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Tag: 9/11

US "Death Squad Envoy" Arrives in Egypt – And the Slaughter...

False-flag al-Sisi death squads in black masks are firing at soldiers to trigger a massacre of democracy supporters.

US “Death Squad Envoy” Arrives in Egypt – And the Slaughter...

False-flag al-Sisi death squads in black masks are firing at soldiers to trigger a massacre of democracy supporters.

Pak India Surge: Pre Emption or Rhetoric

Borders, whether declared or symbolic have always played a pivotal role in the revolving dynamics of two nuclear armed neighbors from South Asia, India and Pakistan.

Secret Space War VIII: Alien Quantum Computing and the End...

It is now likely that any nation that completely masters quantum computing first will be able to master cyber warfare....

Tsarnaevs 9/11 truthers, not terrorists

Why would a Muslim who knew that 9/11 was an anti-Islam PR stunt - and a disaster for Muslims - want to stage another 9/11-style attack on US civilians?

Veterans for Peace demands new investigation of 9/11 – quietly (so...

Veterans for Peace has officially supported a new investigation of 9/11 for four years - but the national leadership won't take the next step.

VFP convention shocker! Overflow crowd seeks 9/11 truth

Massive turnout for 9/11 truth at the Veterans for Peace convention proves that this issue isn't going away.

Absurd US ‘terror alert’ hints at coming false-flag

Hundreds of millions of people remain under post-hypnotic suggestion: “Fear the terrorists! Obey the government! Believe the nonsense!”

Coast to Coast "pulls it" after Dr. Kevin Barrrett query

Insults like the CIA-manufactured slur "conspiracy theorist" are good for avoiding real debate - and not much else.

Coast to Coast “pulls it” after Dr. Kevin Barrrett query

Insults like the CIA-manufactured slur "conspiracy theorist" are good for avoiding real debate - and not much else.

Debating another Zionist: Syria unrest, Israeli plot to destabilize Mideast

Press TV has invited Dr. Kevin Barrett, an author and political commentator from Madison, to its Debate program to shed more light on the ongoing turmoil in Syria.

Conspiracy Theorists OK: Government Dupes Clueless, Humorless

Is Coast to Coast afraid to let me explain why "conspiracy theorists" are saner than government dupes?

Secret Space War VI: Dead Humans by the Millions, the...

Is DHS, the New American Gestapo, now being morphed into the New American Cheka?

TWA Flight 800 and 9/11

How the Fraudulent Investigation of an Airline Disaster Foreshadowed the Lies and Crimes of 9/11

Pat Benatar, 9/11 and American Rock History

Johnny Punish reviews Pat Benatars' new book "Between A Heart And A Rock Place; A Memoir". Benatar takes you back to help us remember why we all fight everyday for freedom, liberty, and justice not only here in America but around the world for every human being! Pat reminds us that being an American is a very special honor; that we ought to always stay with each other,. love one another, and do the right thing.

Hezbollah gets “terrorist” label for fighting al-Qaeda

Could Western hypocrisy on terrorism could sink any lower?

Arresting Truthers to Protect the Liars in Power

National Security Goons Send "Conspiracy Theorists" Off to Truth R Consequences Rehab Camp. This original cartoon by Catherine Ann Abel is being published for the...

NSA a Waste of Money, a Garbage Intellience Agency (video)

Senior Editor, Gordon Duff speaking on the NSA spying scandal:

Killing terror witnesses: Bin Laden, Todashev cover-ups discredit US

FBI lies about the Todashev killing parallel US government lies about the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden.

Hellerstein to Silverstein: No more money for you, schmuck!

"You have enormous chutzpah, Mr. Silverstein. And I do not mean that in the goyish complimentary sense." - Judge Alvin "Big Al" Hellerstein

WTC insurance fraud? Silverstein “trial” runs Monday through Wednesday

Why is Silverstein claiming that airliners destroyed his buildings, when he has already confessed to demolishing at least one of them himself?

WTC insurance fraud? Silverstein "trial" runs Monday through Wednesday

Why is Silverstein claiming that airliners destroyed his buildings, when he has already confessed to demolishing at least one of them himself?

New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile

Research shows that the negative stereotype of the conspiracy theorist - a hostile fanatic wedded to the truth of his own fringe theory - accurately describes the people who defend the official account of 9/11, not those who dispute it.

Egypt’s deniable coup: Another anti-Islam psy-op

Like 9/11, the overthrow of President Morsi was simultaneously a coup d’état and an anti-Islam psy-op.

Study: Detroit 9/11 Terror

Has the Metropolitan Detroit area demonstrated any greater connection to domestic terrorism events and developments than have other metropolitan areas?

Who is the tyrant in Syria?

The neocons did 9/11 to "take out seven countries in five years." They're behind schedule in Syria.

"Breaking the Set:" Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before...

Abby Martin is one of the best interviewers I have ever encountered in the corporate media.

Idiot Drop, July 2, 2013

The following exchange is my response to an email that showed up this morning. I am awake early, before noon, as I have a conference call on a disaster relief project.

NSA spy scandal: It’s even worse than Snowden says

The illegal NSA spy-on-Americans program apparently “became necessary” several months before 9/11, not after 9/11. Why?

NSA spy scandal: It's even worse than Snowden says

The illegal NSA spy-on-Americans program apparently “became necessary” several months before 9/11, not after 9/11. Why?

West, Zionists Mortally Threatened by Truth

Press TV is being censored by the US government. What are they afraid of?

Bloomberg Caught in "Psyop" Treason

The purpose of the story by Bloomberg News, now exposed as a hoax, was to hamstring and humiliate President Obama in his meetings with Putin and show American weakness and indecision on Syria...

Massive 9/11 Billboard Coming to Times Square This September!

New York to Learn Once and For All a Third Tower Fell on 9/11

Snow-Job Over At The NSA

Yes, the NSA is trying to pull a Snow-Job on the American people over Edward Snowden.

Security, Security, What Crimes Are Committed in Thy Name

WELCOME to the "Surveillance Industrial Complex" Courtesy of the U.S. Government. By way of deception and lies something is rotting in the House of Obama.

Are whistleblowers sometimes ‘too good to be true’?

"The NSA is the largest signals intelligence agency in the world and has quite publicly recorded, and quite publicly admitted to as well, every international communications from every nation to any nation for many years. Everyone here knows that, or I thought they knew that, everyone but “the press” it seems.”

Jeffrey Goldberg Confesses: The real “Terror Threat” is From Neocons Like...

Leading neocon pundit confesses: The "war on terror" is a hoax!

Jeffrey Goldberg Confesses: The real "Terror Threat" is From Neocons Like...

Leading neocon pundit confesses: The "war on terror" is a hoax!

David Ray Griffin, Gilad Atzmon take the United Nations!

Priceless! Israeli flack Hillel Neuer unwittingly promotes 9/11 truth and anti-Zionism at the United Nations.

Iran: Threat or Menace?

The first of a three-part series of brief articles considering the run-up to the June 14th Iranian presidential elections...

New HD Video Debunks 9/11 Airline Scenario

9/11 may well be the greatest bamboozling job in history. Nearly a dozen years later, the experts fight over planes or "no planes," over nuclear weapons, thermite "pixie dust" or energy weapons from space.

The 6/22/13 U.S. Coup Plot Revealed

TV shows hint at 6/22/13 nuclear false flag attacks.