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Monthly Archives: April 2011

World Russia Forum 2011: Is “Reset” Enough?

It is never boring at the World Russian Forum (WRF), a two-day conference of politicians, business people, and scholars from Russia and the U.S. who have been meeting annually since 1981 with the intent of improving U.S.-Russia relations. WRF was created by Eduard Lozansky, a former Soviet nuclear physicist and dissident who emigrated to the U.S. during the Cold War and is now a U. S. citizen. Since the collapse of the U.S.S.R., he has been running the American University in Moscow (AUM) which co-sponsors the Forum. Discovery Institute of Seattle and the Eurasia Center of Washington joined Lozansky’s effort in people’s diplomacy.

Blind Obedience

“Blind Obedience” to orders is an often-heard left-wing liberal rant in reference to those of us who have made a career in the military. Left-wing types demean and insult too - men and women who complete a tour in the military and decide to move into civilian life following honorable and proud service. Leftist views include military folks blindly obeying orders. Very different from the real world of military life. Consider:

EXCLUSIVE TO VETERANS TODAY : Lebanon – Wiki-Cables Tell of Treason, US Interference

Exclusive to VT Interview with Franklin Lamb in Beirut on the latest Wilkileaks from US Embassy Beirut and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) ...

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

Veterans!  Here’s your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources We encourage you to browse our list so that you can...

Impending Government Shutdown affects Active Duty Troops

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy 7 Strategies for Getting By Without a Paycheck As the Congress wage war using...

Shutdown: What You Need to Know

In the event of a federal shutdown, most VA services will still be available. However, it’s important that you know what’s been impacted. For the full list of what will be available and what will be suspended, check out our Veterans Field Guide.

Back to The Streets This Weekend for Peace and Justice

On April 9th in NYC and 10th in San Francisco, human rights, civil rights, and workers rights leaders and advocates - religious and secular - Jewish, Muslim, Christian, humanist - are linking arms in solidarity and common commitment with antiwar activists to take to the streets in the face of what Dr. King once called an “unfolding conundrum”.

Judge Goldstone’s wobble sends wrong signal

Not that his report tells us more than we already knew from the multitude of accounts by eye-witnesses and other reliable sources. It’s devastating because the evidence is so damning. Its real value, though, is in the legalistic tone and immaculate packaging, which impressed the United Nations and prodded follow-up action.

NUREDDIN SABIR : Alternative strategy for liberation of Libya

As the pendulum of the Libyan revolution swings from euphoria to anxiety and depression, the broad outlines of stalemate and division are beginning to crystallize.

U.S. Border Patrol Harassment Against Military Veteran Within U.S. Border Raises Questions About Freedom...

Consider a U.S. Military Veteran minding his own business driving his car within the U.S.A. gets stopped by U.S. Border Patrol. They seek to search his car without resonable suspicion that he was violating any law and question his citzenship. Mind you, this goes on within the U.S. Border; not upon entering into the U.S. but within the U.S.! Don't believe it?

New Book Chronicles A Mounting Global Health Crisis

FROM THE GULF WAR TO THE GULF OF MEXICO AN INVESTIGATIVE REPORT Los Angeles, CA — In his alarming new book, “They’re Poisoning Us—From the Gulf War...

Connecting “Too Big To Fail Cartel” “U.S. Debt Is Myth” “Financing of Illegal Wars...

Subsequently, from the bowels of organized crime a "cookie cutter" financial fund perpetrating a "me too" academic propaganda. Shadowing the 'Too Big To Fail Cartel' ivy league alibi.

Potential April 6th Fukushima Fallout Forecast Shows U.S. West Coast Under Threat

The destroyed reactors at Fukushima have been releasing radiation for weeks. According to model calculations, the stricken nuclear plant could already have released one-tenth of the amount of radiation unleashed in the Chernobyl disaster. How serious a risk does the disaster pose to humans?

Department of Defense Sustains UnitedHealthcare Protest on Tricare West Region Contract

MINNETONKA, Minn. (April 7, 2011) – The Department of Defense (DoD) has sustained a protest by UnitedHealthcare’s Military & Veterans business and will undertake corrective action regarding the TRICARE West Region contract award. The DoD has indicated that it will update its solicitation for the contract and invite updated proposals. The decision pertains to the July 2009 award of the TRICARE West Region contract to the incumbent administrator.

AMVETS’ Pro Bono Legal Clinic Fills Veteran Need

It was in the hot summer desert of Iraq in 2004 when Airborne Sgt. Francisco Ramirez was accidently run over by a Humvee in his own convoy while tracking a cache of weapons that had been used against them. Once evacuated to his base in Italy, he faced multiple surgeries on the shattered femur that he sustained; but that was only the beginning of his troubles on his road to recovery.

Filner Legislation Would Establish a Bill of Rights for Women Veterans

Washington, D.C. – Ranking Democratic Member Bob Filner (D-CA) reintroduced legislation that would require all VA facilities to display a bill of rights outlining VA’s responsibility to women veterans.

Cars Bars & Cigars

Hemancipation presents luxurious event at Tesla Motors May 19 to benefit veterans at New Directions, Inc.

VA Changes Billing Process for Third Party Pharmacy Prescriptions

WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is implementing a new billing process for charging third party insurers for outpatient prescription medications provided to Veterans for conditions unrelated to their military service. This change will not affect Veterans’ co-payments for prescriptions.

