Home 2013 September

Monthly Archives: September 2013

Why stop at niqab? Ban ALL women’s clothing!

Obviously the horrific practice of clothing women is not a “free choice” at all. It is part of a grand Muslim conspiracy to destroy Western civilization.

Why stop at niqab? Ban ALL women's clothing!

Obviously the horrific practice of clothing women is not a “free choice” at all. It is part of a grand Muslim conspiracy to destroy Western civilization.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – September 23, 2013

The first war photographer was an anonymous American who took a number of daguerreotypes during the Mexican–American War, in 1847, of the occupation of Saltillo.

Shameful Exceptionalism

Paul Schied, commenting in the Harvard Political Review writes, "American Exceptionalism argues that the United States is the best at everything. This isn’t true.

Building a Better Benefits Package – King of all Benefits

Time and time again, job seekers interviewed report health insurance as the most important benefit they seek from employers. The 2012 Health Confidence Survey found that 58% of respondents who deemed benefits as some degree of importance considered health insurance the most important one of all.

Israeli Response to Rouhani Betrays Its Own Intransigence

Israel’s mean-spirited response to Iran’s olive branch actually illuminates its own aggressive posture. Along comes Hassan Rouhani, the new Iranian president, and instead of applauding his initiatives to meet with President Obama and resolve outstanding issues by diplomacy, Israeli Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz says “there is no more time for negotiations.”

Leave No Man Behind: Bill Bell and Search for American POW/MIAs from Vietnam War

"No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. It was misreported then, and it is misremembered now.

PressTV: McCain, Graham bordering on being traitors

-Col. Lawrence Wilkerson voices a common opinion for the military and intelligence communities, who generally despise them both as low lifes

Top Five Key Facts About Oil And Gas Industry

Energy is fundamentally required for a high quality of life, as measured by the UN Human Development Index. Broadly speaking, high consumption of energy countries has the highest quality of life.

Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme Looks Like a Joke Compared to This

The “Bernie” Madoff name became famous while the stock market was falling during the credit and financial crisis. He was responsible for running one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in U.S. history—if I recall correctly, it was a $65.0-billion scheme.

Al Qaeda Surges Ahead in Syria

While the major powers behind the proxy civil war in Syria go through the motions of working out a diplomatic solution, rebel forces have begun fighting each other, rather than the Assad regime.

America's "Dark Program" Militarism

"Now that America has these things (modern clandestine technologies), they now want to use them and what better place to test non-existent technology than Syria?”

Wanta: Chapter 4, White Swan, Black Hat

This Chapter begins with an invitation from me, the author, to you, the reader and listener, to immerse yourself in a conundrum...

Wanta: Proceedings of Federal Writ of Mandamus

Following the Money Trail to the Wanta Trillions, America's Path to Freedom from Federal Reserve Tyranny...

Human Rights V Tyranny

The title of my contribution to this conference is taken from paragraph three of the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Wanta: Top Secret National Security Directive 166

The Document that "Licenses" Al Qaeda as an American Operation...

Mujihideen Leader Addresses Kerry

We believe our group can be a bridge to start the peace negotiations between the resistance and the U.S. and Afghans if our U.S. government sincerely wants negotiations to occur.

History Is About to Repeat Itself!

I use this method of communicating to appeal more to the skeptic, and those that are jaded by the mainstream mouthpieces, rather than preaching to the choir.

How Shlomo Sand Ceased to be a Jew – or Did He?

his text provides us with a unique glimpse into the authentic journey of a pessimistic yet poetic Jewish soul in search of meaning.

Inside the beltway Part II: Gangsters ‘R Us

The USG is now a large "Round Table", comprised of numerous quite divergent criminal groups, some even avowed enemies.

Inside the beltway Part II: Gangsters 'R Us

The USG is now a large "Round Table", comprised of numerous quite divergent criminal groups, some even avowed enemies.

Need to Know About Claiming Your PPI

The PPI scam has exploded in the UK in the last few years. More than 4 million UK citizens have rightfully claimed their PPI...

