9/11 truth, Palestine TKO Zionist gatekeepers



By Kevin Barrett, VT Editor


Fight Bob Fest 2009: Allen Ruff caught on video punching a guy for wearing an "Israel Did 9/11" T-shirt...which inspired this new T-shirt design
Fighting Bob Fest 2009: Allen Ruff caught on video punching a guy for wearing an “Israel Did 9/11” T-shirt…inspiring this new T-shirt design

If this were a boxing match, the “9/11 Truth & Palestine” team just won a TKO.

It happened yesterday at Fighting Bob Fest, the annual get-together of over 1,000 progressive and populist activists in Baraboo, Wisconsin. That triumph mirrored the larger victory of the past three months, during which the Zionists dug their own grave by pointlessly brutalizing Gaza in full public view, while 9/11 truth forces landed punch after punch during the run-up to the 13th anniversary.

I may have delivered one of the hardest blows with my 9/11 anniversary article “Arrest Kissinger for Both 9/11s.” Leading neocon rag Commentary felt compelled to shriek in feigned outrage at my mauling of the saintly pacifist and much maligned & massively misunderstood mensch Henry the K. Check out Commentary’s hit piece by Michael Rubin:

Iran Promotes 9/11 Conspiracy on Anniversary

Oddly (and libelously) Commentary falsely attributed my “Arrest Kissinger” article to the government of Iran! They even seemed to suggest that the US should break off nuclear negotiations and go to war with Iran because those mean & nasty Iranian leaders had published such an evil anti-Kissinger, anti-neocon article.

So I sent the following response to letters@commentarymagazine.com and  submissions@commentarymagazine.com:

Memo to Commentary: If you don’t issue a retraction of your article Iran Promotes 9/11 Conspiracy on Anniversary and admit that Dr. Kevin Barrett, NOT Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei or President Hassan Rouhani, is the sole author of “Arrest Kissinger for Both 9/11s,” I may just haul your sorry lying keisters into the nearest courtroom – and it will not be the one presided over by your friend Alvin Hellerstein.

I mean, come on, guys! Why should I let President Rouhani and Supreme Leader Khamenei take credit for such a brilliant article?! Even you pathetic putzes at Commentary should know that the Iranian government (and indeed most of my Iranian acquaintances) can barely churn out a sentence of idiomatic English, much less an acerbic masterpiece of anti-Kissinger invective like “Arrest Kissinger for Both 9/11s.” Not even the sorriest semi-literate Fox News aficionado could possibly mistake my Kissinger piece for the product of Iran’s (or anybody’s) propaganda ministry.

So allow me to let you Commentary schmucks in on a little secret: Press TV is successful because it practices the kind of all-out free speech that the American mainstream promises but fails to deliver. Press TV published my Kissinger piece, like virtually all my op-eds there, exactly as written. I have been ranting about this stuff for years, long before I was publishing at Press TV. (I published my first three balls-to-the-wall 9/11 truth op-eds in 2005 and 2006 at the Madison, WI Capital Times – which was then shut down by its parent company.)

What I write has nothing to do with the Iranian government. It represents my views and nobody else’s. So by attributing my piece to the Iranian authorities, you slandered me in multiple ways:

*First, you deprived me of recognition as the sole author of a powerful, widely-read, high-impact article.

*Second, you insulted my article by implying that it was the product of some Iranian government bureaucrat working under Supreme Leader or the President of Iran.

*Third, you insulted me by implying (to those who bothered to dig up my article and notice it was attributed to me, not the Supreme Leader) that my article, and by extension my other Press TV articles, are Iranian propaganda pieces, which would make me a propagandist for a much-maligned foreign government – a very nasty false charge, which in this age of terror paranoia could have damaging consequences for my career as a scholar, writer and broadcaster.

Like Zionists everywhere, you Commentary guys are projecting your own dark side on your opponents. For while I am an independent thinker and carry water for nobody’s government, YOU are unregistered agents of Israel and de facto traitors to the United States of America. Commentary‘s overriding mission, like that of most key decision makers throughout the US mainstream media only more so, is to protect and advance the interests of the state of Israel.

I carry no such water for Iran. I publish at Press TV because they’re not afraid to print hard-hitting, truthful op-eds. That is exactly the same reason I publish here at VT – an angry hornet’s nest of former (and still well-connected) insiders from US military and intelligence communities. But just as nobody in their right mind would attribute my VT articles to the CIA Director or the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you’d have to be lying or nuts to imagine that my Press TV pieces are the product of some ministry in Tehran. And if you want to nuke Iran because Press TV published one of my articles…well, all I can say is that is one hell of a tribute to my skills as an op-ed polemicist!

