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Monthly Archives: June 2012

VeteransToday Visits Beautiful Berkshires in Western Massachusetts

One lesson I learned was the legacy of wealthy Americans who have donated their fortunes back to the American people in so many ways.

Colorado Rogue Police in Aurora Start Constitutional Crisis

Does the crazed cop with the 12 guage actually shoot? What do you think this child and his parents are thinking, out on a Saturday shopping trip.

New Jersey’s 9th CD Voters Say No to AIPAC

Pascrelli’s victory was a surprise and it could be only an anomaly. Or, it could be the beginning of a new spirit in American politics in which AIPAC no longer controls Congress.

9/11: A Decade Later, A Whole New Ballgame

First of all, to the idiots who monitor all our communications, internet, telephone, who knows how far they have gone or are going.
Dan Rather

Kill One Kill Twelve Kill Millions Kill Billions

The cause of the proximate murder of most, if not all, humans on Earth is a complicated tale of corruption and sabotage by more than one person surrounding the brutal meltdowns and explosions ....

Terrorizing Through Lawfare

The preeminent promoter of the use of lawfare is the Israeli group Shurat HaDin, which on its websitedescribes how its various courtroom victories have made it the “bane of anti-Israel groups throughout the world.”

All to Play for in Moscow

Ahead of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 in Moscow, the West seems confident that sanctions will induce Iran to settle on its uranium enrichment. But rather than arriving at a negotiated settlement by applying the principle of reciprocity, the West may look to anesthetize oil markets.

Coming Home to Roost

"Violence begets violence, hatred begets hatred and terrorism begets terrorism." --- Rev. Wright

Friday June 8 2012 Checking In

Every summer, Americans are subjected to a fuel scam, starting after 911 where we had 3 dollars per gallon on 55 dollar per barrel of oil.

Take The Liberty Not To Forget

There is always another war and more dead American service members. But this was not war it was an attack by an alleged friend. Some answers would be nice

The Queen Stands for Duty and Justice. But Do Her Ministers?

Who on earth gave Her Majesty's ministers, and the 80 percent of the Conservative Party who are adoring Friends of Israel, permission to associate Britain with such hooligans?

Military Personne, Lab Rats for Harmful Experiments

Sorry, Dr. Mengele - you can't do harmful experiments on murderers and rapists. Just US military personnel.

Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty – The Full Story

The lesson of the cold-blooded attack on the USS Liberty was that there is nothing the Zionist state might not do, to its friends as well as its enemies, in order to get its own way.

CaptionCall Offers Free Phones To Veterans

There are nearly 23 million veterans, according to the 2010 National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics.

What is Really Happening in Syria

Was the Houla massacre a false-flag op?

Mubaraks Verdict, A Revolution Back To Square One

"Egypt under the long reign of Mubarak was nothing but a police state, meanwhile, the revolution that toppled him seems to have lost its way"

Facebook Tanks, What Really Happened

Facebook was blatantly overpriced, the stock tanked and what really happened is the public got Zuckered and many of those laughing faces at Farcebook's opening obviously knew it.

Nuclear Whistle Blowers Appeal Denied, Israels Nuclear Apartheid and The Real Deal About Iran

Today from east Jerusalem, Mordechai Vanunu issued the following Global invitation:

 The court hearing June 6 on Wednesday at the Israel Supreme Court. It is open for all. See you there.
USS Liberty after Israeli sneak attack

What Phil Saw That Day

The event, which Phil ‘saw that day’ is something most of us have failed to see for decades.

From the Maple Spring to the Education Summer

The Maple Spring has blossomed in Quebec and is starting to proliferate throughout Canada and beyond. Chris Hedges recently described this outburst of anti-authoritarian energy in the French-speaking heartland of les canadiens as "the most important resistance movement in the industrialized world.

Advantages of Chinese Trade Policy

The Chinese may take risks far more than average Americans do, thanks to advice from traditional proverbs.

