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Neocon psychos blow up Ukraine

Are the neocons blowing up Ukraine in service to Israel? Or are they just stupid?

NEO – China and the Follies of Megatrading

- Ulson Gunnar - Beijing realizes that global trade is both a threat and an opportunity. It has taken steps to maximize that opportunity in the short-term.

NEO – South China Sea Unstable?

- While the US has engaged in threatening China's energy sea routes, any resistanceto defend them is spun as aggression by China.

Odessa Massacre Updates

- VT receives hourly reports from the Ukraine. We are resisting publishing unverified material by either side.

US – NATO – Kiev Absurdity Continuing in Ukraine

- NATO is up to its eyeballs in its multi-decade aggression eastward to the Russian border, and time will tell how events will play out.

NEO – Sweeping All Away To War

- Konstantin Penzev brings us another insightful article on the Alice in Wonderland labyrinth of US foreign policy with its silly name, the "Asian Pivot"

Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa

- Western powers, have gotten away with using terrorist proxy troops in Syria and other places, and developed a "no fear" policy for their continued use.

Russia urges US to press Ukraine over Operations

- PressTV - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has urged the United States to use its influence to make Ukraine's interim government immediately stop military operations in the country’s southeastern part.

Crimea Referendum – One Law for All, Only if the West...

- Ferris - Self-determination often does not mean that people had the right to make a decision the winners didn’t like. Once again Russia has called the bluff of those with blood on their own hands, which is exactly why the Western backed government is now seeking to hide that blood behind howls of protest and the rhetoric of American politicians. Double standards double the problem, and always have.

Russia slams Kiev over Odessa deaths

- Russia has censured pro-Western authorities in Kiev as ‘criminally irresponsible’ following a deadly fire in the trade union building in Ukraine’s Odessa.

The Obama "Un-Presidency"

- During the last months of the Bush administration, a Secret Shadow Government (SSG) was created to sabotage President Obama, politically, economically and, in particular, on issues of foreign policy.

NEO – EEU Will Return Russia to Superpower Status

- It was only a matter of time before the economic war strategy of the West would trigger defensive measures among their targets.

The Ghost Troops of Russia

- The State Department and the NY Times got caught red-handed with faked evidence of Russian aggression in East Ukraine.

Kerry Rebuked EU for Inciting Ukraine Tug of War

- Lavrov...“Kerry has many times mentioned that Ukrainian intelligence captured Russian agents..., show them to the people, have them on TV."

NEO – Ukrainian Underbelly, the Hidden Combatant

- The powerful Israel lobby in the US is spending millions attacking President Obama for his unwillingness to commit US forces to the Ukraine

NEO – USA in Mid East – Going, Going, Gone

- Orlov - By taking an extremely hostile position against Russia in the Ukrainian crisis Washington has managed to hasten the Eastward reorientation of Moscow

Ukraine Charade on Parade and Psyops, too

- Expectations were not high for last Thursday's four-party Ukraine talks, and we were not denied.

Press TV – Who Wins the Battle over Ukraine ?

- “The US wanted its missile shield moved closer to Russia, an obvious aggressive move which Russia had done nothing to encourage,”

VT was Right – Ukraine Jewish Registration Flyer was Fake

- Gordon Duff's Press TV Viewpoints column quickly put together by a VT emergency team was their top read story on Sunday

NEO – Does the CIA plan a Syrian style terror war...

- Someone decided to pull the plug on the four-way Ukraine talks on planned for this week. Kiev decided to invade its own country.

West has no play over Kiev gas subsidy

- EU tried to get a deal by moving Ukraine’s debt around, but never really wanted to give them any cash because they didn’t have a lot to give.

NEO – Ukraine Sanctions Against Whom?

- Without personal accountability it really makes no difference what the name of your political structure is. It is an autocratic one.

Putin Letter Makes Diplomatic History

- Putin..."The fact that our European partners have unilaterally withdrawn from the concerted efforts to resolve the Ukrainian crisis...leaves Russia no alternative.

NEO – Scandal in Turkey – Who is behind the Erdogan...

- Gwenyth Todd..."Who could have possibly had access to so many secure communications inside Mr. Erdogan’s inner circle? "

Russia Rebuffs US Threat over Iran Oil Deal

- The concept of blocking countries from the international banking system is the most destabilizing act that anyone has come up with in decades.

NEO – Why Obama paid a visit to Riyadh

- Alexander Orlov - Where are the victorious statements about the “historical” success of Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia?

NEO – White House Lies to EU about US Gas Supply?

- Mr. Engdahl brings us a fabulous piece on the shale gas hype, a virtual confession from industry insiders and the companies involved themselves.

US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria

On August 27, 2013, famous American political investigator, main editor of US State Department and intelligence’s ex-employee’s publication “VT” Gordon Duff published an article......

NEO – Ukraine Bans all Armed Groups – Right Sector Expelled

- The Parliament of Ukraine passed a resolution to immediately disarm not only Right Sector, but all illegally armed groups, like Svoboda.

NEO – Western Sanctions will push Russia Eastward

- Sofia Pale...“That which does not kill us makes us stronger” and “There’s no great loss without some small gain” – are wonderful Russian proverbs.

NEO – Paradoxes of Georgian – Abkhazian Relations

- Seth Ferris..."Crimea is the flavor of the month in Western discourse as it has become a part of the Russian Federation following its recent referendum."

NEO – Chinese View of Crimea – Like Taiwan or Tibet?

- Ulson Gunnar exposes the hidden hand of the shadow government crowd who wants to create false public impressions on Geo-political events.

Bad to the Bone: A Brief History of Ethnic Cleansing in...

David Ben-Gurion: “We will expel the Arabs and take their places…with the forces at our disposal.”

NEO – Ukraine: International Law for the Lawless

- What is happening in Ukraine is not right against wrong, good versus evil, cops versus robbers.

NEO – Ukraine Theater of the Absurd Continues

- While the world's attention was focused on the Ukrainian crisis, devious parties pull some fast moves. The Zionists have a one-two punch in progress.

WWI – Is it still going on, with almost the same...

- What we have is literally a war going on against people by not only their respective governments, but a whole host of private and foreign actors

West Using Crimea to Hide Real Intentions

- Russian Intel services are aware of the planned false flag operations to be blamed on them as part of the media vilification program

NEO – AIPAC pushes for Iran sanctions during Ukraine Crisis

- Gwenyth Todd..."There have been cunning efforts in the US Congress to pass new sanctions against Iran in the midst of the Ukraine regime change".

Ukraine Mission Creep

- We’ve got a good military and we can take down governments.

NEO – Ukraine Boomerang – Serious Repercussions Now for the West

The West took a major credibility beating today, one inflicted on itself.

NEO: Leaked documents show US Embassy in Ukraine Staging False...

Evidence has led to the discovery of plans to stage a series of terror attacks in the Ukraine to be blamed on Russian Special Forces.

Masonic Ritual in the French Revolution and Its Implication in Modernity...

The Encyclopedists really wanted to cross the sexual Rubicon. For example, Diderot’s 1748 novel Les Bijous Indiscrets was later viewed as “midly pornographic…”