That said, dear Commentary colleagues, you may be wondering why the two venues with significant readership that publish my stuff happen to be (1) Press TV, the Iranian version of CNN or PBS or the BBC or RT except it’s better, and (2) the hornets nest of insiders at VT.

There is a very simple reason for this odd alliance, my dear neocon friends. Both Iranians and American insiders disapprove of the neocon coup d’état of September 11th, 2001. Both Iranians and American insiders look askance at the 9/11 plan to “take out seven countries in five years” including Iran – a plan that isn’t working out very well for anybody. And both Iranians and American insiders wouldn’t mind seeing the USA free itself from the Zionist yoke and change our Mideast policy to something more mutually beneficial to both Americans and Iranians…not to mention Palestinians.

Am I making myself clear?

I thought so.

So have a nice day, and hurry up with that retraction.


Dr. Kevin Barrett

It’s telling that Commentary felt the need to squeal so senselessly about my Kissinger piece. The neocons, its seems, are getting more and more desperate. They know they are on the ropes.

The sea change in public opinion “after Gaza” was on full display at yesterday’s Fighting Bob Fest, the Midwest’s premiere left-populist get-together. There were two – count ’em – 9/11 truth tables: Mine, representing the Sifting and Winnowing club; and Tom Spellman’s representing Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Together, we hit festival-goers with a one-two punch of truth that left them reeling.

9/11 truth was somewhat controversial at earlier Fighting Bob Fests. Extreme example: Allen Ruff, an ethnically Jewish communist who works overtime suppressing both 9/11 truth and awareness of Zionist power in America, actually punched out a guy simply for wearing an “Israel Did 9/11” T-Shirt at Fighting Bob Fest 2009. (See photo above, a still from a video that captured the assault.) Not only was Ruff never prosecuted or expelled from Fighting Bob Fest, but he has been back every year since then hanging out with the organizers, some of whom have been known to rub shoulders with Zionist gatekeepers in the foundation-funded pseudo-left. This year I saw him escorting keynote speaker Chris Hedges around the event. When he saw me, he hustled Hedges out of sight at breakneck speed.

But Ruff is fighting a losing battle. It seemed like half the crowd was wearing Gaza pins; not one of the huge number of people I spoke with doubted that 9/11 was an inside job; and virtually nobody I talked to about the Zionist lobby and its 9/11 coup d’état disputed or criticized what I was telling them.

The two main speakers, Sen. Bernie Sanders and journalist Chris Hedges, got the message. Zionist apologist Sanders, a socialist of Eastern European Jewish background, has been dogged by anti-Zionist constituents all summer.

Check out Bernie Sanders Town Hall Devolves Into Screaming Match About Gaza  and this video:

[youtube Vf2cCdgwgoM]

During his speech at Fighting Bob Fest, Sanders was loudly heckled by pro-Gaza attendees. Then Chris Hedges came on and drove the final nail into Sanders’ and the Zionists’ coffin. Hedges shredded the Israelis and their American lobby. He blasted the US Senate (and Sanders) for its unanimous resolution kissing Israel’s ass while the Zionists massacred civilians in Gaza. (Hedges called it “Stalinist” and some other choice adjectives.) And he tied the Israel lobby’s stranglehold on America to the “corporate coup d’état” which, he said, has utterly and completely overthrown democratic governance in the USA. In short, he all but called out the Zionists for their leading role in the oligarchy’s September 11th coup d’état. And he out-and-out called for an uprising – even a revolution, hopefully as nonviolent as possible – to restore democratic and Constitutional governance.

The audience wildly cheered Hedges’ brilliant pro-Gaza rant as well as his call for revolution. Such a thing could never have happened just a few years ago – least of all in the heavily-Zionist-influenced Madison, Wisconsin area.

My impression is that a lot of the pro-Gaza people these days are Jewish – especially younger Jewish people who are put off or even revolted by the lockstep Zionism of their elders. All in all, the Zionists are looking more and more like dinosaurs bloated with money and power and teeth and political muscle, roaring out their attempts to intimidate younger and newer and smarter life forms, and approaching the edge of extinction.





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Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at Patreon.com and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.