of Israel’s Theft of U S Military Secrets

America’s most vital Cold War defence information, nuclear technology, air defence systems, classified weapons and even NATO defence plans in case of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, all went to Russia as part of an arrangement between the Soviets and Israel. Israeli Spy Pollard is doing life in prison for this...

Women Veterans: A Year Can Change it All

I am on a road trip back home to where I spent most of my life. This trip back home was to drive my daughter back so that she can start a new job and her new life as an adult on her own. She is not alone and will be back with what is left of my family, which got me thinking about how much can change in a year.


The good ship America is leaking badly and Wikileaks has confirmed the extent of our miseries and moral bankruptcy. Does the Obama administration have the courage to look at itself and the outdated fear-based Cheney/Bush policies and diplomacy it inherited ~ and instead ride the rising tide of transparency and truth or will it continue to be bound in the shallows of moral and financial irrelevance in a rapidly uniting and interdependent world?

Rates of PTSD Among Veterans Still Rising; BrightHub Flubs Stats

(BrightHub.com) - The rates of PTSD in Iraq war veterans are high, and these numbers will only increase. Furthermore, they don’t include the number...

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News 1.      Supreme Court Will Hear Veterans' Disability Case As Claims Spike. USA Today (12/4, Biskupic, 1.83M) reports, that the...

Salon: This week in crazy—John McCain

When it comes to John McCain, pick any week the last 50 years for the lying, self-entitled pip-squeak. Salon nails him this week. By Alex...

New York Times Bangs Drums on Iran

From the scary photo dominating page nine of The New York Times of November 29, you can just tell from the look on Mahmoud...


I have been waiting. I have been searching and reading. I have been waiting impatiently while searching and reading the initial pile of recently released Wikileaks’ documents, specifically those pertaining to Turkey. I have received many e-mails asking me impatiently to comment and provide my analyses on this latest international exposé. I am being impatiently patient in doing so, and here is a brief explanation as to why...........

The Iraq War may be Over But the Grudge Ain`t

The ugly part of war- especially the war against innocent civilians- is the bitterness and the grudge it leaves behind. The war may be over for the Americans but it is far from over for some who lost their faith in a just and fair world. … The war may be over but the grudge ain`t.


It’s unlikely, but not impossible, that Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor, Daniel Bellemare ever met, U.S. Senator Wayne Lyman Morse (Dem. Oregon), one of three Senator’s to vote against Lyndon Johnson’s fake Gulf of Tonkin resolution that authorized the US military to bomb North Vietnam a generation ago and a leading American legal scholar.

WikiLeaks and the Sound of Silence

The scope and scale of WikiLeaks is a marvel to behold. Some praise it as the ultimate form of democracy. Others as the epitome of the most sacred of liberty’s principles: the right to know. Yet the real story here is not what’s revealed but what’s withheld. The marvel is not what we now know but what is already known that is left unsaid. And what is given an interpretive spin by those newspapers granted priority access.

U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards

CONTRACTS: No. 1108-10 U.S. TRANSPORTATION COMMAND Alliance Contractor Team, Leesburg, Va., is being awarded an estimated $811,706,732 firm-fixed-price contract for international airlift services with a minimum guarantee...

WIKILEAKS SHOCKER: Did Abbas know in advance about the devastating blitz on his countrymen...

By Stuart Littlewood One of the most grotesque Wikileaks revelations so far is the disclosure that Palestinian top dog (Fatah section), Mahmoud Abbas, was told...


Those wanting to know why their world is going down in flames these days viz-a-viz the interminable, bankrupting wars in the Middle East need to know history before they can understand the present, and the first lesson that needs explaining in this regard is Israel’s deliberate 2 hour attack upon the American-flag ship USS LIBERTY in June of 1967.

VA HOME LOANS: The Benefits of a VA Loan

The VA Home Loan Program has helped over 18 million veterans and active duty service members achieve homeownership since 1944. After over 65 years of service, the VA Home Loan Program remains one of the most progressive lending programs on the market continually striving to offer military members exclusive benefits they wouldn’t be able to find with other conventional lending programs.

Krugman: Freezing Out Hope

President Obama apparently believes that "change" is tantamount to capitulation to corporate Republicans, and fealty to neo-liberals. By Paul Krugman in the NYT After the Democratic...

Thrity Nine Congressmen Can’t Be Wrong

"Netanyahu, who despises President Barack Obama, has rightly seen the cajoling by the United States as weakness and as the consequence of failure by...

Iraq Vet Aims to Draw Attention to PTSD

The KRCR-TV Chico, CA (12/2, Saam) website said Chico resident Frank Carrillo "recently ended his 19 year military career, unable to deal with memories...

Here Comes the Homeland Security Internet Police, Leaving Israel’s Cyber-terrorism Untouched

Militarism and bigotry do not play well as practical policy objectives in themselves, so it's necessary for militaristic, bigoted states such as Israel to...

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News 1.      VA Pilot Aims To Speed Up Collection Of Health Records. In continuing coverage, the "Fedline" blog for the...

Tears of Gaza

ED NOTE: Philip Shelley from Westminster, California, shares these moving speeches of  the blighted children of Gaza, narrated by bright young Palestinian girls. Was it...

U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards

CONTRACTS: No. 1105-10 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Meridian Medical Technologies, Columbia, Md., is being awarded a maximum $116,180,667 firm-fixed-price, sole-source contract for nerve agent antidotes. Other location of...


THE GLOBAL CONSPIRACY BEHIND THE BOYISH GRIN...   By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor (Senior Editor Gordon Duff will appear on The Hour, the flagship Current Affairs...

VA HOME LOANS: Refinance Loans for Veterans

Although the housing market has plummeted in recent years, the record low interest rates have prompted many homeowners to refinance their mortgages with hopes...

James Petras: Latin America’s Twenty First Century Capitalism and the US Empire

Latin America’s Twenty First Century Capitalism and the US Empire James Petras Political Power and the World Market The twin nemesis of Latin America’s quest for more...

93-year-old veteran fights for medical benefits

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. -- He fought to protect us in World War II, but a Bakersfield veteran can not get medical benefits he needs. At...

Veterans searching for purpose back home take on “green” jobs

Combat missions in Iraq gave U.S. Marines veteran Jordan Latva a purpose — until an exploding rocket-propelled grenade took him out. He recovered from...

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

From the VA: Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News 1.      On Verge Of Suicide Following Oil Spill, Iraq Vet To Seek Help At VA. In an...