House Passes FY 2014 Military Construction and Vets Affairs Appropriations Bill

On June 4, 2013, the full House of Representatives passed the fiscal year (FY) 2014 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs (MilCon/VA) Appropriations bill – H.R. 2216 – by a vote of 421-4.

Superstorm Sandy Victims Left in the Lurch

Speaker John Boehner of Ohio reneged on promise to allow a vote on aid to victims of Superstorm Sandy, according to an irate Representative Peter King , R-N.Y. Northeast lawmakers learned late Tuesday night that the House Republican leadership decided to not allow a vote on aid to Superstorm Sandy victims. Many victims still without food, clothing and shelter.

Abandonment of Gulf War Veterans 90-91 Must Stop

One of the documents that was released at the VA RAC GWIR meeting in Boston this past Monday and Tuesday has more appendices and proof but the basic report provides all the details that are needed.

Ill Gulf War Veterans Demand Action from US Senate

The VA Research Advisory Committee meeting from June 18-19 in Boston was a firestorm that has been ignited.

Urgent Call To All Citizens To Help Gulf War Veterans Get...

Gulf War Veterans and their families are becoming the forgotten veterans and they need phone calls to all US Representatives offices in DC by the deadline of next week March 15.

Roe-Kucinich lead Charge For Gulf War Illness Research-Help the Gulf War...

Gulf War Veterans and all Americans should call their US Representatives in their DC office and ask to speak to the staffer assigned to Veterans/Military Issues and ask them to get their representative and all Representatives to sign on this Dear Colleague Letter Now.

Support and Vote for a Real Change

All people are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. To secure these rights, governments are instituted among people deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Thanksgivings: An Eve, A Commitment And A Turtle

"The formula is simple and it's reduced to four words every kid in the world knows: Tell me a story. It's that easy."-Don Hewitt. What follows are three Thanksgiving stories and every word is true.

WMD, Congress, Presidents and “Morals”

President Shimon Peres said that the international community should engage in a “moral” attack on Iran. There are five different House committees considering H.R. 1905, which seeks to impose sanctions on Iran in an attempt to disrupt Tehran's nuclear program. Representative Brad Sherman (D-CA), said, “Critics [of the sanctions] argued that these measures will hurt the Iranian people. Quite frankly, we need to do just that.”

If I can’t laugh it’s NOT my REVOLUTION and the Colbert...

As I am deadly serious about reaching Stephen and also Jon Stewart- for another of my dreams is that Jon would read and discuss my third book, "BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu's FREEDOM of SPEECH Trial and My Life as a Muckraker: 2005-2010" I have been speaking up on Youtube and I also TWEETED this message to Colbert's SuperPAC Nation...

Battle for Gulf War Illness Research Funds Heats Up

The US House of Representatives' Appropriations Committee vote on Tuesday for the DOD FY12 Appropriations bill may signal true abandonment to the Gulf War (1990-91) veterans that suffer from Gulf War Illness. This is a stark contrast to the reccomendation of the National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine.

WHY I am a Citizen of Conscience for U.S. House of...

[Florida]--I am looking for a District in Florida to represent in the US House of Representative, because I believe the well being of every resident in Florida is connected to the well being of every American.

TBI Bill Needs Co-Sponsors NOW

H. R. 396: To direct the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program under which the Secretaries make payments for certain treatments of traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

House VA Oversight Subcommittee Leadership

U.S. Rep. Joe Donnelly, D-2nd, has been selected by his colleagues on the full House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs as the Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. This means he will serve as the highest-ranking Democrat on the subcommittee and work with the Subcommittee Chairman, U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson of Ohio, to oversee and investigate matters pertaining to American veterans, according to a statement released by Donnelly’s office on Thursday.

Depleted Uranium Bill Needs Cosponsors Now

Depleted Uranium focus on the hill yet again. Below is the only bill right now on the hill in DC that has been introduced. Our job now is to communicate with our elected representatives in DC to ask them to get on board and join as cosponsors!

First 40 Bills Introduced for Veterans Current Session of Congress

First 40 bills for veterans submitted in House of Representatives. Depleted uranium testing for troops again advanced as bill, it is about time to assure that this is done.

Resolution Desert Storm Veterans 20 Year Anniversary(11-10)

Congressman Manzullo, stood up for Ill Desert Storm Veterans, this author worked with his staff along with a number of other gulf war veteran advocates. Many hours were spent on the hill in DC and it took several sessions of congress to get the measure passed into law. His staff truly worked hand in hand with the veteran's advocates and held monthly meetings and updates on the final push. This is the bill that became law that listed each of the symptoms of gulf war illness that should be compensated!

Government Funding on Gulf War Illness Research- DOD CDMRP

So here is the latest information IT IS STILL TO BE DETERMINED How Much For Sure For Gulf War Illness Research Program at DOD-CDMRP For FY2011. IT never hurts to keep your voice and written words in front of your US Representatives and US Senators and for you to share those to as many elected officials in all the parties from local to State to National! And to get the news of that out in all ways possible!!! In a year with continuing resolutions, partisan battles, and omnibus bill that runs in the thousands of pages that throw everything into the soup when they cannt get the 13 funding bills through in any form of clean method. Well, lets us say it is not a clean recipe at that point, behind the scenes cooks can be known to help or hinder. Even when a number of us advocates and those on the hill ie staffers are doing everything to track and monitor. AS the old song goes Behind closed doors......You never can tell where a secret supporter, Santa, Cook can either spice up the recipe or make it go sour.

