ISIS: Muslim plot to take over the world
"Everything about ISIS fairly screams 'false flag operation.' But that's just the cover story."
Neocons confess: “We did 9/11-anthrax”
Every September, the neocons hype a series of public relations stunts designed to magnify fears of "radical Islam" and reinforce their crumbling 9/11-Anthrax cover story.
The Murder of Steven Sotloff
- Having seen the international reaction to the brutal murder of Jim Foley, ISIL have now gone on to murder Steven Sotloff, an Israeli-American.
All-Party Agreement in Canada on War with ISIL
John Baird, Marc Garneau, and Paul Dewar, the Three Amigos of Canadian Foreign Policy, Present a Unified Front Pushing for More War in the Middle East
ISIL supported by shadow governments: US journalist
The ISIL terrorist organization is “one of a network of groups,” who are supported by “shadow governments” and numerous regimes around the world.....
Israel, ISIL have a lot in common
ISrael would be a paradise for people who like to shoot children and cut off heads.
‘Islamic State’ head-choppers: The best enemy money can buy
Like the Federal Reserve, which is neither federal nor has any reserves, Islamic State is neither Islamic nor a state.
Zionist Neo-Bolshevik Holocaust Has Already Begun
Paul Craig Roberts: “Dear readers, ask yourselves, when has Washington told you anything that was not a lie?”
ISIS exposed at House of Lords
Islamic scholar Dr. John Morrow is organizing Muslims to protect Christian from the likes of ISIS.
US talk of droning ISIL chief a sideshow
- The purpose of this sideshow is to avoid the history of using terrorists as proxy regime-change troops as having been a complete disaster for the region.
New Caliphate: West sees no terrorism, hears no terrorism
“US, under the guise of combating terrorism, had unleashed a chain of military insanity in Iraq that ultimately led to the establishment of real terrorism and a real terrorist organization, namely ISIS”
ISIL funded by US to break up region
The US has been used by the Zionists to create these divisions: sectarian divisions, ethnic divisions in Middle Eastern countries in order to break them up.
Iraq Crisis Made in Israel
The Iraq war is just one facet of Israel’s Oded Yinon plan to balkanize the Middle East.
Murdered Israeli Teens: A Cabalistic Conspiracy?
"The event contains the mark of a PSYWAR operation. It created a powerful symbol that will not allow the victims to forget."
Obama Throws Gasoline on Mideast Fire
Motorists know that if a fire breaks out at a petrol station, you cannot put it out by spraying it with gasoline.
US, Israel, KSA trio back ISIL violence: Analyst
- “Intelligence sources tell us that this trio, hiding behind the ISIL, is waging a corporate war across the Mid East, a surrogate war backed by corporate billions.”
Is ISIL really Sunni?
Should Sunni Muslims file a class action lawsuit against media outlets that are spreading this calumny.
Israeli regime favors Iraq partition
"This is precisely what these hard-line Zionists want to do with Iraq."
ISIL vs. Israel: two sides of the same coin
"ISIL and Al Qaeda is the normal response to the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel"
Terrorists assault world’s sanity
Their goal: Spreading stupidity, incompetence, evil, and utter lunacy to the farthest ends of the earth.
Is Boko Haram a psy-op?
"Boko Haram vs. schoolgirls": Another PR fabrication? It certainly smells that way.
Saudi Arabia arming, financing lunatic militants
“If there is one autocracy in the Middle East that is crying out for regime change, it is Saudi Arabia.”
‘Al-Qaeda, asset of Zionism in destabilizing Mideast’
"George are you a former US diplomat? You sound more like you are a former Israeli diplomat! "
McCain Goes Takfiri!
"This must be the first time a sitting United States Senator has conducted a suicide bombing."
ISIS “too extreme for al-Qaeda”
Too evil for the Church of Satan? Too extreme for al-Qaeda? WOW. I'm impressed.
Tel Aviv, Riyadh form bizarre alliance
Al-Qaeda has always been a false flag operation, designed to sow discord and violence and keep the Middle East in chaos.
Al Qaeda Surges Ahead in Syria
While the major powers behind the proxy civil war in Syria go through the motions of working out a diplomatic solution, rebel forces have begun fighting each other, rather than the Assad regime.