Home 2011 July

Monthly Archives: July 2011

Were America's Founders Altruistic Patriots?

On this 4th of July we need to reflect on important ideas.

Riposte Against Zionism: Go Tell It To The People

We must stand if we wish to alter the world Zionism has contrived for us

A July Fourth Shame on the Founders

The tendency is to think of ourselves as "exceptional" Not just "all Americans," mind you, but all people. The Declaration of Independence was meant to be a statement expressing the "self-evident" rights of all mankind. Those principles had a universality that was a beacon to the world. -- Ray McGovern

Failures of Intelligence

This citizen of conscience for U.S. House of Representatives 2012 asserts that America’s ugly side is rooted in failures of intelligence, heretical Christianity and a lack of true patriotism, for "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official." -Theodore Roosevelt

Plan To Cut Vet Unemployment Down

The Air Force Times has released an article regarding Republican Jeff Miller who is the chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

Islamophobia on the rise in USA

Islamophobia is growing and spreading prejudice against Muslims in the US, a fact that is underlined by a recent report by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has collected and relayed the facts and identified both vilifiers and supporters of Islam and Muslims.

Live Broadcast from Houston National Cemetery as Veterans Rally for God

On Monday July 4th the Huston Coalition of Pastors will head up a peaceful demonstration at the Houston National Cemetery in Texas.

Renewable Energy Careers By Blattner Energy

Blattner Energy, Inc is now reaching out to Veterans and offering them exciting careers in the field of renewable energy. Blattner Energy, Inc is the sister company of D.H. Blattner and Sons which has a long history of over 100 years. Today Blattner Energy, Inc is partnering up with Hire Veterans to find America’s best and utilize these talented Veterans to continue on with the 100 years of success that they have already accomplished.

Muammar Gaddafi and Cynthia Mckinney: Bff’s 4eva!

by Tasbeeh Herwees With a white scarf around her shoulders, and the familiar green banner scrolling across the screen, Cynthia Mckinney appeared on Libyan State...

Cynthia McKinney: Gaddafi’s Useful Idiot

While Muammar Gaddafi grows ever more desperate as he loses key military support, former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) is shamelessly serving as a propagandist for the Libyan tyrant’s regime.

Killing Goyim and Beyond

It is obvious that the Jewish state seems to be pretty confused by the notion of Jewishness. As much as it yearns to celebrate an imaginary phantasmic notion of Jewish heritage, it invests a lot of effort to conceal the real meaning of what Jewish heritage is in reality.

Put Away The Flags / There Is Nothing Natural About War

The so called “War on Terror” is rationalized economic rape with Iraq and Afghanistan as the prime examples.

It’s Always About The Money So On With This REVOLUTION!

As the August 2nd deadline fast approaches to raise the government-borrowing limit, President Obama called on Congress two days before this Independence Day to make a deal and announced, “Nothing can be off-limits. We've got to cut the deficit.”

Libya Coverage: “Hypocrisy of the “Left”

The American or for that matter the Arab “left” must not be fooled by killers and murderers the likes of Mouamar Gaddafi and Bashar Assad, just like they were fooled by the likes of Saddam Hussein before.

Still Hiring Veterans At Hensley Industries

Hensley Industries, Inc has signed on with Hire Veterans online military job board for a second campaign. The company has enjoyed long term success by incorporating hiring diversity, and would like to continue on in this method.

International Law Firm Debevoise Now Hiring Vets

Debevoise & Plimpton LLP has recently committed to a second year with leading online military career board Hire Veterans. The move came after a successful first year during the initial partnership.

Twin Towers Trading, Inc Offers Sales Careers To Vets

Twin Towers Trading Inc. (TTT) is the world’s premier “Specialty Promotion’s Company”. They are the “standard setter” for professional “in-store sales demonstrations while presenting great products at great prices with great warranties in great venues.

The Audacity of Hope [UPDATING]

The US Government has never shown much interest in its citizen’s welfare or safety when it has involved the slightest conflict of interest with some client despot or petty dictatorial puppet…

Facts Coming in on Libya (updated)

The pointless presence of foreign correspondents in Tripoli is resented by many people including Tripoli volunteers on the frontline.

Feeding the Brave Flotilla to Israel’s Slavering Attack-Dogs

Our oh-so-moral international community, always poking its democracy-loving nose into any trouble spot that might threaten western security (whatever that means) and always eager to mobilize its mighty weapons of war, is still reluctant to operate on the cancer it foolishly implanted into the Holy Land 63 years ago and which now menaces the world.

Countdown to Invasion

Tripoli’s 3,200 neighborhoods, independently of the Libyan Armed Forces, are intensively preparing for the possibility that NATO forces or those they are seen as increasingly arming and directing, might invade the cosmopolitan greater Tripoli area during the coming weeks or months.

Eighty Percent of Success is Just Showing Up

This Sunday will be our 173rd consecutive Sunday Rally to "Save Our Veterans Land," and to "Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME."

Feinstein: $35.5 Million for Homeless Veteran Housing

The politicians are throwing out a bone, but only after the ACLU filed a lawsuit.

We Have Lost Our Dominant Paradigm!

While letting the Internet drive me the other day, I ran across two very interesting and informative websites, apparently oriented to white race issues without nasty racism. They may be linked at the bottom of this column.

It’s “Cool” for Israel to Kill Americans

It is hard to believe the total silence of Obama’s White House, Clinton’s State Department, Justice Department, the FBI and Home Land Security and lack of taking legal actions against those who openly call on Israel to kill and murder unarmed American civilians aboard the Freedom Flotilla heading toward Gaza.

VA Begins Implementation of Open Source EHR

Under the leadership of Secretary Shinseki we are making excellent progress advancing the breadth and effectiveness of our healthcare services to Veterans

My Honor Flight

Christina White poses with her father (standing), and her two Veteran grandfathers at the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC.

How to Receive Veteran Mortgage Loans

The general rule of qualification for Veteran mortgage loans is that it is for soldiers who have served in any conflict involving U.S. involvement, domestically and abroad.

U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for Jul 01, 2011

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, Grand Prairie, Texas, was awarded a $145,467,956 firm-fixed-price contract.

VA Award 14 Major Technology Contracts

Fourteen major contracts to transform information technology in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have been awarded for an estimated program ceiling of $12 billion.

Afghanistan and Pakistan: The Human View

On first day of the raid they massacred around 40 civilians and arrested dozens others, including children. Among the deaths there were my close relatives, who were shot to death whilst working in cultivated area. The killing forced nearly whole village to rise up against the Soviet occupiers. They called themselves Mujahedeen. My father and three brothers also joined them.

Common Sense on Afghanistan: Raja Mujtaba Talks on the War

The US blames Pakistan for not doing enough it simply sounds ridiculous and insulting. Pakistan has suffered much more casualties in human lives and virtually a complete collapse of economy due to this war.

Agent Orange Comes Home to Roost

The never-ending issue of Agent Orange comes home to roost, intruding on the lives and communities here in the United States.

Murder, Glastonbury and the Nuclear Nightmare

The killings, Cook, Kelly and more, many more, all seem to circle around arms dealers known for their ties to access to nuclear material and their willingness to broker deals between Israel and such unlikely customers as Iraq or North Korea. Thus far, only the death of Dr. David Kelly is confirmed to have been a murder tied to one or more of these arms deals.

Germany False Flag Forecast, Summer 2011

Informed sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, tell us that two years ago the Angela Merkle government was helping to arrange a WMD attack in Western Europe. Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb, a contrived French-Algerian-Israelis front organization, was to be blamed.