Home 2013 January

Monthly Archives: January 2013

Grinding Bradley Manning, the silencing

Grinding Bradley Manning, the silencing US Army Private Bradley Manning (2nd R) is escorted during his arrival to military court on the first day of...

India: “RSS-BJP fomenting terror”

“RSS-BJP fomenting terror” – It is time for the Union Home Minister Mr. Shinde to go beyond statements & pursue & prosecute the guilty. --- By...

Sheriffs’ Open Letter to Obama – Lock and Load Time

- Utah Sheriffs Willing to Die to Protect Traditional Constitutional Interpretation

LIVE FROM ISRAEL: Election Results Updated

Get the results of the Israeli elections updated from VeteransToday.com

DAVOS: Burning Man for Billionaires

World Economic Forum Revealed. Find out what really goes on at the Davos Carnival to celebrate the Global Economic Monetary System!

Haaretz Israel 2010: Algeria Arrests Mossad Agent with Fake Spanish Passport

Is this real background to the terrorism in Algeria and the war in Mali today?

DAVOS: Burning Man for Billionaire Bilderbergers

World Economic Forum Revealed. Find out what really goes on at the Davos Carnival to celebrate the Global Economic Monetary System!

U.S. begins transporting French troops, equipment to Mali

The United States has started transporting French soldiers and equipment to Mali as part of its logistical aid to French forces fighting Islamist militants in the north of the country, a U.S. official said.

Defense Web: Mali, DRC and CAR, Some Lessons

The recent events in Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic have produced some interesting lessons that Africa’s leaders, political and military should be studying:

U.S. Working Poor Hits One Third Of Families

The U.S. economy took a huge wrong turn when banks were permitted to make loans to people who never really qualified for them.

Zionism, Relativism, Exceptionalism and Idle No More

Why Are Canada's Zionist Journalists Lashing Out At Canada's Aboriginal Leadership?

Press TV: Israel grounds UAVs in Azerbaijan for fear of Iran seizure

- Iranian military experts are capable of disrupting the navigation system of the Israeli drones even before takeoff and when parked in the hangar

Shelter from Coming Storm – Gold, Silver, and Real Assets

The problems are un-backed paper assets, excess debt, too much government spending, massive government deficits, derivatives that could implode, and lack of political will to correct the problems. We need a shelter that will minimize these risks.

Why Companies Will Cut Jobs at Accelerated Rate

The problem at hand is that economic conditions in the U.S. economy are poor and companies are floating in rough seas.

I LOVE Big Brother – So Don’t Bother Torturing Me!

You might wake up some day strapped to a gurney in a cage in Guantanamo with spark plug wires hooked to your testicles. Prepare a "torture living will" now, and save yourself a lot of trouble later!

NeoCon Personal Attack on Chuck Hagel

The vocal smear coming out of the orchestrated Zionist media and corridors of orthodox foreign policy on Chuck Hagel, leaves bare the myth that the Israel-First proponents have the best interests of our country at heart.

Algeria: Way to Go General Tartag

If my backchannel to Algiers is working as it should my respectful congratulations should already have reached General Tartag, in charge of the successful operation to rescue the hostages at the Tigantourine natural gas facility.

Jasenovac: The Cruelest Death Camp of All Times

Jasenovac was Croatia’s largest death camp; a network of several sub-camps established in August 1941 to exterminate all its inmates.

Poem for MLK Day

Rise up! Rise up, Americans! Too long have you delayed! While imperial-minded presidents Their cruel wars have made.

Chuck Hagel and The Neoconservative Fifth Column

When it was announced that former Republican senator from Nebraska Chuck Hagel was considered as a candidate for Secretary of Defense, neoconservative luminary Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard was on the run to oust him.

CIA Report: Israel Guilty of Nuclear Proliferation

It is clear that during the middle of December of last year that the Obama White House had settled on former Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to be the Secretary of Defense.

Why the Palestinian diaspora must become politically engaged

I wasn’t here for the morning session so I’d like to start with my own very brief comment on the Balfour Declaration.

Gilad Atzmon With Zeinab Assaffar On Al Mayadeen TV

This is probably the clearest interview I have given about my thoughts, The Wandering Who, Israel. Judaism, Zionism, Jewishness, Palestine, AZZ, identity vs. identification, the 'left', One State Solution and more.

Bilderbergers Go War Using Gold and Silver

The Bilderbergers do not break legs or use baseball bats against their intended victims. No, they are far more sinister and lethal. They use money, instead.

Dear Abby is Gone – America’s Public Chat Room Lady

- The Friedman twin sisters became Ann Landers and Dear Abby. The rest was history.

Who is Allen Ruff and why does he oppose Chuck Hagel?

Why is self-styled "peacenik" Allen Ruff working so hard to offer clandestine support to wars that have killed millions and displaced more than ten million people?

Why Media No Longer Talks About This Threat to U.S. Economy

It seems the media has gone quiet about the Eurozone credit crisis, as I don’t hear much about it these days in the mainstream news.

On Turning 79

What is illuminating to me now is that even at that young age of three ~ I felt an innate need to share my individual joy and delight with the world at large ~ which is precisely what I am still doing as I embark on my 79th year on the planet .

The January effect on the Price of Gold

In this essay we will present the expectation for the price of gold to rise during January and February.

In Defense of 21st Century Judaism and Israel

Most people who practice Judaism do NOT ever want to live in Israel. Find out why!

Election Time in Israel – Boring says Uri Avnery

- Boring Elections Only Empower Those Already in Charge...by Design

Why Its a Fake Housing Market Recovery

Whats fueling the soft rebound in the U.S. housing market and home prices?

Europe Criminalizes Freedom of Speech

Since the nearly unanimous United Nations vote to recognize Palestine as a free state, Israel has marshaled its political resources in Europe and elsewhere to “criminalize” moves against Israel, particularly in the International Criminal Court.

President Morsi should apologize – to apes, pigs, and vampires

The New York Times is right. Egypt's President Morsi should apologize for comparing apes, pigs, and vampires to Zionists.

Sax Offender Vs. Progressive Rapists

Truth is, I’m just amused at the extent of the witch-hunts around me.

UFO Blamed For Millions Of Dead Fish Off Okinawa

A man wades through the sea of dead fish caused by the chemicals oozing from the crashed UFO.

9/11 PNAC perps still whining for US to fight Israel’s wars

The 9/11 perps at PNAC are still up to their old tricks. Don't these guys know when it's way past time to flee to Paraguay?

U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for January 17, 2013

The aggregate not-to-exceed amount for these multiple award contracts combined is $99,875,777. These five companies will have the opportunity to bid on each individual task order.

The Henry Rifle, .45 Long Colt Big Boy and AR – 7 with Gordon...

As some may note, we keep a link to Henry Rifles on each VT article. There is a reason for that, perhaps a couple.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 17, 2013

If you're suffering from a cold, the flu, or another virus, there are things you can do to help relieve the symptoms, but taking antibiotics will not help. Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections, such as strep throat.

Shining the Light on the Rockefellers: Upton Sinclair’s Non-Violent Reform Strategy

Most people in democratic opposition groups do not understand the need for strategic planning or are not accustomed or trained to think strategically.

Hugo Chavez: Dictator vs. Investors

Is Chavez, alive or dead? Will he return? How will these answers affect the gold properties in Venezuela?