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Tag: 9/11

To regain respect, US must dump Israel

How can anyone respect a superpower enslaved to a "sh**ty little country" that's an international pariah?

Mainstream Journalists Expose 9/11 Hoax

Seymour Hersh says the US government's claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2nd, 2011 is “a big lie. There is not one word of truth in it.” Other top mainstream journalists say 9/11 was an inside job - but can't get the story into print.

Murdering 9/11 truth

Caltech-educated physics professor Crockett Grabbe exposes the murders and attempted murders of 9/11 truth-seekers...including several attempts on his own life.

Carnegie Mellon University Beats the NSA

Carnegie Mellon University researchers claim they have created a smart-phone messaging app with security that not even the National Security Agency can break.

The Phone Company that Said No to NSA

Former US West CEO Joseph Nacchio was released from prison last week after completing a four year insider trading sentence.

Netanyahu’s Dictation to US ” A Disgrace”

Netanyahu "celebrated 9/11 just like the dancing Israelis who were caught at celebrating the success of the demolition of the Twin Towers in New York." Why is this guy dictating US policy?

Netanyahu's Dictation to US " A Disgrace"

Netanyahu "celebrated 9/11 just like the dancing Israelis who were caught at celebrating the success of the demolition of the Twin Towers in New York." Why is this guy dictating US policy?

9/11 Perp Giuliani Joins Terrorists to Attack Rouhani

Giuliani's fingerprints are all over 9/11 and the follow-up anthrax attacks

Bandar bin Sultan: Prince of Terrorists

Is Prince Bandar the real operations chief of al-Qaeda - the CIA data-base of its Arab legion of mujahideen militants?

Controversy Stalks Sunday’s 9/11 Truth Conference

Angry nay-sayers are threatening to disrupt this Sunday's Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference in Urbana, Illinois.

Controversy Stalks Sunday's 9/11 Truth Conference

Angry nay-sayers are threatening to disrupt this Sunday's Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference in Urbana, Illinois.

Jews Raid Congress for al-Qaeda; Muslims defend Constitution

A Jewish extremist group has raided Congress for al-Qaeda, while Muslims flock to DC in America's defense.

Western secret services created al-Qaeda to attack enemies of Israel

"It’s not as strange as it may seem that the US would bomb Syria for al-Qaeda."

9/11: The World’s Greatest Missed Opportunity

As we are mourn the loss of 3000 plus of our fellow humans, let's also remember that we were hijacked by the worlds worst salesman; George W. Bush!

Everyone's talking about false-flags on 9/11…except me!

Lawrence Wilkerson, Pat Buchanan, Ron and Rand Paul, and even Rush Limbaugh are talking about false flags...but not me!

Everyone’s talking about false-flags on 9/11…except me!

Lawrence Wilkerson, Pat Buchanan, Ron and Rand Paul, and even Rush Limbaugh are talking about false flags...but not me!

9/11 shocker! Half of Americans Suspect US Government's Lying

Only 23% of Americans believe the government's story about World Trade Center 7.

9/11 shocker! Half of Americans Suspect US Government’s Lying

Only 23% of Americans believe the government's story about World Trade Center 7.

Secret Space War X: The Third Force Begins Its take-down...

Is the Syrian gambit an Astounding convergence of pre-staged baffooneries?

Will US military be “al-Qaeda's air force” in Syria on September...

"Bomb Syria for al-Qaeda": the dumbest war ever?

Will US military be “al-Qaeda’s air force” in Syria on September...

"Bomb Syria for al-Qaeda": the dumbest war ever?

INSIDE JOB: Rep. Ted Yoho Lies About Secret Synagogue Meeting

Will AIPAC allow Congressman Yoho to tell his constituents what he said at the secret meeting?

Bin Laden’s Curse: ‘Death to America!’

- A puzzling new poem, reportedly written by Osama Bin Laden in the wake of 9-11, is here presented

Some Thoughts on Mini-Nukes Theory and Nuclear Demolition of WTC

Some thoughts on the mini-nukes theory in regard to the nuclear demolition of the World Trade Center. I feel obliged to answer a recent...

WTC nuclear demolition – damage inflicted to “bathtub” and to PATH.

I feel obliged to answer a recent VT article “2 + 2 = Israel nuked the WTC on 9/11” published by Jim Fetzer on Wednesday, August 28th, 2013 – that so timely coincided with the publication of the final “full” edition of my book on 9/11 (my actual book titled “The Third Truth about 9/11” could be downloaded from here: www.911thology.com ).

Obama postpones World War III Till Next Week

Obama’s decision to procrastinate, and preserve the world as we know it for one more week, may be braver than it appears.

R.I.P. Tribute to Dr. Bob Bowman – Patriot, Whistleblower and 9/11...

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of a great Patriot and a friend to so many of us in the struggle for the justice of World Peace.

America’s Neo-Praetorian Guard

- Veterans did not fight and die for a police state...military and Intel professionals are growing more concerned as officer Obie goes commando.

America's Neo-Praetorian Guard

- Veterans did not fight and die for a police state...military and Intel professionals are growing more concerned as officer Obie goes commando.

Zionist loses it on-air: “Shut it Mr. Barrett!”

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

Zionist loses it on-air: "Shut it Mr. Barrett!"

Zionist Charlie Wolf - who reacted to Rachel Corrie's murder by calling her "scum" - got very angry with me on Press TV's "The Debate" yesterday.

Nine Eleven Litmus Test

- Dear readers, Here is another dramatic reading by our new addition to VT, brother Snordster, the YouTube legend...Jim W. Dean

“Al-Qaeda jihadist” attacks Million American March!

Q: Who feels threatened by a Million American March against the politics of fear? A: The fearmongers...like Hannity and "al-Qaeda."

"Al-Qaeda jihadist" attacks Million American March!

Q: Who feels threatened by a Million American March against the politics of fear? A: The fearmongers...like Hannity and "al-Qaeda."

All out for Washington, DC this September 11th!

Simply by showing up in Washington, you will be making a powerful statement: I am not afraid.

Remembering Dr. Bob Bowman, 1934-2013

The USA just lost one of its greatest-ever leaders - Dr. Bob Bowman, the man who should have been President.

Syria Chemical Mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag?

After big Israeli false-flags, Israeli leaders incriminate themselves by knowing too much too soon.

Muslims invite bikers to DC 9/11 anniversary march

Freedom-loving bikers will join Muslims to defend the Constitution in the Million American March this September 11th.

Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the Ideological Consequences of 9/11

This Zionist movement must be confronted by every decent and rational person, since it will continue to drag the West and the Middle East into a Mephistophelian abyss.

Book review: Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11 by Elias Davidsson

"Before I came across the book 'Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11' by Elias Davidsson, I believed in the official narrative on 9/11."

Book review: Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11 by Elias Davidsson

"Before I came across the book 'Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11' by Elias Davidsson, I believed in the official narrative on 9/11."

Book Review: Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough

Contrary to Islamophobic media propaganda, Muslims are the most civilized group on earth today - as proven by their performance on a long list of social indicators.