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Monthly Archives: February 2011

Gaddafi Raved and Cursed, but he Faces Forces he Cannot Control

So let's erase all the YouTubes and Facebooks and the shooting and blood and gouged corpses from Benghazi, and pretend it didn't happen. Let's pretend that the refusal to give visas to foreign correspondents has actually prevented us from hearing the truth. Gaddafi's claim that the protesters in Libya – the millions of demonstrators – "want to turn Libya into an Islamic state" is exactly the same nonsense that Mubarak peddled before the end in Egypt, the very same nonsense that Obama and La Clinton have suggested. Indeed, there were times last night when Gaddafi – in his vengefulness, his contempt for Arabs, for his own people – began to sound very like the speeches of Benjamin Netanyahu. Was there some contact between these two rogues, one wondered, that we didn't know about?

Veterans for Peace: Statement in Support of Wisconsin Workers

With a name like “Veterans For Peace,” it’s a fair question to ask if we should make statements supporting union members battling government offensives in Wisconsin and elsewhere. The VFP national leadership and, we believe, the overwhelming majority of our members think the answer is yes. We know too well that militarism and empire are central causes of the economic tragedies that have robbed millions of Americans of their livelihoods, health and homes. Those tragedies are now being played out at statehouses across the country.

War Criminals Head “Arizona Civility Center”

Supreme US war criminals, former presidents of corrupt and occupied criminal government apparatus announce opening of Arizona Civility Center. Mr. George Bush Sr and Mr. William Jefferson Clinton parlay great crimes into great fortunes by heading new Civility Center in Arizona. Two supreme global war criminals who represented governed and manufactured America into the greatest militaristic threat to global peace, death, destruction, and humanities total annihilation. “Behind every great fortune lies a great crime!" The quote is a paraphrase from a line in Honoré de Balzac’s tragicomic.The cue-tipped odd-couple continues to parrot a 21st Century tragicomic subjective discourse to generate great wealth stream fortunes simultaneously perpetrating great crimes. By officiating U.S. politic parodies, perpetuating false social civil moral law narratives, and deflecting from the bowels of lower Manhattan's great crime organization.

George Krasnow: A Tribute to American Patriot:In Memory of Joe Sobran (1946-2010)

On February 23, 2011, Joe Sobran, a prominent American journalist, syndicated columnist, and writer, would have turned 65. He did not live to see this day. He died on September 30, 2010. Below is my eulogy that originally appeared on the site of FGF last November.

How to Hide Nuke Weapon Use

It was not the number of people killed that shocked the world; the fire bombing of Dresden, Germany killed more 600,000 civilians. Not that, it was the fact the US wiped out or vaporized much of each city with only one bomb each.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

Veterans!  Here’s your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources We encourage you to browse our list so that you...

All Points Alabama-Vietnam Vet Missing: He Cares-We Need to Find Him

BIRMINGHAM, AL (WBRC) - Birmingham police and volunteers are still looking for Michael Campbell, a local disabled veteran of the Vietnam War. Campbell, who is 65, wheelchair-bound and reliant on an oxygen tank, was last seen Saturday in the 5700 block of First Avenue North in Woodlawn.

Afghanistan-Obama’s Dangerous Faux Pas

Tall, lanky, easy of manner and articulate, Obama exuded hope and confidence across the globe as he entered the White House. The world was yearning for a paradigm shift and he held out the promise of change from the former President Bush's disastrous policies of aggression and unilateralism.

MARCH on March 4th to Lift Gaza Blockade

Building on the momentum of the Egyptian revolution and the growing push for freedom and democracy by citizens throughout the region, a coalition of organizations and individuals from around the world are preparing for a march to Gaza on 26 February 2011. The coalition will gather in the Egyptian port city of Al Arish and form a caravan to make the 32 km journey to the Rafah Border Crossing, disembarking to march the final kilometer to the border of the Gaza Strip. The objective of the march is to enter the strip with the full cooperation of Egyptian military officials and peacefully demand the permanent end of the Egyptian blockade of goods, services and building materials to the territory.

