Tag: bigotry
Jews Zionism and the Stupidity of Bigotry
I'm not against Jews, I'm against the injustice of Zionism - a philosophy which dictates that one group of people are entitled to the land of another by virtue of their religious beliefs alone.
Anti-Immigrant Hate Crimes Rise with Hateful Political Speech
The federal trial of three Pennsylvania police officers accused of covering up the murder of an undocumented Mexican immigrant opened last week—reigniting critical discussion...
Sarah Palin Camp Caught in Lie on Bullseye—Not Tageting Just ‘Surveying,’...
Sarah Palin's camp is in full retreat mode, and is now caught in a lie.
By mal
Adviser to Ms. Palin, Rebecca Mansour, says the cross-hairs...
This Slaughter Is a Harvest, Ms. Palin
"Let us face the facts. This is a harvest. It is the crop of things sown. It is the harvest of those so-called Christian...
Some People Are More Equal Than Others
'More Equal Than Others' … it’s the assumption shared by the oppressing class in societies and communities the world-over, and their useful idiots—The bigot...
Arizona Bans Ethnic Studies, Reason and Justice—Jan Brewer Wannabes Have Taken...
While much condemnation has rightly been expressed toward Arizona's anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, a less-reported and potentially more sinister measure is set to take...
According to the Israelis. Whether that's so or not, some of us fear that...
Bush-Cheney Campaign Chief Says He’s Gay, Ran Most Virulent, Anti-gay Campaign...
Update: Raw Story reports Bush-Cheney campaign pressured papers to keep campaign manager’s sexuality secret (from November 11, 2004).
Ken Mehlman ran the most hateful, anti-gay project in presidential...
GOP Will Be Hurt by Naked Hatred
- The phantasm—something seen but lacking reality—that is the 'Mosque' issue will likely blow back on the GOP, says a Party operative -
Clearly, the GOP and...
Freedom for Me but Not for Thee, Say Equality Opponents
- Over at Fox News , Ted Olson silenced the states’-rights argument in favor of Prop 8 last weekend by asking Chris Wallace: “Would...
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Veteran's Today doesn't promote political candidates. Fanelli, running against Alan...
The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism
I am not sure when I first detected the noxious fumes that would envelop the conservative movement in the Obama era. It might have been early on, in April 2009, when I visited a series of gun shows in rural California and Nevada. Perusing tables piled high with high-caliber semi-automatic weapons and chatting with anyone in my vicinity, I heard urgent warnings of mass roundups, concentration camps, and a socialist government in Washington. "These people that are purchasing these guns are people that are worried about what's going on in this country," a gun dealer told me outside a show in Reno. "Good luck Obama," a young gun enthusiast remarked to me. "We outnumber him 100 to 1." At this time, the Tea Party movement had not even registered on the national media's radar.
Jews, Zionism, and the Stupidity of Bigotry
We've got to learn to stop thinking in terms of Black and White, Jew and Gentile, or whether a person is Gay or Straight. As long as we think in those terms and continue to antagonize one another, we sabotage every opportunity to form coalitions to fight for our common good. That's why people like Bush, Cheney, and much of the GOP crowd thrive in a hostile environment. They love keeping us ignorant, because ignorance keeps us divided, and that very division allows them to step in and conquer all of our hopes and dreams as a people. It is a must, therefore, that we develop the wisdom to understand that there are only two kinds of people in this world - good people, and bad people.
White People to NAACP: Time to Disband
- Tea Partier: NAACP "make(s) more money off of race than any slave trader ever." -
The white race baiters in our political culture assure...
A Fourth of July Message to America: The Lady Wears Shackles
Laboulaye conceived of the Statue of Liberty in 1865. That was a hundred years after the Revolutionary War, but it just happened to be the very year that the Civil War came to an end. And it also turns out that Laboulaye wasn't just any Frenchman--he was not only an abolitionist who had dedicated his entire life to the abolishment of slavery, he was a leader of the French abolitionist movement. In addition, the sculptor who actually created the Statue of Liberty, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, was connected with the abolitionist movement as well.
Updated – God’s General, William “Jerry” Boykin, Now Disinvited as Witness...
Update: The Hill reports that Lt. General William G. "Jerry" Boykin has now been disinvited from testifying at the confirmation hearing of Elena Kagan.
Ruy Teixeira: Public Says End ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
By the Democratic Strategist:
In his latest 'Public Opinion Snapshot' at the Center for American Progress web pages, TDSCo-Editor Ruy Teixeira reports that U.S. public...
Sarah Palin: Obama Is Pushing ‘Myth That Racial Profiling Is Part’...
Amid a backlash from civil libertairans and law enforcement officials, Sarah Palin defedned Arizona's new immigration bill.
Sarah Palin appeared on Fox News and straightened out the...
McCain on Arizona Your-Papers Law: Fine Cause Immigrants “Are Intentionally Causing...
In case anyone missed the McCain madness; from Media Matters:
McCain: AZ Bill's Racial Profiling Aspect Is Fine Because Immigrants "Are Intentionally Causing Accidents."
April 20,...
Polls: Tea Party and GOP Align Politically
Recent polls show empirically what is abundantally clear: Not a dime's bit of difference between the Tea Party and the GOP.
Actually, the white partiers may wish...
Desmond Tutu Hits Discrimination of Gays as Human Rights Violation
Famed anti-apartheid activist and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Desmond Tutu, blasts the anti-gay hatred sweeping the continent of Africa. Writes Tutu in the Washington Post: "The...
Teabaggers Are Stupid White People – Video
Update: Bob Cesca at Huffington Post: "No matter how loud and obnoxious they might become, the urgency is to make sure the tea party...
The Last Acceptable Bigotries in America
As befits our political culture, appeals to the contemporary American bigot are accomplished with sophisticated brands, images, impressions, and coded vocabulary, and not overt prejudices and stereotypes.