Tag: New Eastern Outlook
NEO – US Defense Cuts – Myth and Reality
- While we can't expect to become experts, we do have to arm ourselves enough to know when they are blowing smoke up our shorts.
NEO – Palestinian Peace Talks – How to Fail Without Really...
- Why should the Israelis want peace when the never-ending “no peace” situation has been such a gold mine for them? The list of benefits is too long to cover here.
NEO – Is the US Losing its Geopolitical Edge in Asia?
- Salman Rafi Sheikh - In his latest visit to Asia, President Obama failed to secure the US’ vital objectives which were of significance for strengthening his ties with its allies in South and East Asia.
NEO – China and the Follies of Megatrading
- Ulson Gunnar - Beijing realizes that global trade is both a threat and an opportunity. It has taken steps to maximize that opportunity in the short-term.
NEO – The Playing Field after Ukraine
- America's interests in Central Asia are nothing more than a rekindling of the Cold War, the peace time version...total American domination.
NEO – South China Sea Unstable?
- While the US has engaged in threatening China's energy sea routes, any resistanceto defend them is spun as aggression by China.
NEO – A US and Filipino Front Vs. China
- What we are really dealing with here is another undeclared war, one where there has been no public debate as to the reality of the threat.
NEO – Sweeping All Away To War
- Konstantin Penzev brings us another insightful article on the Alice in Wonderland labyrinth of US foreign policy with its silly name, the "Asian Pivot"
NEO – Soft Power of China
- We have our first article today from Roman Pogorelov, a journalist and orientalist from NEO's deep bench of Geo-political writers.
NEO – Syrian Conflict – Proxy War against the proxies
- Seth Ferris - Both the united opposition and the government forces loyal to President Assad are rediscovering their Pan-Arabism by fighting each other. Both sides, even the rebels supported by the US, are growing increasingly resentful at the fact that the war would have ended long ago, if the US and its proxies had not prolonged it for their own financial and strategic purposes under the guise of supporting the rebels.
Will Gambling Oligarch Sheldon Adelson be indicted?
- We have a huge ongoing scandal in the US, the non-prosecution of what are referred to as “protected entities.” These are not just the very rich, but those who are very powerful, or who have very powerful friends.
NEO – The White House Shakes the World
- The White House’s predilection for constantly subjecting the world and nations in various regions to convulsions and disturbances is well known.
Crimea Referendum – One Law for All, Only if the West...
- Ferris - Self-determination often does not mean that people had the right to make a decision the winners didn’t like. Once again Russia has called the bluff of those with blood on their own hands, which is exactly why the Western backed government is now seeking to hide that blood behind howls of protest and the rhetoric of American politicians. Double standards double the problem, and always have.
The Obama "Un-Presidency"
- During the last months of the Bush administration, a Secret Shadow Government (SSG) was created to sabotage President Obama, politically, economically and, in particular, on issues of foreign policy.
NEO – Gazprom Grows with Acquisition of KyrgyzGaz
- Our VT energy intelligence analysis is showing us the elites look upon control over both energy supply and pricing as a modern serfdom enterprise.
Will the Saudis unleash a conventional and terror war together?
While the US shows an interest in eliminating hostilities with Iran, it has helped destroy Syria and created a terror scourge in the region...
NEO – Georgia Republic’s Beacon of Democracy
- Henry Kamens takes us down into not only the depths of Georgian political corruption, but the part our own American government played
America, Murder, and Assassination in the Georgia Republic
- Georgian people have thrown off America's puppet regime and begun prosecuting the gangsters that tortured, murdered and raped their country
Syria – Walking on Thin Ice … New Eastern Outlook
- The Syrian conference is almost over. Kerry's hope for dismissing Assad prior to an election remains dead in the water where it had always been
Growth of International Terrorist Threat from Syria
- New Eastern Outlook - The 100,000 dead in Syria will all agree they did not enjoy their brief flirtation with Western demoracy
International Politics: Does It Hurt To Tell Truth?
- Henry Kamens - "Why doesn’t the West actually act when democracy is put under threat, rather than bolstering undemocratic regimes".
‘New Eastern Outlet’ Supports Independent Geopolitical Journalism
- NEO’s Senior Editor Alexander Klitsenko stressed the fact that the key issue of our time is source credibility
'New Eastern Outlet' Supports Independent Geopolitical Journalism
- NEO’s Senior Editor Alexander Klitsenko stressed the fact that the key issue of our time is source credibility
Russia and Egypt: Back to the Future
- The Russians do not do business at the point of a gun, and neither do the Chinese.
Turkey: An Accomplice of Syrian Jihadists
- The world, the innocent part, has paid a huge price in death and destruction while the enablers had diplomatic immunity
Syria the Meat Grinder – An Up Close Look
- Alexander Filonik has provided us with an inside view into the depth of the carnage inflicted upon the Syrian people.
Assange charade and coverup continues with new movie
- “Wikileaks has issued a virtual declaration of war against Iran, part of the Mossad’s “war by deception” of which Wikileaks is a proven component.”- Gordon Duff
Government shutdown and Chinese gold
- “ The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. ”…William Butler Yeats, from his poem...The Second Coming.
Washington and Tokyo ramp up military preparations against China
- Who has ever stopped to think that any country who can put up satellites has a delivery option for a nukes? Surprised? You should be.
Are Netanyahu and Foxman Holocaust Deniers?
- Israelis had no shame pushing the 100,000 dead and millions of homeless Syrians to the back of the victim bus, and out the door.
USA starts blackmailing Russia over Syria
- Our shadow government exposes itself with Syrian flank moves on Russia
Syria: Putin’s Answer to Crisis
- The spotlight is on Russia now...being viewed as the stabilizing force in international affairs
Syria: Peace Talks and Gasoline
- Yuri Zinin is our first cross posting of an New Eastern Outlook article from their large writing stable of geopolitical scholars, primarily from the Institute of Oriental Studies