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Monthly Archives: July 2011

Concerning Bill Moyers and 9/11

Bill Moyers, a persuasive voice for the Johnson Administration’s Great Society, has for decades framed his commentary with soft-spoken eloquence.

U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for Jul 07, 2011

The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Mo., is being awarded an $119,415,215 firm-fixed-price contract for the procurement of two Lot 86 Harpoon missile bodies; two exercise Grade B canister All Up Round (AUR); eight anti-submarine rocket AUR; and associated hardware for the government of Taiwan.

Consider A Career In Alaska With Westward Seafood

Westward Seafood has recently teamed up with leading military job board Hire Veterans. They are currently offering exciting careers to Veterans in the seafood industry.

SAWTST, LLC Renews Dedication To Hire Veterans

SAWTST, LLC has signed on for a 3rd year with online military job board Hire Veterans. This coming after another successful year of hiring in the Veteran community.

DOL Plan To Help 21,000 Unemployed Vets

The US Department of Labor has recently released information explaining more than 28 million dollars in federal grants.

Rep. Steven Buyer and Americas Tortured Heroes

The same tactics used illegally against Afghan insurgents and terror suspects is routinely used against wounded and disabled active duty members of Americas military. Defending this criminal behavior is one of the most reprehensible and unpatriotic Americans in its history, Representative Steven Buyer of Indiana.

Bariatric Surgery Study Looks at Survival Impact in Older Vets

In the first study to compare survival associated with bariatric surgery in mostly male patients, bariatric surgery was not significantly associated with decreased mortality, according to a research study published in the June 15 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Negative Role of Media in Testing Times

Our media has created super hype over incidents of US helicopters assault in Abbottabad, Mehran naval base attack, Kharotabad incident in Quetta, killing of Sarfaraz Shah in Karachi at the hands of soldier of Sindh Rangers, and murder of journalist Saleem Shehzad.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – July 07, 2011

Neither rain nor wind, nor heat and humidity dampened the enthusiasm of participants and volunteers during the first national VA2K, held on June 2 across VA.

Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses

For VA benefit purposes, Gulf War Veterans are defined as those who served on active duty in the Southwest Asia theater of military operations any time during the first Gulf War starting August 2, 1990 through the Iraq War and subsequent reduced operations in Iraq.

Starving Gaza Is Not Cricket

You're suddenly in the blockade busting business and if you succeed in getting through you'll put a lot of noses out of joint and symbolically squidge the evil ambitions of racist-supremacists like Netanyahu, Barak, Lieberman and Peres.

Murdoch’s Hackers National Security Threat

VT EXCLUSIVE: Massive espionage operation uncovered using the world's largest news organization as cover. News Corp operates against every free government in the world.

9/11 Mythology, The “Linchpin” of Our Era

9-11 is the linchpin of our era. Here we have a 3-hour video production that provides enough direct and circumstantial evidence against the perpetrators to reproduce the bloody reaction of the French revolution.

Jewish Self-Reflection is Overdue

Rather than 'blaming the Goyim' time after time, it is surely about time for Jewish academics and scholars to launch a true enterprise, driven by inward looking and genuine self-reflection.

Israel Battles Gaza Flotilla on Two Fronts

The second front where Israel is fighting against the Gaza Flotilla is in its constant struggle to maintain control over the American corporate media.

U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for Jul 06, 2011

Science, Engineering and Technology Associates, Arlington, Va., was awarded a $48,200,000 firm-fixed-price cost-plus-fixed-fee contract.

Propaganda, The News, What People Believe & Why

Dr. Cynthia Boaz deals with a common source, FOX News, and their application and employment of standard propaganda and "spin" techniques which we see every day.

To Renee Fleming from a Flaming Fleming

Renee Fleming is scheduled to perform Jerusalem on 28 July to sing a concert of ‘duets and arias’ accompanied by ‘Israel’s flagship’ the Israel Philharmonic, which is to be broadcast to 480 cinemas across America under the title ‘Live from Jerusalem’.

24 Bases With Reported TCE Water Contamination

Camp Pendleton encompasses about 125,000 acres in southern California (MCB Camp Pendleton 2001a and 2001b; USEPA 2004). The base lies along the Pacific Ocean and contains an estimated 17 miles of coastline (MCB Camp Pendleton 2001a and 2001b).