Silver – Not Ready For Prime Time

There are two distinct advantages derived from reading charts. They are all based on factual information, in the form of executed trades, and they are a short-cut for reading about all the exogenous factors, [mostly fundamental], that impact the market.

Bandar bin Sultan: Prince of Terrorists

Is Prince Bandar the real operations chief of al-Qaeda - the CIA data-base of its Arab legion of mujahideen militants?

US Nearly Detonated Nuke On Own Soil

- Now you know why they classify stuff just to hide goofs like this

Gold and Glitter are Synonymous!

You can keep gold locked up without tending to it, without polishing it; the shine will remain. This can be said only about gold. Gold and glitter are synonymous terms.

Gold And Silver – Fed Taper? Never! Never, Never, Ever.

Saturday  21 September 2013 The proverbial handwriting has been on the wall for quite some time.  Lying Ben Bernocchio just sealed the fate of the...

Israel Must Turn Over WMDs for Peace

- If the West really wants peace and stability in the Middle East, it must make Israel turn over all its WMD over to international supervision

Jewish Psychological and Political Warfare (Part I)

"Apart from a handful of deluded neoconservatives, no one believes that the United States accomplished its objectives in Iraq, unless the main objective was to commit mayhem, apply a tourniquet to staunch the bleeding, and then declare the patient stable while hastily leaving the scene of the crime."

Aussie Election Wrap 2

That’s right – the election is still going on! They haven’t finished counting the votes yet!! This kind of makes my point – the electoral system is far too complicated. Even the parties are having problems with it, with arguments about faxes to the Australian Electoral System going astray. You’ll have to ask the AEC why they are still using such antiquated technology. I imagine they were watching the election on black and white telly.

Terrible Spectre of the Dreadful Few

I use this method of communicating to appeal more to the skeptic, and those that are jaded by the mainstream mouthpieces, rather than preaching...

Ghouta Chemical Attack: Where are the missing children?

The UN Report published earlier this week on the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Ghouta area of Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013 has clarified many issues but left the key questions unanswered: who committed the attack and who are the victims?

MJ Rosenberg on Anti Zionist Zionists

we are dealing here with liberal Zionists who more than often operate as controlled opposition but most of the time are merely AZZ (anti-Zionist Zionists).

US Al Qaeda Founders/Controllers Exposed

"Al-Qaeda was established under the authority of President Reagan on March 27, 1985, with National Security Directive 166.

USA starts blackmailing Russia over Syria

- Our shadow government exposes itself with Syrian flank moves on Russia

Surety Bonds and Its Importance

In today’s unpredictable economic state, ever business owner wants to be sure about their contracts and deals. Though businesses can never be out of risks, however one can at least try to make it less risky by taking some necessary steps to protect it.

I Don’t Know Whether to Laugh or Cry

After yesterday’s Federal Reserve antics, we were taken by the reaction of one well-known writer, who said, “I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.” That is truly the most apt phrase for the current situation.

Now live in Style and Retire in Peace with the Roth IRA Plan

A retirement scheme is the best way to secure your old age. A good investment portfolio is necessary and the Roth IRA certainly fulfills...

Janet Yellin Likely New Fed Chairwoman: Hold the Cheers

Obama supports business as usual. Bernanke's been Fed chairman since February 2006. Smith calls him Greenspan on steroids.

Waxman Sends Shinseki Clear and Unambiguous Message

On the heels of U.S. District Judge S. James Otero's explicit Summary Judgment entered against the Los Angeles VA for illegal real estate dealings, another major blow was delivered in a letter to VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki from U.S. Congressman Henry Waxman, whose 33rd District includes this largest VA in the nation.

American Fair-Play In Syria

Notorious fair-play, allegedly immanent for the American political and business culture, doesn’t really work when it comes to practice. Here is the last example.

Employment Opportunities in the Indian Defence Segment

Being a major developing country, the armed forces of India is among the strongest and largest armed forces at the global stage.