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Tag: WTC-7

US war on terror is war on Israel’s enemies

"Israel’s American assets murdered 3,000 Americans, blew up the twin towers, destroyed World Trade Center [Building] 7 and the entire World Trade Center, attacked the Pentagon, America’s military headquarters, and then deceptively blamed 'Muslim terrorists."

False-flag attacks on women: From Malala to Isfahan

The war-on-Islam psy-oppers are mutilating women - and blaming it on their Muslim enemies.

13th anniversary: Truthers chip away at 9/11 coverup

Though the floodwall holding back the truth has not yet broken, it has sprung a large and growing number of leaks.

Netanyahu Wins Larry Silverstein Award for Chutzpah

The murderer is trying to blame his murders on the victims. Now THAT'S chutzpah.

Unfreedom Tower parachute jump for 9/11 truth – amazing video!

Four daredevils broke out of our post-9/11 Orwellian prison by parachuting off the top of the Unfreedom Tower.

JREF loses 9/11 debate by default

You can't PAY people to defend the government's version of 9/11.

Let’s force NYC to investigate WTC-7

What I like about this plan is that it doesn’t demand a new investigation, it seeks to legally force one.

Confessed 9/11 terrorist Silverstein “helps NYC shine”

How much did 9/11 perp Larry Silverstein have to pay to place this sickening PR puff piece?

How You Can Support NYC Ballot Initiative to Investigate 9/11

The purpose of the High-Rise Safety Initiative is to make high-rises safer by compelling a new investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center 7 and by ensuring timely and comprehensive investigations when high-rise collapses occur in the future.

A 9/11 truth Super Bowl?

Though no marching band will re-enact the controlled demolition of Building 7 during halftime, 9/11 truth will be part of this year's Super Bowl.

New York Times DC correspondent covers up 9/11

If you can't tell this guy's lying, your BS detector needs a tune-up.

Frank Greening: BBC mischaracterized me – I do NOT believe the...

A recent BBC article on 9/11 truth controversies in Ottowa falsely portrays the views of scientist Frank Greening, who actually agrees with the 9/11 skeptics about Building 7!

“World Trade Center” Scam Exposed

Was the whole "World Trade Center" concept a gigantic scam from the very beginning?

Guilty Demeanor: The private 9/11 emails of Noam Chomsky

Chomsky's bizarre 9/11 double-talk is a sight to behold.

Murdering 9/11 truth

Caltech-educated physics professor Crockett Grabbe exposes the murders and attempted murders of 9/11 truth-seekers...including several attempts on his own life.

9/11 shocker! Half of Americans Suspect US Government's Lying

Only 23% of Americans believe the government's story about World Trade Center 7.

9/11 shocker! Half of Americans Suspect US Government’s Lying

Only 23% of Americans believe the government's story about World Trade Center 7.

VFP convention shocker! Overflow crowd seeks 9/11 truth

Massive turnout for 9/11 truth at the Veterans for Peace convention proves that this issue isn't going away.

WTC insurance fraud? Silverstein "trial" runs Monday through Wednesday

Why is Silverstein claiming that airliners destroyed his buildings, when he has already confessed to demolishing at least one of them himself?

WTC insurance fraud? Silverstein “trial” runs Monday through Wednesday

Why is Silverstein claiming that airliners destroyed his buildings, when he has already confessed to demolishing at least one of them himself?

Jeffrey Goldberg Confesses: The real "Terror Threat" is From Neocons Like...

Leading neocon pundit confesses: The "war on terror" is a hoax!

Jeffrey Goldberg Confesses: The real “Terror Threat” is From Neocons Like...

Leading neocon pundit confesses: The "war on terror" is a hoax!

Larry "pull it" Silverstein builds ANOTHER tower!

Larry Silverstein wants more skyscrapers.

Larry “pull it” Silverstein builds ANOTHER tower!

Larry Silverstein wants more skyscrapers.

100 Critical Points About 9/11

It's time for ‘debunkers’ to showcase their years of hard work. I’m looking for a concise and agreed-upon explanation for each of the following items so that we might forever put to rest these 'nonsense conspiracy theories' about 9/11.

“Two Hit, Three Down – the Biggest Lie” by National Medal...

Commemorating the birthday of National Medal of Science winner Lynn Margulis, who called 9/11 "the most perverse publicity stunt ever."

Tuesday Twofer: “Larry Silverstein tells all,” Purple Plesiosaur Devours Obama

If I couldn't laugh at Larry "pull it" Silverstein, and Alfred "purple plesiosaur" Webre, I'd go friggin' nuts.

Bill “Kill ’em All” Maher: Smirky Avatar of West’s DeathCult

Bill Maher wants more and more abortions, suicides, executions...hangings, gassings, shootings, electrocutions...maybe even dismemberments, disembowelments, defenestrations, beheadings, and crucifixions.

Mario “Never Say Mafia” Cuomo’s Son Now Enforcing for Silverstein?

When a guy with an Italian name is "leaning on" someone on behalf of a Jewish billionaire...well, I'll spare you the ethnic jokes.

My Exchange With Morgan Reynolds, Re: WTC Demolitions

I recently had Morgan Reynolds on my radio show to explain/debate his article "WTC Destruction: Five Facts Falsify Five Theories."

Chutzpah, Thy Name is Silverstein! Larry Wants More Billions for Blowing...

If you thought Andrew was the last word in chutzpah...think again. Larry "blow up the World Trade Center for Israel" Silverstein is light-years beyond Adler.

Larry “Satan’s Slave” Silverstein invests in 666

Today's headline reads:World Trade Center developer Silverstein in $666 million deal in Poland. What's with Silverstein and 666?