Orchestrated Media Campaign to Mortify Army and ISI

November 2000 elections in USA were gerrymandered by Zionists to get George W Bush elected. 9/11 was masterminded by Jews, Bush and Dick Cheney to achieve strategic and economic objectives by making Afghanistan and later Iraq as bases of operations. 19 fanatical Arab hijackers were allowed to crash two of the four hijacked planes into WTC so as to pass Patriot Act, build up military and invade Afghanistan.

Grantham University Partners with VT Network to Hire Veteran Employees

Grantham University, a 60-year-old institution delivering accredited online degrees to working adult students around the world, is pleased to announce its new partnership that...

Drawdown of American Troops Has Finally Arrived

Proxy war fought by Pakistan at the behest of USA in 1980s in return for $3.5 billion assistance proved too costly for Pakistan.
Palestinian childs head

Israel’s Hate Runs Deep

The politicians and media tell us Israel is a democracy, yet, Israel does not even have its own constitution, which is a violation of...

Hasbara Psychosis

What is absolutely clear is that, once again, the abuser and the murderer considers itself (herself) to be the 'victim'.

Book Review: “Among the Truthers”

Those such as Kay who seek to delegitimize the 9/11 Truth Movement infer that one should accept official explanations however ludicrous, and that to go off as individuals searching for veracity indicates defective cognition.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – July 06, 2011

In recognition of Women Veteran’s Health Month, country music star and Veteran Stephen Cochran and Veteran Shanda Taylor-Boyd tell a story of VA Research turning hope into reality

Has the Declaration of Independence “Expired?”

America needs a new declaration of independence. The old one is as forgotten and tattered as the constitution that followed it, values forgotten, independence set aside, subjugated to a very real global conspiracy.

Imbedded Crises

Those old enough to remember the promise of a post-Cold War peace dividend also recall how we segued seamlessly from a global Cold War to a global War on Terrorism.

The Floundering “Ship of State”

Americans can be allowed to hate. We do it anyway. Back in the school yard, we settled our differences with our fists. In the process, we built a way of life, free of psychologists and "conflict resolution" or "anger management' classes.

Army’s Top Brass Acknowledge Need For Alternative PTSD Vet Care

If combat veterans are responding positively to these once a week eight week action oriented heart centered workshops ~ it’s time for the VA to open the door to alternative healing methodologies which the rest of the country is already acknowledging, supporting and experiencing.

The Focus of the US Media is MIA on July Fourth

The citizens of the US gets all energized to a case in Florida regarding the death of a toddler.

VA: Invoking God at Services OK

The Department of Veterans Affairs on Thursday said that invoking the name of God or Jesus is not only allowed, but common at VA National Cemeteries across the country.

President Praises Troops During July 4 Event at White House

Military service members attending the White House Independence Day celebration represent the latest in a long line of heroes who have served the United States with honor and sacrificed much to protect the freedoms all Americans enjoy, President Barack Obama said here today.

Will Agent Orange Ever Disappear?

It is hard to imagine that the global effect of Agent Orange will ever simply fade away. The ramifications I have been writing about along with thousands of others, makes me think it might well carry-on into the next century.

At VA National Cemeteries, Families’ Wishes Come First

Our focus at the National Cemetery Administration always has been and always will be on Veterans and their families—and how we can best serve them in their hour of need.

Crisis by Consensus

Greece is in crisis because it has too much debt. The US is in crisis because it needs to issue more debt.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – July 05, 2011

VA’s Office of Rural Health has been working hard to improve the quality of care for Veterans living in rural areas.

Palestinian people power – could it be a game-changer?

Just imagine it... Several hundred thousand or better still one or two million Palestinians or more marching peacefully to the 1967 borders. -- By Alan Hart

‘US needs A Declaration of Independence – from Israel’

“In light of this long — but still very partial — list of abuses and usurpations committed by Israel, it is past time for the US to end its ‘special relationship’ with Israel and declare its independence from that country,” — by Henry Nor

New Cancer Paradigm; It’s About Time!

A solution to the scourge of cancer is at hand. Researchers now know where to look, and they may soon be uncovering data that brings an end to the monopolized medical nightmare.

The American Dream – Connecting The Dots

A musical tribute to the American Dream, brought to you by SOTT.net. Happy Fourth of July everyone!

Remembering the Forgotten on Independence Day

Today is American Independence Day, a time to celebrate.