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ISIS and Islam: The Ugly Truth (Updated)

“ISIS fundamentalist militants who are casting terror into the heart of the civilized world are but a copycat of the mujahideen of early Islam. Whether we like it or not this is the ugly truth”

New Caliphate: West sees no terrorism, hears no terrorism

“US, under the guise of combating terrorism, had unleashed a chain of military insanity in Iraq that ultimately led to the establishment of real terrorism and a real terrorist organization, namely ISIS”

How Egyptians view Muslim Brotherhood(exclusive video)

"Watch this video, the kind that won’t be allowed by CNN or Al Jazeera and find out what different sects of Egyptians really think of Muslim Brotherhood"

ISIL vs. Israel: two sides of the same coin

"ISIL and Al Qaeda is the normal response to the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel"

God Save Egypt and its New President

“If this is the freedom the US/EU/Israel is planning for the Arab world, and indeed it is, then Egypt doesn't want your freedom or your democracy”

Exodus: Israelites’ Enduring Deception

- The Egyptians never witnessed the Israelites’ exodus nor suffered the plagues of their tribal god. Just as ancient Egypt never knew any Pharaohs.

Second Exodus: Israelites vs. Muslim Brotherhood

"The essential cornerstone behind the legendary recognition of both the cult of the Israelites and the creed of Muslim Brotherhood is their connection with Egypt”

Meet Egypt’s next leader

“Muslim Brotherhood is nothing but a blight in the Egyptian contemporary socio-political fabric and wiping it off requires a leader with a vision”

Ukraine vs. Egypt: Chaos in progress

“Obviously, I was watching the Ukrainian version of the Tahrir Square revolution. Is it a coincidence? Is it only my imagination? … I don’t think so”

Egypt at war with Hamas

"Hamas is not fighting Israel; as a matter of fact they are helping Israel to look its best, a civilized victim amidst a sea of barbarians and terrorists"

Egypt: Doing without Western Democracy

"If the democracy the west is crying over is the one that could have allowed a terrorist group like the Muslim Brotherhood to devour Egypt then Egypt can and will absolutely do without the western idea of democracy”

Egypt thwarts ‘the New Middle East’ conspiracy

Ben Gurion could have risen from his grave and kissed the fat as* of Mr. Morsi for this genuine act of pro-Zionism.

The Jewish side of Muslim Brotherhood

“MB literature is monochromically Jewish, so when they are forced to think, for masonic-like groups usually don't, they don’t think differently … they think Jewish”

Ending the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Occupy Egypt”

The conflict is between Egyptians and a terrorist group that peddles religion and manipulates the piety of the uneducated, the poor and the gullible.

Ending the Muslim Brotherhood’s "Occupy Egypt"

The conflict is between Egyptians and a terrorist group that peddles religion and manipulates the piety of the uneducated, the poor and the gullible.

Egyptians did what Germans should’ve done long ago (exclusive video)

“I really don’t care much if the whole world called it a military coup, though it’s not, as long as Egypt rids itself of the nightmare of the Islamists and the MB rule.”

Morsi Joining Alliance Against Zionist Terror?

Will Egypt's President Morsi join in an eventual regional alliance against Zionist-assisted false flag terror?

THIRD PALESTINIAN INTIFADA: All Arabs to March on Israel on May...

“With those powerful political storms rolling up the Middle East, and with this unstoppable and unpredictable domino effect of popular uprisings, how long before we watch the Israeli domino piece fall down” “And if dictatorships are not tolerated in the Arab world anymore, why the Israeli quasi-dictatorship over the Palestinians should be any exception”

PASSOVER: Denying The Holocaust of Ancient Israelites

In a way, the exodus after years of unbearable suffering and humiliation on the hands of the Egyptian empire seemed as if it was the Holocaust of the ancient Israelites but with sparing the ovens’ part. But while we have historical evidence of the holocaust, which the Zionist media managed to augment dramatically, the suffering of the Israelites in ancient Egypt and the exodus stand refuted and totally unsubstantiated as far as history is concerned.

VT Egypt: Mission Accomplished in Libya for Obama and Coalition

USA and the NATO under the cover of yet another noble and humanitarian world mission managed to not only save the day for Gaddafi in Libya, but also to hinder this fervent domino effect in the Arab world that was resketching the region’s political map and menacingly encroaching upon the rich with oil Gulf countries and the rest of Israel’s allies and this is where the red line had to be drawn.

DR. ASHRAF EZZAT: Muslims Dare Not Put the Bible on Trial

Muslims will dare not burn the bible back in return. But they’d rather die than witness the sanctity of their Koran violated. Muslims dare not judge the bible for it is equally sacred to them as the Koran is.

DR. ASHRAF EZZAT: No-Fly Zone to Stop the No-Flow of Oil...

Libya with its huge reserve and flow of vital oil to Europe & the United States could not and should not be left alone in the hands of some maniac and political outcast like Gaddafi to be drifted into some civil war that only god knows when it will come to an end. This is unacceptable under any circumstances, be it a popular uprising or not so popular, the crucial thing is that this no-fly zone must stop this no-flow of oil from Libya to Europe and USA, a situation that if kept going could drag a newly recovered western economy back to recession.

ARAB UPRISINGS: Time-Out For Israel Is Over

The Arabic street is the one who is calling the shots now, the coming Arab policies will try and reflect the pulse of the Arabic street. The united Arab sounds are to be heard at last where no American veto could come out to obliterate the truth and where no need to waste more than one million innocent Arabs to allegedly get rid of a dictator.