Dear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist

Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in the darkness, the temptation to dwell on and ridicule these figures, ones that have even caused divisions between conservative commentators, is strong. Lind’s point is crucial though: the question is not primarily whether or not Beck’s theories are sane. Actually, the less sane they seem, the more likely it is that these theories are moves of desperation and the more important it is that we should stay focused on the actual issue.

AIPAC Vetos U.N. Resolution on Israeli Settlements

Last Friday’s American veto of the United Nations Security Council resolution that would have called Israeli settlement activity on the West Bank illegal was not only shameful, it was possibly the low point of the already foundering Obama presidency. To be sure, United States UN Ambassador Susan Rice accompanied the veto with a stirring rendition of “I’ll cry tomorrow” as she described how the Obama White House really is opposed to the settlements.

Gulf War Veterans Medical Alert: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Increase Risk of Blood Clots

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a rateable condition by the VA that falls under gulf war illness. The gulf war veterans also have a researcher at VA Minneapolis, Dr Ron Bach studying Hypercoagulation in Gulf War Illness. So the following news article on medical research today on Blood clots and Inflammatory Bowel diseases/disorders needs to be circulated to the Gulf War Veterans and to the health care providers and researchers that are concerned about our gulf war veterans 1990-91. The take home highlights of the article are in Bold and underlined to draw your attention to what is the most important items in the research.

Employers, Optimize Your Job Posts

Over the last ten years, the Internet transformed recruiting and recruitment advertising. Besides networking and personal connections, the Internet is now the leading source of job search and employment placement. However, we are currently undergoing a shift no less radical: the democratization of the Internet through ubiquitous search capability and social sharing. Because of this shift, recruiting and recruitment advertising has been undergoing a severe upheaval and transformation.

20th Century Dictators Miss Historic Opportunities to Become Respected Fathers of 21st Century Countries

Today, Dictator Muamar Gadhafi gave a vicious defiant yelling speech calling protestors "drug addicts" and saying foreigners are influencing them with money. This sounded a bit like former Dictator Hosni Mubaraek who last week gave a similar speech just before he was unceremoniously booted out from his glass palace.

Davis Case Has Thrown Overboard America’s Rules On Terrorism

As per Paul Craig Robert, hypocrisy in America is now so commonplace it is no longer noticed. While it enjoys torturing other peoples for American sins, it objects to human rights abuses of countries it despises such as Burma, Pakistan, Iran, Syria. In USA if a person tortures a dog he is sent to jail, but a government functionary indulging in torture against fellow beings is ignored.

Learn all about OFCCP

On November, 8, 2009, the Employment Standards Administration (ESA) was abolished and the four major program components of ESA-Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of Labor Management Standards, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs and the Wage and Hour Division-became stand-alone programs reporting directly to the Secretary of Labor. The Office of the Assistant Secretary and the Office of Management, Administration and Planning (OMAP) were eliminated with administrative functions in OMAP transferred to the four programs or departmental administrative programs.

OFCCP Compliance Assistance — Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended

Covered contracts entered into by any department or agency for the procurement of personal property and non-personal services (including construction) for the United States, shall contain a provision requiring that the party contracting with the United States shall take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified special disabled veterans, veterans of the Vietnam era and any other veterans who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized. The provisions of this section shall apply to any subcontract entered into by a prime contractor in carrying out any contract for the procurement of personal property and non-personal services (including construction) for the United States.



RAY MCGOVERN : Please Don’t Trust Fox News, There Was NO Heckler

EDITORS' NOTE :  On February 15, 2011,  Ray McGovern, U.S. Army veteran and former senior CIA analyst whose duties included preparing the President’s Daily...

Who Killed Jack Wheeler?