Army “Nutter” Ray Odierno Goes “Full Stalin” at CFR

I was sent the initial article written by Joe Wolverton from the New American, who I credit but included is more than a comment or two on Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno. There is an agreement within his own staff and those who have ever served with him, General Odierno is the biggest "horses ass' to have worn an American uniform since Custer. The term his staff uses, to be quite exact is "dangerous dimwit."
Record Opium Crop in Afghanistan Expected, Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths Around the World Result

Straight dope on PSYOP in US Drug War

First, the Pentagon infiltrated the US mainstream media on the sly by a constellation of retired military stars to massage the major message on Operation Indefinite Liberty, OIL aka GWAT, globally. Later, Fort Fumble reversed its spinmeister tactics and, in overt civ/mil joint venture, it imbedded tightly vetted quill-drivers into US Marines & Army units in Afghanistan to promote Obama’s double-down surge locally.

South Africa – Racial Tensions Exploited, Threaten White Minority

“Mugabe’s focus on the whites and the British because he does not have answers for the problems his own government has created. This is an old political tactic. Hitler singled out the Jews as scapegoats for everything that was wrong in Germany. We know how tragically that ended. In the same manner the focus is presently being placed on white people in South Africa and racism is used in every debate in order to deflect the attention away from the real problems in South Africa,” Dr. Pieter Mulder, the FF Plus leader said in the president’s budget debate in Parliament.

Israel Formulates Tripartite Plot to Destroy Syria

A  politically incorrect wave of labyrinthine madness is casting its heavy shadow over Syria as the country is being surrounded left and right by...

Lebanon, Palestine, Jewishness and censorship.

Gilad Atzmon on Afshin Rattansi's Double Standard. We spoke about Lebanon, Palestine, Jewishness and censorship.

Germany Mounts Nuke Missiles On Subs For Israel

Germany admits arming nuclear subs for Israel; supplying missiles and warheads.

Alan Hart : The Lies about the 1967 War are still more Powerful than...

A large part of the reason why today rational debate about making peace is impossible with the vast majority of Jews everywhere is that they still believe Egypt and the frontline Arab states were intending to annihilate Israel in 1967, and were only prevented from doing so by Israel’s pre-emptive strike.

The Killer Elite Hit List

By SARTRE Read the entire article on the BATR archive page  

Obama Emerges as the US Warrior President

The president has apparently decided a warrior president is a better image to project for his reelection in a downward spiraling economy.

Support These Troops and Remember The War on LIBERTY

The attack was the easy part; the aftermath in not being able to get our government to address this cover up has been the bastard

Sunday Ramblings

To start with, I just got off the phone with a friend stationed an Ft. Huachuca in Arizona. He read me a story about J.T. Ready, the supposed "Neo-Nazi" who they say murdered his family and killed himself.

Has US Support for Israel Reached a Tipping Point?

That support for Israel continues to reign supreme in the US Congress, as Giraldi acknowledges, would seem to illustrate that the American populace is not sufficiently concerned about the issue as to make it politically significant.

The Inevitable Price of Dictatorship

With the on going killing fields of Bashar Assad’s Syria, by now Washington, Tel-Aviv, Moscow, Berlin, Paris and London should know the “inevitable” price of dictatorship.

Elderly Veterans Challenge Obama and Waxma

Mr. President: “Open These Gates and Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME!”

The Latest on Unemployment Among Post-9/11 Veterans

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released Veteran unemployment data for the month of May

Is Independence Terrorism, Our Government Wants Us To Think So

America died when we got Fox News. Is this a coincidence, the national addiction to paranoia, conspiracy theory and hate?

Israel Indicts Freedom of the Press: Kam, Blau and Vanunu

Although Israel's military censor had approved Blau’s story for publication in Haaretz, his indictment was sought by Israel SECURITY Agency/Shin Bet/Shabak, State Prosecutor's Office, and the Police