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Is Netanyahu Getting Back at Putin with Volgograd Bombings?

As the Russian Sochi Winter Olympics date approaches, a wave of suicide bombings in Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad, site of the decisive resistance to German invasion in 1942), have wreaked death and uncertainty in the region.

Zionism, false flags, tyranny: The REAL weekly news!

Did Obama make a satirical Zio-Nazi salute just to piss off Netanyahu? You read it here first!

East – West battle for the Ukraine

- We have an old saying here in the US, “The witch you know is better than the one you don’t.”

Are American Jews incubating another Hitler?

- M I Bhat - The recent headline ‘White House urges Jewish leaders not to lobby for new Iran sanctions’ - beats every word said and written so far.

US/Al-Qaeda threatened Olympics through Saudi proxy

426 children were killed as a pretext to invade a country...these are obviously, monsters of historic proportion.

Crisis in Western leadership – Where are the Statesmen?

- "They (the government) actually believe that...if they can keep us from knowing the truth, they think they can win” - General Wesley Clark, 2006

Putin and Congress Checkmate Obama War-hawks

- “The US must carry out some act somewhere in the world which shows its determination to continue to be a world power.”...Henry Kissinger

Syria welcomes Putin’s OK to put chemical weapons under international control

- But Israel and Rebel Terrorists get to keep all their WMD

Syria welcomes Putin's OK to put chemical weapons under international control

- But Israel and Rebel Terrorists get to keep all their WMD

“We Didn’t Know There Were Chemical Weapons”

Everyone, even Obama, knows Assad would have to be psychotic to launch a chemicals weapons attack with UN inspectors only miles a way.

"We Didn't Know There Were Chemical Weapons"

Everyone, even Obama, knows Assad would have to be psychotic to launch a chemicals weapons attack with UN inspectors only miles a way.

Veil of Lies, Snowden and Wikileaks

The Selling of "Snowden" The Selling of Snowden By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor We are told, "and how" we are told, aided by every discredited media hack on the planet, that poor Snowden is flying to Russia where he will either be given "safe passage" or "considered" for asylum.

Turkey Delivered Chem Weapons to Syrian Rebels

Russian President Vladimir Putin said chemical laboratories in Iraq are producing chemical weapons for the terrorists in Syria, confirming a detailed report by the FNA last month which said former Ba'ath regime officials are involved in the production and procurement of such weapons to the Syrian terrorists.

Putin, The Middle East’s "New Sheriff"

There's a new Sheriff in town in the Middle East. President Putin reminded Barry that he's in charge.

Finland: A Terrorist Haven

Finnish officials started to interact with Chechen terrorists as far back as 1999. Rene Nyberg, a high standing official from Finnish Foreign Ministry, first met Chechen representatives at the Helsinki EU summit by the end of 1999.

CHINA: New Sheriff In Town

Let’s Bottom Line this world changing event. China said "Jump" the US said "How high?"

Kayani-Putin: When Two Former Spy Masters Meet

With global geopolitics rapidly evolving and progressing into a dynamic wave of new-founded strategic partnerships, Pakistan and Russia have resorted to making most of the current scenario by increasing bilateral communication and eventual understanding.

Putin’s Geopolitical Chess Game with Washington in Syria and Eurasia

Since reassuming his post as Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin has lost no minute in addressing the most urgent geopolitical threats to Russia internationally.

Bulgaria – Terror Attack or Rotten Fish?

- A top Bulgarian official warned that it would be a mistake”to blame a specific country or organization for the attack.

How a meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood offers new hope to...

In an unremarkable building near Istanbul this week took place an extraordinary meeting. For the first time in 30 years Syria's Muslim Brotherhood gathered together. One hundred and fifty leading members were in Turkey for two days, they claimed, to help the revolution against Bashar al-Assad.

Syrian Opposition: No Change in Russian Support of Assad

WORLD NEWS TOMORROW- After meeting with Russia’s foreign minister, leaders of the Syrian opposition say Moscow’s support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad allows violence in Syria to continue.

Israel and Russia, New “Best Friends”

Two interpretations by the participants themselves, of what significant international meetings achieved, the first on 6/25/12 and the second five days later, remind us about subjectivity in the eyes of the beholders.

Putin Demands War on Iran

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said he and visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin see eye to eye on the dangers of Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Facts and Suspicions – Middle East Intel Drop

"The usual suspects" who see NATO plots everywhere, usually quoting France's leadership of NATO as key to their crackpot theories, France having left NATO in 1959, know nothing about Syria.

Engdahl on Putin, "The Putin Tape" (Video)

F. William Engdahl on the world with Putin back as Russian President: Engdahl explains US Missile Defense it is not Ballistic Missile Defense; it is Ballistic Missile Offense--a trigger to possible nuclear war.

Putin : Protesters Are Receiving Their Funding From The West

CIA/Soros funneling money through Georgia to Russian protesters. WMR has learned from an eastern European intelligence source that the CIA. Britain's MI-6, and George Soros, who actually fronts for the Rothschild family, has been funneling money to Russian protest movements through the Republic of Georgia.

October Notes: A Few Painful Disclosures

A flood of quality "intel" comes through VT. I will try to put out a mix of what is going around this week, certainly not out of the alternative press or as Kevin Barrett and I are beginning to look on it, "the controlled alternative press."

Sweeping Up the Mess and Saving Our Kids

It isn't the American people, it is our economic system, meaning a criminal element that has gained control of our banking, our currency and, to a very major extent, our government. There is no long term ability for the US to survive economically. Bush killed us.

Russians Rethinking Shifting Sands in the Mid East

Eric Walberg has a treasure trove of Russian geo-political archive material with a great piece below.

Odd Connections: Murdoch, Wikileaks and Everything

Of Murdoch's "assets," his most lethal "stinger" has been Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Their secret love affair is subject to continual obfuscations and denials though they are the political sweetheart team of all time, a veritable "Dr. Evil and MiniMe" of journalism.


Nihilists of The World Unite: Wikileaks Is The "Cognitive Infiltration" Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein By Webster Tarpley at www.tarpleynet.com Awareness is growing around the...