DR. ASHRAF EZZAT: The Egyptian Torah

It is now quite evident that the ripe social and moral development of mankind in the Nile Valley, which is three thousand years older than that of the Hebrews, contributed essentially to the formation of the literature which we call the Old Testament. Our moral heritage therefore derives from a wider human past enormously older than the Hebrews, and it has come to us rather through the Hebrews rather than from them

DR. ASHRAF EZZAT: Mubarak Regime Orchestrated the Church Blast to Please...

New insights into the latest bombing attacks on the Alexandria church which took place on the New Year Eve and killed 23 and wounded more than 90 innocent people are suggesting that the police apparatus of Mubarak has been covertly involved in the orchestrating of this hideous terrorist attack which at the time smelled like another Mossad operation carried out to serve Israeli interests which in a way it did.

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat Reporting from Egypt; Free And Proud at Last

The Tahrir Square as the Tiananmen square in china will be a memorial place for the noble and courageous struggle of young generation for FREEDOM.

DR. ASHRAF EZZAT: Power to The People of Historic Egypt

Egypt goes back in history thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians didn’t only build enduring wonders like the obelisks and temples but they also established a lingering centralized government with the king dominating and ruling like God over a highly organized society.

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat: All the President’s Men in Egypt

Only a criminal regime could allow such criminal acts to dominate and terrorize innocent people with impunity. It is becoming obvious now that all parties involved or affected by this uprising are buying more time to sort out their private agendas in an attempt to come out of this without losing much.

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat Reporting from Egypt: The Uprising, the Treason and...

Fear is the name of the game in these days of unrest in Egypt during which the regime will do absolutely anything to cling to power including all sorts of deception of the masses. The police dirty conspiracy is far from over as we can watch now the armies of thugs and criminals being depolyed by the interior ministry high officials to start the violent confrontations with the peacefull protestors in a desperate attempt to abort the Lotus uprising in Egypt.

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat: The Tunisian Scenario: Will Egypt Be The Next...

And if Tunisians have succeeded in revolting against the oppressive regime that has been ruling them for 23 years, why can’t Algerians or Egyptians do the same and revolt against many years of authoritarianism?

Tunisians Overthrow 23 years of dictatorship

The regime of Ben Ali couldn’t stand in the way of the Tunisians once they have decided –as a united nation- to overthrow him and start anew with dignity and equality that they have been denied for a long time. While the whole world was literally watching, Tunisia has earned the right to start anew as real democracy.

Muslim Human Shields to Protect Egyptian Christians

"The terrorist attack was highly planned and professionally executed and the culprits seemed to have worked out a thoroughly detailed operation but they missed out on one vital detail, namely the culture and traditions of Egyptians"

Egypt Church Bombing & Another Lavon Affair

Almost fifty years after the Lavon Affair and still Israel can’t act differently toward Egypt. The similarity the Alexandria church operation showed to the Israeli false flag operation in 1954 is not easy to overlook.

9/11 Video: Tower Explosions Occurred Prior to Plane Impact

In the video there are two shots of the planes colliding into the World Trade Center towers, the second airplane didn’t exactly look like a commercial plane. In both cases, the explosions relating to the planes' collisions appear to occur prior to the planes' impact…!

Herzl was an Anti-Semite in Disguise.

“The wealthy Jews control the world, in their hands lies the fate of governments and nations. They set governments one against the other. When the wealthy jews play, the nations and the rulers dance. One way or the other, they get rich” ..Theodor Herzl

9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out

When scientists provide clear cut scientific evidences of the controlled demolition of WTC, the theory automatically moves from the conspiracy category to the scientific department where solid evidences create doubt no more.

Don’t Visit WikiLeaks Website if You Want a Government Job

Although Wikileaks has managed to hit the mainstream, still, something remains odd about it, something doesn’t feel right.

The Iraq War may be Over But the Grudge Ain`t

The ugly part of war- especially the war against innocent civilians- is the bitterness and the grudge it leaves behind. The war may be over for the Americans but it is far from over for some who lost their faith in a just and fair world. … The war may be over but the grudge ain`t.

Yemen Bombs and Smart Donkeys

May be the bombs were not the real issue behind this clumsy operation. But the mail bombs did carry explosives after all, it carried an explosive message that said; there are MUSLIMS behind this terrorist act who held a grudge against the west as old as the crusades and the fall of the Muslim empire in Spain.

Hijab: The Politics And History Behind The Veil

Muslim scholars and clerics with dogmatic thinking managed to terrify the Muslim woman into accepting that her hair is –awrah- something like her intimate organs needs to be hidden and covered up. Muslim women do not need this differentiation any more. There are socio-political factors at play here behind the extremism and Hijab phenomenon.

Before we kill each other over Religion, Take this Quiz

People began to categorize each other by their religion, hate each other because of their religion and may be even kill each other by the name of their religion. Armageddon is definitely underway. Let’s not hate and kill each other over religion. Nobody’s GOD will like that. Nobody’s GOD could have decreed that.

Why haven’t we had another 9/11 yet?

The world has not witnessed another 9/11 since 9/11.This is something no anti-terrorism apparatus should take credit for. Whoever pulled the 9/11 operation got what he wanted and has no need for another major attack of the sort yet.