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Tag: zionism

On Kosher Statistics

- Can you think of another people on this planet who so spend so much time and energy measuring how much they are loved or hated?

Neocon psychos blow up Ukraine

Are the neocons blowing up Ukraine in service to Israel? Or are they just stupid?

Jews and Terminology

AIPAC, Blumenthal, Mondweiss and others follow a similar strategy. They insist upon imposing the notion of ‘correctness.’ But their efforts are actually counterproductive .

Donald Sterling, Cliven Bundy to start “Racist/Jewish State” in rural Nevada

Jewish and goyish racists are making aliyah to rural Nevada - to found a new apartheid state called White Zion.

A Skunk Named Rose

- Uri Avnery... "When the Israeli Left gives up the term Peace, this is not a tactical retreat. It is a rout. Peace is a vision, a political ideal."

The Biology Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (video)

It is an attempt to deconstruct the notion of the ‘Jewish genius’. It elaborates on the building of Jewish cognitive elite. It equates between the Zionist and Israeli elite that is highly pragmatic as well as sinister and Palestinian elite that is, to a certain extent, dysfunctional politically.

An Interview With David Rovics

We are both artists- he is an American singer/songwriter, I am a Jazz artist, we are outspoken, we both oppose imperialist wars and we also believe that ethics and aesthetics are somehow related and can bring a change.

Syria False Flags Exposed – War is Over

I just did two Syria interviews on Press TV. Together, I think they sum up one of the biggest stories of this strange new century.

Reports: Idiot Jew-hater kills two Methodists and a Catholic in KC

One perfect PR incident like this is more persuasive than a million rational arguments. And the Zionists know it.

Jonathan Pollard, the Lobby, Palestinian Political Paralysis and More

- Jim W. Dean..."Gilad is one of the few performing artist that weaves his Anti-Zionism activism into his music career seamlessly, the Jazz Man Energizer Bunny.

“Flight 370 Was Remote-Hijacked”

"Under the cover of the military exercises, something diabolical, something catastrophic, has happened."

He’s back again and No Holocaust Denier

A new Hitler Satire Tops Germany’s Best-Seller List. Let’s hope it won’t be long before Germans start, once more, to write great symphonies and the best philosophy ever.

‘MH370: 9/11-style false flag gone awry?’

The story that Flight 370 "just disappeared and presumably crashed" is impossible.

DDWN: Will Israel crash a 777 Into a building and blame...

What is this plane - the twin of missing Flight 370 - doing in an Israeli hangar?

Bad to the Bone: A Brief History of Ethnic Cleansing in...

David Ben-Gurion: “We will expel the Arabs and take their places…with the forces at our disposal.”

Marx and Freud’s Faustian Pacts and the Cosmic War Against The...

Marx “was fond of quoting Mephistopheles’ line from Goethe’s Faust, ‘everything that exists deserves to perish,” and this is actually “the background to the Communist Manifesto of 1848, and it is the climax of [Das] Capital itself.”

A book every American should read and discuss openly.

Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel By Alison Weir

Sexual and Masonic Ideology in French Revolution and Implications in Zionist...

The French Revolution cannot be fully understood without the sexual ideological worldview that lurked beneath the surface, and people like Diderot ended up defending its sexual liberation in one way or another.

Top 10 reasons why US should keep intervening in Ukraine

"We lost Crimea, so why not lose the whole country?"

Alain Soral and Gilad Atzmon on Jewish Power and cultural narcissism

True diverse humanism (as oppose to progressive ‘diversity’) poses the ultimate danger to Jewish cultural narcissistic chauvinism.

Understanding the Ukrainian Crisis Through the First and Fourth Centuries

Hilary Clinton: Putin’s “actions on the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine to those of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.”

‘Al-Qaeda, asset of Zionism in destabilizing Mideast’

"George are you a former US diplomat? You sound more like you are a former Israeli diplomat! "

Latest Snowden leak: Obama’s UNEDITED remarks to Netanyahu!

What Obama really thinks of Netanyahu.

Medea Benjamin brutalized in Egypt

"They ripped her arm out of her shoulder, giving her a fractured arm and a torn ligament."

The War Against Trevor (LaBonte)

For the first time I met a musician more outspoken than myself...

Uri Avnery – Their Mothers, Their Fathers

- Uri Avnery - "The film does not hide that the Jews were the main victims of the Nazi Reich, and nothing comes near their sufferings."

A Brief History of Terrorism in Palestine

In the United States, Jewish terrorist groups such as the Stern Gang tried to assassinate President Harris Truman, according to Truman’s daughter Margaret.

Confessed 9/11 terrorist Silverstein “helps NYC shine”

How much did 9/11 perp Larry Silverstein have to pay to place this sickening PR puff piece?

Self-hate and militant exceptionalism

The most dangerous dialog has always been that which has been both constructive and open.

Zionists celebrate occupation of USA

If you want to protest AIPAC's faltering death-grip on America, do it this year.

Ex-CIA Bin Laden chief Michael Scheuer speaks out

The Zio-cons "are defending, in many respects, a position that's absolutely treasonous to the United States, and incompatible with being an American citizen."

Judaism and Zionism: A Divorce In the Making…?

Way back in October 2001, a prominent and widely respected liberal London rabbi, Dr. David Goldberg, made what I thought at the time was the most remarkable statement ever made by a Jew in the 53 years that had passed since the creation, mainly by terrorism and ethnic cleansing, of the Zionist (not Jewish) state of Israel.

Ten reasons why I Support Alan Dershowitz, Not

Earlier today Haaretz published Dershowitz’ diatribe on the BDS. For the first time, I have to admit, I agree with the elder Zionist mouthpiece.

Zionist apocalypse coming?

Will "blood moons" bring a Zionist apocalypse?

You Are The Enemy

There is now a New American War. It is inside America. It is called the "War on Terror". The enemy is YOU! It is a staged, Phony War that has been created by the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).

Let’s talk about Palestinian refugees and 1948 for a change..

- TPV's Richie Allen discusses the current 'peace' negotiation with Gilad Atzmon

“We Must Impose Sanctions,” says MP.

I'd like to share, especially with American readers, a great moment in the British Parliament on 5 February when the MP for Gorton, Manchester, Sir Gerald Kaufman rose to speak in a debate on the humanitarian situation in Gaza

Interview: Atzmon on Dieudonné, Alain Soral and Zionism

- "Since Israel defines itself as the Jewish State, it is only natural for Israelis to identify with a consistently tribal right-wing ideology."

The un-controlled Opposition

True dissidence - the league of people that forms the un-controlled opposition: those people and institutions that do not subscribe to Zionist hegemony funded by Soros and his ilk

The Greatest Coup D’état in World History is Complete

Game, Set, Match! The USA has been financially and mentally taken over in the greatest non-violent coup d'etat in world history. Now what?

Holocaust Day – The Time Is Ripe For A Jewish Apology

Jews should take this opportunity to apologise to the Gentiles around them for evoking all this anger.

The Problem of Usury in Western Culture (Part I)

Usury leads to compound interest, compound interest leads to economic collapse, and economic collapse leads to massive suffering.