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Zionist apocalypse coming?

Will "blood moons" bring a Zionist apocalypse?

Palestine-Israel Surprise Agreement

The rapid developments that led to the peace agreement with Egypt and the Oslo Agreement that created the Palestinian Authority were surprises that were...

Uri Avnery – Another Pipe Dream

- Uri Avnery..." States recognize each other. They don't have to recognize each other's ideological character."

SUPER BOWL PROTEST: Scarlett Johansson Commerical – Punish Speaks Out!

Activist Johnny Punish reads Scarlett Johansson the riot act as she gets ready to shill for Apartheid Company Soda Stream on Super Bowl Sunday! Are you ready for some protest football?

SUPER BOWL: Actress Scarlett Johansson Defends Advertiser That Stands for Apartheid

As reported Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson will be appearing in a Super Bowl commercial shilling for Soda Stream, an Israeli company that blatantly stands for Apartheid in an illegal settlement on lands stolen from indigenous peoples. She has responded.

Algeriepatriotique Interviews Gilad Atzmon

The vast popular support of Dieudonne is a clear message to AIPAC, CRIF and CFI – beware, the party comes to an end. Enough is enough.

So When Will International Justice Save Palestine?

Eighteen months ago UK foreign secretary William Hague delivered an important speech at the Hague, home of the International Criminal Court ...

Let’s shine a light into the ICC’s dusty corners…

I watched the Palestinian ambassador, Prof Manuel Hassassian's performance before a session of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee enquiring into 'Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: prospects for 2014'.

BitCoin: The Global Cure for Zionism?

The U.S.A. and Israel are under attack buy a small tiny byte of digital atoms called BitCoins and it will change the world!

Scarlett Johansson: Super Bowl Apartheid Pitch Woman?

Is one of the worlds most famous actresses backing apartheid? Scarlett Johannson is on the hot seat! Apartheid Actress?

Ariel Sharon: An Inspiration for Millions Around the World

The Butcher of Beirut Sparked A Questioning and Condemnation of Zionism Around the World

Israel-Palestine: Is Peace Possible On Obama’s Watch?

The answer to my headline question could be, not necessarily would be, “Yes” IF President Obama was prepared to put America’s own best interests first and use as necessary all the leverage he has to oblige Israel to accept that peace with the Palestinians requires a complete end to its occupation of the West Bank.

Help Prod The ICC Into Action Over Israel’s Illegal Settlements

Unbelievably, President Mahmoud Abbas and his hapless crew in Ramallah promised the US not to file charges against Israel in the International Criminal Court.

Friends of Yours, Mr Cameron?

The Palestinian Embassy, for once, has done something useful and released figures that paint a shocking picture of Israel's mega-crimes against their helpless Palestinian neighbours over the past year.

Walled in by Zionist Ugliness

London's Christmas was made gloomier this year - and rightly so - by the appearance in the courtyard of St James’s Church, Piccadilly, of a replica of the hated Israeli annexation Wall that threads its thieving way around the Palestinian West Bank...

Égalité et Réconciliation: An Interview With Gilad Atzmon By Alimuddin Usmani

To be a Jew is to evoke animosity in others, couldn’t be shorter than that I guess…

RICHARD FALK interview

Creeping annexation, ethnic cleansing and 'the politics of fragmentation' inflicted by criminals who strut the world stage and thumb their noses at international law

Iranian vs. American Children

How Young Iranians View America article sparks review of how all children see the world and what we can do about it for our future.

Kerry’s Middle East Peace Running Into 20th Century Wall

As Sec. Kerry tries to move the parties, he faces the same old challenges. We are dealing with men who hold on to 20th century dogma that is NO longer relevant for a new 21st century Middle East. So while they give it the ole good effort, the reality is that no one at these meetings has a real plan for all of us.

Israel/CIA vs. Mandela! Dynamic Duo TV news shreds the myths

Israel and the CIA were Madela's worst enemies - but the mainstream media won't tell you that!

Where is Palestine’s Mandela?

The answer to my headline question is that he, Marwan Barghouti, is in an Israeli jail where he has been since his arrest in Ramallah by an IDF unit in 2002, after which, in 2004, he was sentenced to five life terms in prison.

