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Tag: islamic state

Who’s afraid of an Islamic caliphate?

That's why the international banksters staged the 9/11 false flag event: To create a phony "war on terror" that is actually a war on Islam.

Business Opportunity: Jihadi Chocolate Shops!

The black flags with white writing are perfect for dark-chocolate-based confectionary delicacies

ISIL Israeli mercenary army

ISIL claims to be a Muslim liberation movement - yet it never attacks Israel or its supporters.

US aid worker beheading video a set-up?

"Another real beheading or another staged one, or who knows?”

Obama Gives Republicans (and Israel) the Finger

"This F***s Up Everything"   By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall   There's an article on the Fox News site this morning entitled "Source Says Reported Letter from...

Islamic State name meant to shame Islam

“They've created the name 'Islamic State' (IS) for this group to try to discredit political Islam and the Islamic Awakening."

ISIS and Islam: The Ugly Truth (Updated)

“ISIS fundamentalist militants who are casting terror into the heart of the civilized world are but a copycat of the mujahideen of early Islam. Whether we like it or not this is the ugly truth”

Alternative Media Success Panics NeoCons

The neocons are "fleeing forward" towards wider war in the Middle East as the forces of truth are slowly closing in on them.

“Islamic State”: Pretext for US attack on Syria?

The US threat to bomb Syria, using ISIL as the pretext, is yet another preposterous false flag scenario.

Hamas, Hezbollah fighting Israeli, ISIS terror: Pundit

Hamas and Hezbollah are fighting the world's most brutal terrorist organization: ISrael.

ISIS: Muslim plot to take over the world

"Everything about ISIS fairly screams 'false flag operation.' But that's just the cover story."

Neocons confess: “We did 9/11-anthrax”

Every September, the neocons hype a series of public relations stunts designed to magnify fears of "radical Islam" and reinforce their crumbling 9/11-Anthrax cover story.

Alice Cooper covers the Bob Dylan song “Isis”

I was "captured" by "ISIS" on the fifth day of May, Knew my head wouldn't stay on my neck very long...

Israel, ISIL have a lot in common

ISrael would be a paradise for people who like to shoot children and cut off heads.

‘Islamic State’ head-choppers: The best enemy money can buy

Like the Federal Reserve, which is neither federal nor has any reserves, Islamic State is neither Islamic nor a state.

Israel changes name to Judaic State (JS)

Is Judaic State (JS) imitating Islamic State (IS) - or the other way around?

New Terror Group OSIRIS Rivals ISIS’s Caliphate

Just when you thought synthetic terrorism couldn't get any goofier...

al-Baghdadi: CIA mind-control slave?

Is al-Baghdadi an MK-Ultra victim?

McCain Goes Takfiri!

"This must be the first time a sitting United States Senator has conducted a suicide bombing."