Sarcoidosis in Gulf War Veterans 1990-91

Gulf War Veterans another Diagnosed illness that we at VT have seen previously is Sarcoidosis. WE need to again step forward and make contact and tract our diagnosed illnesses, just like we have done in the pass with ALS, MS, Brain Cancer, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Prostrate Cancer, Respiratory illnesses, Cardiac Illness, GI illnesses,Leischmanasis, Thyroid Dysfunctions, ME/CFS, Fibromylagia, Lyme Disease, and Diabetes to name a few. WE need to move forward and network again with national organizations to combine our strength and become more strong in numbers and find civilians that care!

The Crime Against Veterans of the Gulf War 1990-91 Plays Forward

Update on Depleted Uranium Internationally. There has been work being done internationally while the media ignores the issue. Here is the news contained below that doesn't appear in mainstream media coverage. There is concern but medical research and peer reviewed journal articles seem to take decades, while veterans die without help, denial of compensation, denial of a proactive medical system to perform diagnostic tests in a full screening in a timely manner to catch health problems and to diagnose cancers at the earliest date possible and to monitor health status for other diseases related to respiratory and cardiac and neuroimmune problems.

The Dream Nightmare Act: Put A Stop To This Now

The Dream Act should stay a Dream because as it stands it is a nightmare of too many calories in this bill that will be up for the vote shortly. I do not like to see this as a party issue but it seems like that is all that our elected officials see. I look at cost factors, impacts on our system that is at the breaking point ie Health, Education, impacts on our current native born citizens, impacts on our adult children that battle for admission to colleges and post graduate education that will have to compete against this group of illegals seeking amensty and more! I look at priorities and resources for the citizens we currently need to protect! Can we do more? Is this the right time? Do we have other priorities? What is really hiding here? Is this party tactics to control future elections?

Christmas Wish List For Gulf War Veterans

That is the Christmas Gift of Caring enought to give your time weekly in an effort to educate and make it better. Letters and emails with introductory comments with an article that is educational. We provide the article and you play it forward and help us be heard!

The Cover Up continues on DU- Canada and US Connections

So many questions and no answers! Why are the experts on DU not allowed to testify themselves? Why no hearings focusing on this continuing health problem? Where is COL, Dr Durakovic and why has he not been allowed to testify on the hill in DC? Why does every piece of legislation that has DU in it ignored on the hill in DC?

The Omnibus Bill and Gulf War Illness Research Fund Status

The Gulf War Illness Research Funds current information is that in the FY 2011 Omnibus DOD Appropriations currently under consideration there is funding for Gulf War Illness Research. This measures provides $8 million for the Peer Reviewed Gulf War Illness Research Program and $3.8 million for the ALS Therapy Development Institute Gulf War Research Project. This funding is directed to DOD CDMRP(Department of Defense Congressionally Direct Medical Research Program) .

URGENT HILL ACTION NEEDED! Gulf War Illness Research Funding On the...

Gulf War Illness Research Funding is on the line. Veterans, Advocates, Family members, health care providers, friends of veterans truly need to wake up and write emails to their senators and representatives on the hill in DC right now this moment and all weekend. The Battle is on the US HOUSE AND SENATE ALL NEXT WEEK! IT STARTS MONDAY AGAIN! IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO GET ACROSS: The level received last year for DOD CDMRP GULF WAR ILLNESS RESEARCH(Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program) was 8 million for FY10, the best we are able to discern at this time is that the continuing resolution and other hill sources seem to indicate that is again what might come out in the final wash.

Gulf War Illness, Chronic Fatigue, Blood Ban, Sarin Affects, 911 Rescuers...

How do Gulf War illness, Chronic Fatigue, Health of veterans, 911 Rescuers Health all connect? Lack of Leadership from US Legislators

Veterans Heads Up Alert September Hearings

Schedule of Hearings for House Veterans Affairs for September Heads up ALL. It is critically important that veterans stay alert on hearing topics and get...

*Action Alert: Help Gulf War Vets* Update on Support in US...

The List is in on who signed on to House side to support Gulf War illness Research for DOD CDMRP funding for Gulf War...

DOD CDMRP Announces Gulf War Illness Research 09 Awardees

This AM on the DOD-CDMRP website the list of those awarded funding from FY09 for Gulf War Illness Research are announced and they are: Investigator Inititated Research: Lovelace...

IL-10 Cytokine Testing Needed for Veterans of the Gulf War

The research article below from the Clinical Vaccine Immunological Journal discusses chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and sleep disturbances on the measurement of IL-10 Cytokine Testing...

Alert Sounds for the VA Gulf War Task Force to Get...

Gulf War Veterans that have had extensive respiratory changes in basic measurement on lung functions and vital capacity need to remember to assess data...

Protected: Gulf War illness Research Again Misdirected-Time for Open Conversations and...

The VA's Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Illness met in Washington, DC on March 1-2 and significant active, heated, lively discussion followed the Update on Research from VA Research. Many of the RAC committee members spoke up concerning Dr Haley's Research at UTSWMed in Dallas Texas. It seems to the majority of veterans that some negotiations and mediations are desperately needed.