Home 2014 January

Monthly Archives: January 2014

Texas – The great job market

You wonder what is so great about the Lone Start State? Forbes in 2013 Include Austin, Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth and San Antonio.

Five Bankruptcy Myths you Won't Actually Deal With

Many people are overloaded with debt and bills in this economy. Some of these people could benefit from filing for bankruptcy.

Five Masters Degrees with the Highest Salaries

A master's degree in any field can tremendously boost the career prospects of any professional. However, there are some masters degrees that will get...

Ben Bernanke's Banksters Legacy

  With Ben Shalom Bernanke set to depart on the last day of January 2014, the critique and speculation of his tenure as Chairman of...

Algeriepatriotique Interviews Gilad Atzmon

The vast popular support of Dieudonne is a clear message to AIPAC, CRIF and CFI – beware, the party comes to an end. Enough is enough.

Martin Luther and Judaizing Movements in the Past Five Hundred Years

Heinrich Graetz: “Whenever a party in Christendom opposes itself to the ruling church, it assumes a tinge of the Old Testament, not to say Jewish spirit.”

How important is security when shopping online?

I remember back in the early days of online shopping that there were very real concerns surrounding the issue of security. Indeed, many people were drawn to say that only a minority of us would choose to shop in this way.


The Network classic spawned an ideology that has been made impossible to follow because, when left to choose, the average Joe has no clue whatsoever about the true choices and values open to themselves; and the recycle continues.

So When Will International Justice Save Palestine?

Eighteen months ago UK foreign secretary William Hague delivered an important speech at the Hague, home of the International Criminal Court ...

What Martin Luther King Jr Would Do Today

King today would be fulfilling his Nobel Prize commission and be working for the brotherhood of man, not Wall Street and the Corporate State.

Make Smarter Business Decisions with Competitive Intelligence

The ability to make incisive decisions is one of the major skills of being a successful business owner. Wise business decisions don’t just appear out of thin air and the fully informed person has a higher chance of making the right decision when it counts.

NSA – Wire for Hire

The NSA and its “downline” of foreign clients are now part and parcel of every project team from Los Alamos to the Kennedy Space Center. When might reason and even issues of national survival be a consideration of American leaders?

The Party Begins – Iran will sue Saudis for terrorism

- I have been wondering for a long time why the current perpetrators of terrorism in the MidEast and their sponsors were not facing legal action

What Is A Ceramic Gas Filtration System?

Gas filtration is a complex and difficult industry - it is made up of a thousand different sectors, all with their own intricate needs...

What Every Business Owner Needs To Know

Working for yourself can be the opportunity that everyone thinks is glamorous and rewarding. And while being a business owner can result in those benefits, they certainly don’t come to everyone who decides to start a company. Instead, starting a business takes hard work, effort and even a heavy dosage of luck as well. Here are some important things that every business owner needs to know. And the better you can do to keep them in mind, the better chance you’ll have at being successful in what you do.

Tips on Investing in Oil and Gas Businesses for long term benefits

 Oil prices are touching the skies, and if you thought it would fall someday, reality check says NO it wouldn’t. Hence, investing in companies...

Financial Resolution of 2014: Manage Investment in Terms of Structured Settlement

Now that the new year is here, you probably have made a few New Year’s Resolutions. For example, many people want to get fit...

Having Life Insurance is a Must

Life insurance is a must for three important areas of your life that can be most affected by money – retirement, disability and death....

Is Pension Release Before Retirement Illegal? Not always

Summary – To begin with, it is important to understand how a pension plan works. The rules of pension release may vary from one...

Increase your know how on instant loans

The instant loans which are given to individuals are a recent development all over the world. These loans require no guarantors and therefore they are of much help to the people.

5 Ways to Control Your Spending Habits and Save Money

If, like me, you’re a bit of a spendaholic and constantly finding yourself without any money for the important things in life, it sounds as if you could use a little help. Spending can easily get out of hand,

Websites have Facilitated the Comparison of Energy Providers

If you are trying to analyze the energy costs of different organizations by physically moving to the service provider’s office and asking for the details is a hectic job.

Growth of International Terrorist Threat from Syria

- New Eastern Outlook - The 100,000 dead in Syria will all agree they did not enjoy their brief flirtation with Western demoracy

Top Four Things You Should Never Do When Filing for Bankruptcy

Although you can recover from a bankruptcy over time, it is imperative for you to fully understand the course of action that was followed to get you to this point in your life.

What Fed's Tapering of QE3 Means For Job Market

The U.S. unemployment rate has dropped nearly a full percentage point since January 2013, and the Federal Reserve expects the trend to continue.

Save Money: What you Can Learn from January’s Energy Bills

After a festive season of overindulgence, it isn’t just our credit card bills that can reach soaring highs come January, our energy bills can also be pretty pricey!

What to Do When the IRS Puts You under Criminal Investigation

The Internal Revenue Service can be quite intimidated when it comes to the criminal process. If you have recently been placed under criminal investigation...

Ariel Sharon – the spin begins to cover his crimes

- When bashing Sharon's criminal legacy, please do not make the mistake of giving a free pass to all those who supported him here

Improve the Chances of Getting Loan

In this dropping economy, loan is the need of everybody in life. Many are not able to get the required loan from the traditional lenders due to their bad credit score.

Private Equity Headhunters Experience

In the current world, it has become more difficult to land executive level jobs than it was in the past. However, this should not be a reason for being discouraged

Fantastic Ways to Save Money

Though financial planning can seem difficult and time consuming, organising your spending can be very uplifting and reassuring. There’s nothing worse than not knowing if you can pay your bills

How Important is Medical Loan?

Medical loan comes as Providence in times of medical emergencies or when availing a treatment seems impossible due to non-availability of sufficient fun. Such...

Currency Broker Services: Top FAQ

There are many reasons why you might need to access foreign currency services and your initial reaction may be to turn to a travel agent or your bank to get the transaction completed.

Frack Attack on Lethbridge Alberta Canada

Governments in the so-called developed world have become almost completely subordinate to the agendas of parasitical corporations that regularly undermine public health with the...

Obama Essentially Declared Himself Dictator

The Executive Branch of our federal government has become a 500-pound tick that's being fed by a dying 15-pound dog (our country), due to the growing mound of Presidential Executive Orders (EOs).

Phony unanimity proves Egypt’s “constitution” a sham

Phony "98% approval" shows Egypt's "constitution" is a joke.

Israeli Machsoom; Humiliations not Security

May be it is culture, may be it is religious Talmudic values, may be it is a history of anger and feelings of past humiliations.

Silver – The Power Of Thought Will ultimately Prevail.

Do not mess with Mother Nature! The natural law of supply and demand will always rise up from under the distorted efforts to contain it. The good news is that each passing week brings silver closer to its inevitable resolve: a powerful rally that will surpass all others.

First Dogfighters – VT Weekend Movie

- People have long denounced any glorification of combat as a desecretion of human life, but that is a rather a selective evaluation.

Let’s shine a light into the ICC’s dusty corners…

I watched the Palestinian ambassador, Prof Manuel Hassassian's performance before a session of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee enquiring into 'Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: prospects for 2014'.

Paper No Plastic: Four Effective Ways to Improve Your Credit Score without a Credit...

If you want to build your credit and improve your score, you have to apply for a credit card. This principle has been engraved in the minds of consumers for years.

How to search for good income and employment opportunities

If you have been doing a job consistently with a company for several years then it is for sure that you might get bored.