Egyptians are Back in Tahrir Square to Block a Counter Revolution

But Before the Arab spring come to an end, Could we interpret those Arab uprisings as historical moments of enlightenment? Moreover, could we detect any possible signs of attempt to separate the mosque from the state in the Arab world? Or is it the dawn of the political Islam in the Arab world?



DEBBIE MENON : Britain opposes call to retract Goldstone Report

You can always take the vertebrae out of a vertebrate (the procedure is probably described as an vertebraectomy), but I doubt that one can be installed in an invertebrate.

Toben Questions Israel’s “Wrong Beliefs” (Brendon O”Connell video)

TEHRAN (FNA)- Fredrick Toben, a prominent German-born Australian philosopher, praised Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his key role in breaking the taboo on studying the reality of the Jewish holocaust.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

Veterans!  Here’s your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources We encourage you to browse our list so that you can...


Yet another Justification to Impeach Obama, the Usurper, and to Try and Convict Both, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric Holder for Treason, Sedition, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Dereliction of Duty, corruption, and Accessory to Murder.

Obama / The Billion Dollar Candidate With No Halo and No Base

It was a betrayal that his progressive base and Main Street will never forget but Obama still is seemingly basking under a non-existent halo of change we can believe in ~ while the hard reality is he is a billion dollar candidate running on a platform of corporate welfare you can believe in.

Hollow promises of Barack Obama

By BG Asif Haroon Raja for Opinion Maker and VT In September 2001, the whole world comity was behind USA. The UN had authorized...

Blowing Smoke: Obama Is Morally High

On his second day in office Obama promised to close the Guantanamo Bay “detention” center (if it was called a prison camp it would connote that the inmates are prisoners, and prisoners are entitled to rights, detainees aren’t.) Guantanamo remains open for business and continues to be a national embarrassment to this day.

Filner Bill Allows Elderly Veterans to Use Their Earned Medicare Dollars for VA Health...

Washington, D.C. – Ranking Democratic Member Bob Filner (D-CA) reintroduced H.R. 814, legislation to allow veterans to use their earned Medicare benefits to receive health care and services from the Veterans Health Administration at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).


CENSORED TERROR "DRILL" MOST COSTLY IN HISTORY "More checkpoints per square mile than Baghdad" By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor Busloads of police were brought into New...

Congressman Eric Cantor: America is never First

Not so sure if the voters of Virginia 7th Congressional District knew when they voted Eric Cantor into Congress some 11 years ago, they will be electing him as the leader of the “American Knesset”. For sure Congressman Eric Cantor chose to represent Tel-Aviv not Richmond, Virginia.

Ohio Congressman calls for a Congressional Investigation into the VA System.

Congressman Mike Turner (R.OH) plans on pushing for a Congressional Investigation into the Dayton VAMC calling the VA investigation and actions by VA leadership...

When science fiction becomes battlefield reality…

Since the Vietnam war military tactics have been transformed into something even more sinister and horrendous.

ZIONISTS Financed Hitler’s Regime and Condemned Jews to the Holocaust

THE TRANSFER AGREEMENT - a book by Edwin Black, 1984 This book explains How ZIONISTS used the Transfer Agreement to allow Hitler to...

Duty – Honor – Country

Many contributors to VT may not have an understanding of members of the Armed Forces – particularly career Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and CoastGuardsmen. (Also derisively referred to as Lifers!) I have a blue retiree I.D. card. Guess I qualify as a Lifer.

LIBYA: Is it the rebels or the Washington Post that is struggling to explain...

Is it the rebels or the Washington Post that is struggling to explain the rift in leadership? The rebel leaders have been speaking out...

I haven’t Totally Given Up on Obama, but as My Late Wife Used to...

I’m an Obama supporter, but I’m not an Obama cheerleader. While I agree that President Obama has done more for this country in the short time he’s been in office than any president since Franklin Roosevelt, presidents are not only assessed based on what they do, but also what they fail to do. So in spite of the fact that he’s saved America from a second Great Depression, his success in that area pales in comparison to what he’s failing to do - aggressively confronting America’s most insidious domestic enemy and the most serious threat to our democracy since the civil War, the current GOP.

Manhunt Over James Allan Khan Found in the Bowels of D.C. Empire Under A...

Manhunt Over James Allan Khan Found in the Bowels of D.C. Empire Under A Rock

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

Veterans!  Here’s your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources We encourage you to browse our list so that you can...

BLOOMBERG: Libya Gets Big Chunk of FED Bank Bailout

35 BILLION SO FAR TRACKED TO LIBYA OTHER FOREIGN BANKS DO EVEN BETTER April 1 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg reporter Bob Ivry talks about the U.S. Federal...

Who Is Attacking Balochistan?

By Hamid Waheed Covert operations under media support have emerged as one of most powerful tool to psychologically defeat a community and force...

Veterans In Politics Endorse Candidates for Municipal Election 2011

To teach, educate, organize and awaken our veterans and their families to select, support and vote intelligently for a better world and to protect ourselves from our own government(s) in a culture of corruption and to be the political voice for those in other groups that do not have one.

The US Government’s Usage of Atomic Bombs – Domestic – WTC 911

The factual evidence indicates that our government is using and has used 3rd or possibly 4th generation hydrogen bombs domestically and internationally. The evidence for international usage is not quite as strong as the domestic usage, but when domestic usage is considered, the international usage seems inescapable.