In which I apply for Jewish status

To be a S.H.I.T. list honoree, you have to be Jewish. So I am applying for Jewish ethnic status.

New NELSON MANDELA CITY proposed as capitol of new 21st Century...

Middle East Union Congress proposes the new capitol to be named after Nelson Mandela.

Convicted of genocide, Israel prepares new holocaust

It is time for the world to come together and put an end to the madness of Zionism, before the madness of Zionism puts an end to the world.

Gilad Atzmon on Ken O'keefe's Middle East Discuss the J Word

VeteransToday.com staff writers, Gilad Atzmon and Ken O'keefe scrutinize the role of language in political discussion and Palestine solidarity discourse in particular.

The Global Promised Land

21st century visionary Johnny Punish proposed a new Global Promised Land to replace the 20th century Theodor Herzl flawed "My Promised Land" vision that has killed so many and caused so much harm to millions.

Concealment and Truth in Palestine and Beyond

Liberation is to unveil the concealed, to think and re-think, to view, re-view and revise. To think is to be able to distinguish between the symptoms and the disease.

On Palestine: In Search of Pax-Americana

Palestine is an open wound in the heart of the Muslim world.

Middle East Union Coming in 2050

Global citizen and Visionary Johnny Punish proposes a new way forward for the suffering peoples of the Middle East in the new Middle East Union slated to take hold in 2050. Get the facts!

Unraveling: Perfectly and Thoroughly

Well, we all know this is the developing story of the United States of America – as a nation, as a democracy, as “the leader of free world, as the richest country.”

Jewish Light Bulb Jokes

Q: How many Hasbara Jews does it take to change a light bulb? A: Wrong question, the real question is why the Arabs want to throw us into the sea?

Obama Vision: U.S. Middle East Policy

Washington Leadership Struggles with 21st Century Middle East Foreign Policy Vision; adrift, who's to blame? Or is this a paradigm shift in power for the 21st century

So Have Peace Talks Collapsed?

In an earlier article I said that if the Palestinian Authority suddenly beamed information at me I'd view it with grave suspicion.

Everything But Real News

We are dealing here with nothing short of controlled opposition!!!

What Kind Of Murderer Deliberately Leaves Fingerprints Behind?

Not many people doubt that Israel was behind Arafat’s death, especially now, when it became immanently clear that it was radioactive Polonium 210 that was responsible for the late leader’s lethal symptoms.

Arafat’s Death – There’s Really No Mystery

For once Israel is telling a part of the truth. It was impossible for any of its own (Israeli-Jewish) agents to get into the rubble of Arafat’s compound to administer the poison that killed him

Obama vs. Netanyahu: Middle East War Lights on Iran Fire

Israeli Leader Screams as world closes in on their Ruse, Obama and Kerry Talk with Iran against will of AIPAC paid for U.S. Congress as UNESCO drops Israel and USA as Members

Appeasement Dooms Palestinians to Everlasting Misery

Later this month Palestinians will be celebrating an important anniversary, namely the decision by the UN General Assembly a year ago to recognize Palestine as a non-member observer state.

Israeli Settler Leader Defends Right to Displace Indigenous Using American Tax...

Israeli Settlers: Patriots or Invaders? Argentine Born Settler in Israel Leader Dani Dayan discusses whether Israeli Settlements are a Natural Extension of Israeli State or Obstacle to Peace

Jerusalem the Red Line

The other day Hamas's political chief, Khaled Meshaal, criticised the Palestinian Authority for "criminalizing armed resistance”.

Why, When and How Ali Abunimah Asked Me To Lie For...

People lie for a reason so when Abunimah lies, does he do it for the Palestinian people in Gaza or in Jenin? Does he lie for the refugees in Sabra and Shatila?

Jeff Blankfort on Zio Con Wars, Palestine, and Paul Jay

Today, with the American Jewish establishment uniquely supporting both an attack on Syria and on Iran, unless it kneels down before the only nuclear power in the Middle East, it is more than appropriate to analyse and criticize the Jewish role in US and European politics, it is absolutely necessary to do so.