Someone's been in here, Robert Dill thought as he walked through his neighbor's house on the morning of Dec. 30. That much seemed obvious even then — one day before his neighbor Jack Wheeler turned up dead at a landfill 7 miles away. Dill, 73, had gone to check the Wheeler house after noticing an upstairs window open. He remembered locking all of them when he and his wife had tidied Wheeler's aged brick duplex a few days earlier.

Esteemed White House Reporter Helen Thomas tells Joy Behar “Jews are NOT Semites, most...

“Anti-Semite” slogan used by American Corporate Media to Confuse U.S. Public. Learn more

CIA Agent, Davis, Accused of Delivering “Dirty Bomb” To Taliban

London, Feb 20(ANI): Double murder-accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him or the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) operating in the region, providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents," according to a report.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

An alert employee at the St. Louis VA Medical Center detected stains on surgical instruments during a routine exam prior to a recent OR case.

The Great American War Machine Rolls On Under Obama

Under President Barack Obama's new budget for fiscal year 2012, the Great American War Machine just rolls on and on. “As it is, we're pumping...money into sustaining a fighting force that's orders of magnitude larger than anything retained by any other country,” observes Ezra Klein of The Washington Post February 14th. So when Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned that major cuts in military spending would be “catastrophic,” Obama settled for chopping $78 billion in cosmetic cuts Gates recommended over the next five years, Klein wrote, adding, “I bet there are more than a few Cabinet secretaries who wish they had that kind of power over the president's recommendations.” Some observers, by the way, think the Pentagon is, in fact, already running the show. Chalmers Johnson wrote in “Blowback”(Metropolitan/Owl) that the Pentagon is “close to being beyond civilian control; that it “more or less sets its own agenda” and that it “monopolizes the formulation and conduct of American foreign policy.”

Absence of Al Jazeera English in US Is Troubling

You can watch Al Jazeera on TV almost anywhere in the world - except in the United States. How is this possible in our nation where freedom of the press is a basic constitutional tenet? Just what do cable and satellite carriers fear?

Craven US veto costs Washington its last shred of credibility

The Nobel award, said Barack Obama at the time, was “an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations” and must be shared with everyone who strives for "justice and dignity". Where was the justice and dignity in the sad story of America’s UN veto?

Anatomy of a Frame

As VT readers know, the Pentagon was hit by a Soviet-era naval cruise missile called the Granit, known by the US government as the Shipwreck, because that’s what it does: wrecks big ships such as aircraft carriers. Unlike normal cruise missiles, it is made of steel and weighs 7.7 tons. It goes 2.5 Mach and cannot be stopped by any sort of anti-aircraft weapon. It hits ships right at the waterline, which is why the 12 foot holes in the six capital (structural outer) walls of the Pentagon began right above ground level without harming a blade of grass on the lawn out front.


TRUTH JIHAD RADIO INTERVIEW  "WIKILEAKS ON STEROIDS" Foreword by Gordon Duff Senior Editor VT Audio editing by Edward Rynearson There are few more controversial figures than...

In The Midst of All the Chaos can We Please Take a Moment

Though I have traveled the inroads of war and the back alleys of unknown battles, diligently and honorably, I am not with out flaw or fail.

Libya Inc. CEO Gaddafi in Violent Dispute with his 6 Million Slaves, oops Employees!

Employees of Libya Inc. have been rioting in the streets of Benghazi and Tripoli in a bid for democracy, freedom, and justice. Dam these Unions!

TOMMI TUCCI: US Empire to Dig Deeper Grave With UN Veto

Philadelphia, PA February 2011....... US stooge and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Obama's singular veto against the vote of 130 countries enforces the Zionst illegal expansion of settlements on stolen land in occupied Palestine. This act of unconditional defiance, by both US administrations for 63 years, screams out loudly that America is the greatest failed state in recorded history. Ivy league academic and bureaucratic stooges that cannot make change for a quarter and ignore their self dignity and humanity race to "Israel is popular stop for possible Republican presidential candidates" Posted by LA Times

FRANKLIN LAMB : From Tahrir Square To Shatila Camp, “Hurriya” (freedom)

The Tahrir Square "Hurriya!" tremors spreading across the Middle East may or may not be impacting today's events in the historically liberal American state of Wisconsin and other areas of America, yet most of us would agree that the Tunisian-Egyptian revolutions are being felt far and wide and appear to be dramatically gaining steam. Lebanon's Palestinian refugees camps are no exceptions.

Hillary Clinton: Beware of the Mini Pharaoh in our own backyard

Political donation laundering-rechanneling (PDLR) is a business in its own right, whether it is for pre-election donations or post-election maintenance contributions. In most cases, PDLR requires savvy strategists and planners, quick-witted implementers, friends and enablers in high-places, and a high degree of creativity, almost to the point of being artistic.

ALLEN L ROLAND: World War III – A Class War between The people and...

  World War III has already started. It is not a military war but instead an economic class war by the people against the corporate...

ERIC MAY: Has Obama Ordered Violence On Veterans?

Despite our connections we weren't acquainted, but I always respected his courage and candor. I wish him a speedy recovery, and hope that he will smile with me at the zany Zionist claim that we once controlled Cindy Sheehan: With Eric May hanging around in the early days, and Ray McGovern sliming himself all over her later on, it’s clear that people with an agenda to steer her toward the blame Israel meme attached themselves to her. They were helpful, I’m sure, appearing to provide stolid, real world perspectives amid all those crazy peace activists. And people like McGovern and May assumed the authority of “insiders”. I mean, if Israel does control the U.S., surely a CIA honcho like McGovern would know about it, right?

Iran Test-Fires New Supersonic Missile (VIDEO)

Iran test-fires new supersonic missile Iran's Revolutionary Guard have test-fired a supersonic ballistic surface-to-sea missile capable of hitting warships and targets within a 300km...

Letters Home from Vietnam – Chapter 6, Four Dead in Ohio

Bullet riddled planes are returning to base at an alarming rate. Until now the planes have returned without incident but whatever is happening out there it seems to be heating up. I’ve also been talking to guys that are flying the gunships and they too are catching more ground fire. Some of the Marines are leaving and the Vietnamese Army is starting to take over some of the guard post positions. Is it possible that the war is drawing to a close? But how could that be when our planes are taking more ground fire? I’m getting more confused about the war as well as my participation in it.

From Tunisia to Egypt to Wisconsin: The New Superpower of Global Public Opinion Will...

In responding to the worldwide protests aimed at stopping the US-led invasion of Iraq, The New York Times referred in 2003 to the existence of a new global superpower, that of world public opinion. Back then, however, the full potential of this force of change remained unrealized and underdeveloped as demonstrated by the outcome of the events of February 15. On that historic day eight years ago, tens of millions of anti-war protestors came flooding into the streets simultaneously in literally hundreds of large and small cities all over the planet.

Latest News for Veterans Who Own Businesses (Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business –...

The news below comes from the VetLikeMe newsletter. VetLikeMe reports on national news for Service Disabled Business Owners

LIBYA: Massacre in Benghazi

Where is the USA, the UN? Why is Dicktator Gadafi Allowed to Committ Genicide in front the Whole World? Gadafi Buys Mercenarys Armed with Killing Machines While Protestors Arm Themselves with Freedom, Liberty, and Justice. Will Evil Win the Day? Will Freedom Ring?


VTTV February 20, 2011 with Gordon Duff and Raja Mujtaba The diplomatic standoff between the United States and Pakistan over the arrest of State Department...

PAUL BALLES : Mind-sets and revolutions

There’s an old saying about closed minds that goes “My mind is made up; don’t confuse me with the facts.” "Facts still matter..." said journalist and broadcaster Bill Moyers, quoting Thomas Jefferson, who proclaimed, "Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government."